in alphabetical order
Copyright © 2003-2004 Dr. Klaus Dierks
Cain, John
Last departure from Namibia: 1887
John Cain was a trader who lived at Okahandja with his Ovaherero wife and several
children. He moved to the Transvaal before November 1887.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:18;
Cain, Willi
* in Namibia
+ in Namibia
Willi Cain was probably a son of John Cain and his Ovaherero wife. He was murdered in 1899
by the German Prinz Prosper von Arenberg.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Campbell, John
* 03.1766 at Edinburgh, Scotland
+ 04.04.1840 at London, England
John Campbell was born in March 1766 at Edinburgh in the United Kingdom. He was a director
of the London Missionary Society. He was appointed to the first deputation to inspect LMS
settlements in southern Africa. He travelled extensively in South Africa between 1812-1814
and 1819-1821, coming close to Namibia and reporting relevant information in his published
works. He died on 04.04.1840 at London.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
1). SOAS: GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Boxes 3,5 (Papers 1772-1840)
RAW DATA: Lau: Hahn I;
Campher, Lourens Ignatius
* 10.03.1927 at Bloemhof, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1952
Lourens Ignatius Campher was born on 10.03.1927 at Bloemhof in South Africa. He was a
medical doctor who studied at the University of Pretoria. He came to Namibia in 1952 and
practised in Omaruru. He was married to Ann Elizabeth Campher, née Shepperson in 1953.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MED
Profession: Medical doctor
Married to: Ann Elizabeth Campher, née Shepperson, married 1953-
Father: Lourens Ignatius Campher
Caprivi de Caprera de Montecuccoli, Georg Leo von, Graf (Count)
* 24.02.1831 at Berlin, Germany
+ 06.02.1899 at Skyren near Krossen, Germany
Georg Leo von Caprivi de Caprera de Montecuccoli was born on 24.02.1831 at Berlin in
Germany. He joined the Prussian Army in 1849. He was in active service in the
German/French War 1870/71. He became Generalmajor in 1877 and Generalleutnant in 1882. He
headed the German Navy in the rank of Vizeadmiral from 1883 to 1888. On 30.03.1890,
Emperor Wilhelm II appointed him as Chancellor (Reichskanzler) to succeed Bismarck, who
disagreed with the Emperor about foreign policy. Although the person was virtually unknown
in the country, Caprivi's name got famous in Namibia through the "Caprivi
Strip", which was named after him (allegedly by Theodor Leutwein) because under his
Chancellorship the so-called Heligoland Treaty with Britain was signed, which gave Germany
colonial authority over this stretch of land between the Okavango and Zambezi rivers.
Caprivi resigned from the Chancellorship on 26.10.1894 and was succeeded by Fürst
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst. He died on 06.02.1899 at Skyren near Krossen in Germany.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: Reichskanzler - Germany - 1890-1894
RAW DATA: Meyers Konversationslexikon 6.Aufl.; Drechsler 1966:70-72, 74, 77/78, 99-100,
295, 305, 312, 314, 316-317, 335-337, 339-340, 342, 347;
Carew, Henry Seymour
* in South Africa
+ 01.1880 at Natboud
Henry Seymour Carew was a hunter and trader. He was from South Africa and married a Baster
woman of Rehoboth. He first lived in the Witbooi area, which he left in 1871, then for
five months among the Kai||Khaun (Red Nation) at Hatsamas, and on 01.01.1972 settled at
Gurumanas. He died in 1880 when he was run over by a wagon. His wife continued his
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:18;
Carlsson, Bernt
* .1938 at Stockholm, Sweden
+ 21.12.1988 at Lockerbie, Scotland
Bernt Carlsson was born in 1938 at Stockholm in Sweden. He joined the Swedish Social
Democratic Youth League at the age of sixteen. He studied economics at the University of
Stockholm and became assistant to the Minister of Commerce in 1967. He was appointed as
International Secretary of the Social Democratic Party of Sweden in 1970 and became
Secretary-General of the Socialist International from 1976-1983. He was appointed as the
United Nations Commissioner for Namibia from 1987 to 1988. He was killed in the Pan Am
aeroplane crash near Lockerbie in Scotland in December 1988, while he was on his way to
New York for the United Nations ceremony marking the Namibia peace agreement.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: Secretary-General - Socialist International - 1976-1983
Commissioner for Namibia - United Nations - 1987-1988
1). International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam (Papers 1972-1983, mostly from
his Socialist International period, not on Namibia)
Carlsson, Carl
* in Sweden
Carl Carlsson was a Swedish hunter and trader who resided at Omaruru during the 1870s. In
1880 Carlsson and Leen had a store near Rautanen's mission in Ondonga.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:18-19;
Carvalho, Ruy Duarte de
Ruy Duarte de Carvalho studied cultural anthropology at the Ecole des hautes études en
sciences sociales, Paris. He taught anthropology at the University of Luanda. His major
body of work focussed on the Otjiherero speaking communities of southwestern Angola,
namely the Kuvale.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ACA
Profession: Anthropologist
Namibia National Archives Database
Castell-Rüdenhausen, Hubertus, Graf zu
* .1909 at München, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1935
Hubertus Castell-Rüdenhausen was born in 1909 at München in Germany. He came to Namibia
in 1935. He was a hunter, writer and nature conservationist.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Castray, Charles Cathcart
Charles Cathcart Castray was a trader, farmer, settler and associate of Prof. Wahlberg.
Since the mid-1850s he was in partnership with trader Wilson. He belonged to the group of
traders who became politically involved in the 1860s in Otjimbingwe.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler;
First entry to Namibia: 14.06.1859
Cator was a British officer, who travelled for leisure with J. Chapman and other in
Namibia between 1859 and 1861.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:19;
Chapman, Henry Samuel
* 04.08.1834 at Cape Town, South Africa
+ 09.08.1922 at Braamfontein, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 02.1860
Henry Samuel Chapman was born on 04.08.1834 at Cape Town in South Africa. He was a hunter
and trader. He was a brother to James Chapman (Jnr.) He arrived at Walvis Bay by sea in
February 1860, and travelled extensively between Walvis Bay, Ovamboland, Hereroland, Lake
Ngami and the Cape until 1863. Later he lived at Oudtshoorn, Kimberley and Johannesburg.
He died on 09.08.1922 at Braamfontein in South Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Married to: Mrs. Chapman (-1886)
Father: James (Snr.) Chapman
Children: Maude McCabe (married Chapman)
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:19-20;
Chapman, James, (Jnr.)
* 27.12.1831 at Cape Town, South Africa
+ 04.02.1872 at Du Toit's Pan, Kimberley, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1855
Last departure from Namibia: 1871
James Chapman (Jnr.) was born on 27.12.1831 at Cape Town in South Africa. He was a trader,
hunter, traveller, and photographer. He was one of the first persons to take photographs
in Namibia, but only few of the photos have survived. The photographs he took during his
journey with Galton and Andersson have never been found. Between 1852 and 1864 he was
engaged in trading expeditions which led him several times to Nama- and Damaraland. He
published a detailed journal. Chapman attempted to farm at Anawood on the banks of the
Swakop River in 1863 and 1864, but was forced to abandon the ideas owing to the
Nama-Ovaherero-War, in which he refused to become involved. From 1864-1870 he lived at
various places in South Africa, but returned as a trader and hunter to Hereroland and
Ovamboland between 1870-1871. He was married to Cecilia Catherine (Cissy) Roome on 12 May
1857. They had four children. He died on 04.02.1872 at Du Toit's Pan, Kimberley in South
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Trader
Married to: Cecilia Catherine (Cissy) Chapman, née Roome, married 1857-
Father: James (Snr.) Chapman
Children: William James Bushnell Chapman (1858-1932)
1). NAN: A.233 (Manuscript of "Travels in the interior of Africa"; notes on
hunting, geology, gold etc.)
2). NAN: A.410
RAW DATA: Lau 1985:V1249; Tabler 1966:26; Tabler 1973:21-22; Chronology of Namibian
History, 2003 (Dierks);
Chapman, William James Bushnell
* 22.03.1858 at Cape Town, South Africa
+ 14.10.1932 in the Gobabis District
First entry to Namibia: 1864
William James Bushnell Chapman was born on 22.03.1858 at Cape Town in South Africa. He was
the eldest son of James Chapman (Jnr.). He was a trader, hunter and farmer. He firstly
entered Namibia as a child in 1864, but was sent back to Cape Town the same year. He
returned on 16.06.1874 to Walvis Bay as assistant at Harrison's store but soon left for
trading and hunting trips to the interior. He started trading with Ovamboland in 1875. He
went to Angola in 1881 and farmed in Humpata, Angola. He frequently returned to Namibia
for hunting and trading, and resettled with other Angola Boers in Namibia in 1928 where he
settled in the Gobabis district. He married Hester Sophia Jacoba Opperman, daughter of a
Dorsland trekker, in 1884. Nine children were born to them. After his wife's death in
1902, he remarried the widow of Otto Peters (born Van der Walt) in 1905. He died on
14.10.1932 in the Gobabis District.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR
Profession: Farmer
Married to: <1>Hester Sophia Jacoba Chapman, née Opperman (-1902), married
<2> ? Chapman, née Van der Walt, married 1905-
Father: James Chapman (1831-1872)
1). NAN: A.233 (Account of history of Angola Boers; memoirs)
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:21-25;
Chikamatondo, Subya (Masubya) King
[Liswani, traditional title]
In the eastern parts of the Caprivi Strip, the Subya (Masubya) community elected Liswani
Chikamatondo (1909-1945) as their King. The German representative, Kurt Streitwolf, who
was sent by the colonial administration to establish administrative structures in the
Caprivi Strip, supported the election. The Subya had a traditional leadership structure
with the title Liswani for more than 200 years. When Streitwolf visited the Subya
area in 1909, he found very few Masubya, because many had fled when they heard that the
Germans would arrive due to the German oppression policy against the Ovaherero which was
well known in the Caprivi Strip. Chikamatondo died in July 1945 and was followed by Liswani
Moraliswani (1945-1996).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Cholnoky, Bela Jenö
* .1900
+ .1972
Hydrobiologist and botanist who researched about Namibian diatomaceae.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Namibia National Archives Database
Christian, Abraham, !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[!Nau Xab |Gari Numab - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Abraham - alternative spelling]
!Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) Captain Abraham Christian (!Nau Xab |Gari Numab) was the
successor to Jan Christian, before 1869. He was the ninth in the recorded genealogy of the
!Gami-#nun captains. In August 1843 Orlam Afrikaner Captain Jonker Afrikaner asked Rhenish
Missionary Heinrich Kleinschmidt to write a letter to Abraham Christian, to persuade him
not to proceed with his plans to attack the Ovaherero, together with the Kai||khaun (Red
Nation of Hoachanas). Abraham's successor was Jacobus Christian (Xau-||ob
!Nanxamab)(before 1869).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Bondelswarts - before 1869
Married to: Xau-||ôs
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:244; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Christian, Anna Katrina, !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[!Garisema !Nanse Gôa-Khoes - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Anna Katrina - alternative spelling]
!Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) Captain Anna Katrina Christian (!Garisema !Nanse Gôa-Khoes) was
elected in 1977. Before 1977 the South African Apartheid policy only allowed councillors
and no captains (this policy came into effect in 1953). She is the seventeenth in the
recorded genealogy of the !Gami-#nun captains.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Bondelswarts - 1977 -
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Christian, Jacobus, !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[Xau-||ob !Nanxamab - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Jakobus - alternative spelling]
[Christiaan, Jacobus - alternative spelling]
!Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) Captain Jacobus Christian (Xau-||ob !Nanxamab) was the successor
to Abraham Christian (!Nau Xab |Gari Numab) before 1869. He was the tenth in the recorded
genealogy of the !Gami-#nun captains. He died probably in 1869. Jacobus' successor was
Wilhelm Christian (#Nao Xab Xau-||ômab)(1869-1901).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Bondelswarts - 1943-1953
Married to: Gôa-khoes
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:244; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Christian, Jakobus, !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[Taoseb #Naoxamab - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Jakobus - alternative spelling]
+ .1943
Jakobus Christian (Taoseb #Naoxamab) was the Captain of the !Gami-#nun (Bondelswarts) from
1919 to 1943. He was the fifteenth in the recorded genealogy of the !Gami-#nun captains.
He was the son of Johannes Christian and returned from the South African exile in
1919. Jakobus took over the captainship from Wilhelm Christian (1918-1919). After his
return he was charged for entering South West Africa without the consent of the South
African SWA Administration. Jakobus was convicted but was given a suspended sentence. He
was allowed to stay in his community but the Administration refused to recognise him as
the Captain of the Bondelswarts. Instead Hendrik Sneeuwe was installed as Bondelswart
Chief. This treatment, compounded by the levying of a ridiculously high dog tax and a fee
for cattle-branding irons, led to the "Bondelswart Affair of 1922". There were
also indications towards the end of 1916 that the !Gami-#nun (Bondelswarts) were planning
a rebellion against the South Africans with involvement of Jakobus Christian (who was
still in exile in South Africa) and the local leader Adam Pienaar. In March 1920 the South
Africans asked for the resignation of Hendrik Sneeuwe due to some corruption practices.
Timotheus Beukes was appointed instead. This, again, was not accepted by the !Gami-#nun
(Bondelswarts). They still wanted Jakobus Christian as their Captain. In April 1922,
Abraham Morris, Jakob Marengo's co-commander who had fled German SWA (c. 1906) during the
German-Nama War 1903-1913, returned home from exile in South Africa. He crossed the Oranje
River at Haibmund. Morris and his party reached Guruchas (|Guruxas) near |Haib on
28.04.1922, where he was greeted by Jakobus Christian. This was reported to the South
African authorities in Warmbad and Windhoek. The SWA Administrator issued a warrant for
Morris' arrest. An attempt was made to bring Morris to Warmbad but the !Gami-#nun
(Bondelswarts) refused to allow this. Negotiations between the South Africans (Noothouse,
Superintendent of the Dreihoek reserve and Roman Catholic Father Krolikowski from
Guruchas) and the Bondelswarts were stalled. On 25.05.1922 Noothouse's house at Dreihoek
was raided by the !Gami-#nun (Bondelswarts). Four days later the !Gami-#nun (Bondelswarts)
were attacked by South African soldiers using war planes, bombs and submachine guns, and
there were more than 100 casualties on the !Gami-#nun side. Abraham Morris was killed on
29.05.1922 in Bergkamer in the |Haib Gorge near the Oranje River. The surviving !Gami-#nun
(Bondelswarts), together with Jakobus Christian, surrendered to Lieutenant Prinsloo at
Guruchas. Consequently Jakobus Christian was sentenced to five years imprisonment with
hard labour (04.06.1922) at Keetmanshoop, but was released in 1924. The South Africans now
installed him a Captain of the !Gami-#nun. He died in 1943. Successor was Nathanel
Christian (|Gariseb #Khami !Nansemab) from 1943 until 1953.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Bondelswarts - 1919-1943
Father: Johannes Christian (1903-1910)
Married to: !Hao-||êis
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:244; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Christian, Jakobus, !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[!Hao-||êib Taosemab - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Jakobus - alternative spelling]
After the death of !Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) Captain Nathanel Christian (|Gariseb #Khami
!Nansemab) in 1953, the South African Apartheid policy only allowed councillors and no
!Gami-#nun captains any more. In 1953 there were two candidates for the chieftaincy. One
was Jakobus Christian (!Hao-||êib Taosemab). This situation remained unchanged until 1977
when !Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) Captain Anna Katrina Christian (!Garisema !Nanse Gôa-Khoes)
was sworn in.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Bondelswarts - 1953-1977 (?)
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:244; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Christian, Jan, !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[|Garimûb - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Johannes - alternative spelling]
!Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) Captain Jan Christian (|Garimûb) was the successor to |O-bib,
before 1860. He was the eighth in the recorded genealogy of the !Gami-#nun captains. His
successor was Abraham Christian (!Nau Xab |Gari Numab)(before 1869).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Bondelswarts - before 1869
Married to: !Nouxas
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:244; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Christian, Jan Abraham, !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[!Nanseb Kaib #Naoxamab (Tôasib) - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Abraham - alternative spelling]
+ 25.10.1903 at Warmbad
Jan Abraham Christian was the Captain of the !Gami-#nun (Bondelswarts) from 1901 to 1903,
whose killing in October 1903 triggered the Bondelswart rising against the Germans. He was
the twelfth in the recorded genealogy of the !Gami-#nun captains. On 25.10.1903 a dispute about judicial power and the right to possess weapons arose between the
Bondelswart Nama and the Germans. Bondelswarts Chief Jan Abraham Christian and German
District Chief Lieutenant Walter Jobst were killed during a violent clash in Warmbad. The
Bondelswarts rose up under the leadership of Johannes Christian, who succeeded his elder
brother Abraham Christian, and Leutwein later reported that Jobst was mistaken in his
judgement to use violence against Abraham Christian. In the ensuing war against the
Bondelswarts, the Germans were supported by Hendrik Witbooi. After the death of Jobst,
Lieutenant von der Bussche organised the defence of Warmbad. Christian
followed his father Willem Christian (#Nao Xab Xau-||ômab)(1869-1901) and was succeeded
by his brother Johannes Christian (!Nanseb #Khami #Naoxamab)(1903-1906).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Bondelswarts - 1901-1903
Father: Willem Christian (1869-1901)
Married to: |Garises
RAW DATA: Leutwein 1906:294, 316, 439; Drechsler 1966:208; Budack 1972:244;
Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Christian, Johannes, !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[!Nanseb #Khami #Naoxamab - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Johannes - alternative spelling]
+ 05.03.1910
Johannes Christian was the Captain of the !Gami-#nun (Bondelswarts) from 1903 to 1910. He
succeeded his brother Abraham after the latter's death during the skirmish with the
Germans in October 1903. On 25.10.1903 a dispute about judicial
power and the right to possess weapons arose between the Bondelswart Nama and the Germans.
Bondelswarts Chief Jan Abraham Christian and German District Chief Lieutenant Walter Jobst
were killed during a violent clash in Warmbad. The Bondelswarts rose up under the
leadership of Johannes Christian, who succeeded his elder brother Abraham Christian, and
Leutwein later reported that Jobst was mistaken in his judgement to use violence against
Abraham Christian. In the ensuing war against the Bondelswarts, the Germans were supported
by Hendrik Witbooi. After the death of Jobst, Lieutenant von der Bussche organised the
defence of Warmbad. Christian was the thirteenth in the recorded genealogy
of the !Gami-#nun captains. In December 1903 he attacked the German military station
Uhabis. He took up weapons against the Germans in October, during the German-Nama War
1903-1913. He was interned in 1904, but was accidentally released in 1905, and immediately
took up the fight against the Germans (in many cases together with Jakob Marengo). In June
1906 Johannes Christian attacked Warmbad and Gabis. He concluded a peace treaty in
December 1906 (Christmas Peace of Ukamas) with the Germans. He died in South Africa on
05.03.1910. His indirect successor was Wilhelm Christian (Jnr.)(|Gariseb Gaib
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Bondelswarts - 1903-1910
Father: Willem Christian (1869-1901)
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:211, 216, 227-228, 230-231, 274; Leutwein 1906:316, 445, 451,
459; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Christian, Joseph
Joseph Christian was a brother of Johannes Christian and a leader of the Bondelswarts who
remained in 1907 south of the Oranje River in the Cape Colony in South Africa.
Gender: m
Father: Willem Christian (1869-1901)
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:231;
Christian, Nathanel, !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[|Gariseb #Khami !Nansemab - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Nathanel - alternative spelling]
[Christiaan, Nathanael - alternative spelling]
!Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) Captain Nathanel Christian (|Gariseb #Khami !Nansemab) was the
successor to Jakobus Christian (Taoseb #Naoxamab) in 1943. He was the sixteenth in the
recorded genealogy of the !Gami-#nun captains. He died 1953. Nathanel's successors were
Wilhelm Christian (Gôa-khoeb |Garisemab) and Jakobus Christian (!Hao-||êib Taosemab).
Both were candidates for the office of the !Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) Captain in 1970.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Bondelswarts - 1943-1953
Married to: Gôa-khoes
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:244; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Christian, Wilhelm (Snr.), !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[#Nao Xab Xau-||ômab - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Wilhelm - alternative spelling]
[Christian, Willem - alternative spelling]
[Monchab - corrupted spelling of Nama name]
+ 03.10.1901 at Warmbad
Wilhelm Christian (Snr.) was the Captain of the Bondelswarts or !Gami-#nun from March 1869
to his death in October 1901. He was the eleventh in the recorded genealogy of the
!Gami-#nun captains. His Nama name was #Nao Xab Xau-||ômab. As from 1870 he was selling
large areas of the !Gami-#nun traditional ground around Warmbad to white farmers (Jan
Louw, Piet le Riche, Leonard Celliers; a Scot with the name Hill bought the farms
Tsawasis, Holoog and Groendorn; Carl Wilhelm Walser from Switzerland bought the farms
Ukamas, Ariamsvlei, Nakop Swartkop and Walsersbrunn). On 22.12.1876 he held negotiations
with Palgrave at Warmbad. In 1884 Wilhelm Christian sold a huge track of communal ground
near Aussenkjer at the Oranje River. In June 1885 the German negotiator, Rhenish
Missionary Büttner, tried to conclude a private treaty with Christian, was, however, not
successful. In November 1888 he formed an alliance with Hendrik Witbooi against a faction
of the ||Hawoben. On 10.10.1889 he concluded a private treaty regarding the sale of land
including all the mining rights with Dr. Theophilus Hahn from the Kharaskhoma Syndicate.
On 21.08.1889 Christian established a protection treaty with Dr. Heinrich Ernst Göring.
Curt von Francois established a military station in Warmbad in 1894 in order to control
Wilhelm Christian. 1895 Christian allowed the "Herero-Orlams" to return to
Namibia (who had moved in the 1840s to the northern parts of the Cape Colony) and to
settle at Warmbad (later Vaalgras/Koichas in the ||Hawoben area). In October 1898 the
Germans carried out a punitive expedition against Christian because he refused to accept
the registration of rifles. He died on 03.10.1901 at Warmbad. He was succeeded by his son,
Jan Abraham Christian (!Nanseb Kaib #Naoxamab (Tôasib))(1901-1903).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - !Gami-#nun - 1869-1901
Married to: <1>!Nanses
Children: Jan Abraham Christian (!Nanseb Kaib #Naoxamab (1901-1903))
Johannes Christian (!Nanseb #Khami #Naoxamab (1903-1910))
RAW DATA: Lau 1995:229; Quellen 8; Budack 1972:244; Lau 1987:39-40; Drechsler 1966:38-39,
66-68, 97-98, 131, 330, 336, 342; Leutwein 1906:6f, 30, 70. 1153, 155. 265, 298, 314-316,
399, 439ff.; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Christian, Wilhelm (Jnr.), !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[|Gariseb Gaib !Nansemab - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Wilhelm - alternative spelling]
Wilhelm Christian (Jnr.) was the Captain of the !Gami-#nun (Bondelswarts) from 1918 to
1919, after the German colonial era had come to an end in 1915 and after the death of the
last !Gami-#nun Captain during the German period in 1910, Johannes Christian (!Nanseb
#Khami #Naoxamab). He was the fourteenth in the recorded genealogy of the !Gami-#nun
captains. After the return of Jakobus Christian (Taoseb #Naoxamab), son of Johannes
Christian, from the South African exile, Jakobus took over the captainship from Wilhelm
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Bondelswarts - 1919-1943
Father: Johannes Christian (1903-1910)
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Christian, Wilhelm, !Gami-#nun Captain (Bondelswarts)
[Gôa-khoeb |Garisemab - Nama name]
[Christiaan, Wilhelm - alternative spelling]
[Christiaan, Willem - alternative spelling]
After the death of !Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) Captain Nathanel Christian (|Gariseb #Khami
!Nansemab) in 1953, the South African Apartheid policy only allowed councillors and no
!Gami-#nun captains any more. In 1953 there were two candidates for the chieftaincy. One
was Wilhelm Christian (Gôa-khoeb |Garisemab). This situation remained unchanged until
1977 when !Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) Captain Anna Katrina Christian (!Garisema !Nanse
Gôa-Khoes) was sworn in.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Bondelswarts - 1953-1977 (?)
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:244; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Christie, J.J.
First entry to Namibia: 1876
J.J. Christie was a member of Palgrave's first mission to Namibia in 1876. He visited
Windhoek in March 1877.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:25;
Christie, P.
+ 05.11.1894 at Zuass
The trader P. Christie was the brother-in-law of George Tatlow, one of the first settlers
at Omaruru. He was murdered at Zuass on 05.11.1894.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Trader
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973;
Christine was a young Bantu - speaking woman who was freed from a slave ship by an
English cruiser and then worked for a German family at Trinidad. When the family returned
to Trinidad after a visit to Germany, she refused to return with them, and remained behind
with a minister. She returned to South Africa with the Rhenish missionaries, the family of
Carl Hugo Hahn (Snr.), in 1855, and eventually stayed at the mission station at Tulbagh.
Gender: f
RAW DATA: Lau 1985:V1250;
Claassen, C.J.
* 20.09.1933 at Viljoenskroon, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1955
C.J. Claassen was born on 20.09.1933 at Viljoenskroon in South Africa. He was educated at
Viljoenskroon and Steynsrus. He received his B.A. at the University of the Orange Free
State. He came to Namibia in 1955 as a clerk in the S.A. Department of Education and
Training. He was a Deputy Director of the Department of National Education from January
1981- (?).
Gender: m
RAW DATA: On record 06.05.-20.05.1987;
Clarke, Frederick
Frederick Clarke was a British businessman who was backing the "Groll Syndicate"
which acquired shares in German colonial undertakings.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:63;
Clave was a manager of a stud farm in German SWA.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:356;
Clausen, Kurt Constantin
* 12.11.1887 at Kiel, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 14.11.1910
Kurt Constantin Clausen was born on 12.11.1887 at Kiel in Germany. He came to Namibia on
14.11.1910. He was a farmer and sworn appraiser for the District Omaruru from 1922-1955.
He was married to Adelheid Emma Henriette Clausen, née Kern in 1916.
Gender: m
Married to: Adelheid Emma Henriette Clausen, née Kern, married 1916-
Father: Juan Gregorio Clausen
Namibia National Archives Database
Clay, William
William Clay was a trader and hunter. His stay in Namibia is documented for 1876
(Okahandja) and Leeupan (1878).
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:25;
Cleary, Sean
* .1948 at Somerset West, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1983
Sean Cleary was born in 1948 at Somerset West in South Africa. He studied at the
universities of Cape Town, UNISA and Pahlavi University, Iran. He received his military
service in the South African Navy. He was a South African diplomat, who was stationed in
Tehran (1971-1975), then in the S.A. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1976-1978), Washington
DC (1978-1983), and Los Angeles. In 1983 he became Director in the Office of the
Administrator-General for South West Africa. As Chairman of the firm Transcontinental
Consultancy he was in charge of the foreign propaganda operations of the South
African-installed "governments" in Namibia, mainly against the SWAPO Party which
was regarded as "Enemy No. One" by the South Africans in those years. He was
married to Sophia Johanna Cleary, née Smit.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Diplomat
Functions: Director - Office of the Administrator-General - 1984-
Married to: Sophia Johanna Cleary, née Smit
Namibia National Archives Database
Clements, P.B.
* .1866
+ .1946
P.B. Clements came from a British army family. He served in the 10th Royal Hussars
from1884 (-1893). Later he joined the Imperial Corps, the Bechuanaland Border Police. In
the First World War he took part in the invasion of German South West Africa as an officer
of the 1st SAMR. He was taken prisoner by the Germans during the battle of Sandfontein.
Later he was appointed military commandant of Swakopmund, 1915. He took part in the
Mandume expedition 1917. 1918 he was appointed Deputy Asst. Quarter-Master.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
1). NAN: A.306
Cleverly, John James
* .1856 in England
+ .1906 at Elliot, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1889
Last departure from Namibia: 1901
John James Cleverly was born in 1856 in England. Cleverly began his career as a civil
servant of the Cape Colony in 1876. He worked as customs officer in Port Elizabeth from
1884 to 1889, when he was transferred to Walvis Bay as acting Resident Magistrate. His
appointment was confirmed in July 1890, and he remained in Walvis Bay until 1901, when he
was transferred back to East London as collector of customs and registrar of shipping. He
was again in Walvis Bay as sub-collector of customs, civil commissioner and resident
magistrate from 1903 to 1904, before being appointed resident magistrate in Elliot
(Transkeian territory) in 1905. He died in Elliot at the age of 50 in 1906. His superiors
apparently did not think very highly of him. Correspondence of the British Colonial Office
(cited by Dreyer) depicted him as "a somewhat dangerous officer", "rather
foolish and loquacious", "repeating and magnifying gossip", and one remark
viewed him, apparently in the spirit of colonial solidarity, as "being prejudiced
against the German colonial Government." He died in 1906 at Elliot in South Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
Profession: Civil servant
1). Cape Archives (Journal)
RAW DATA: Dreyer 1987:23-24; Lau 1995:229; Wilkens and Fox 1978:18, 28; Drechsler
1966:339; Bülow 1896:35; His wife is buried in Walvis Bay; the gravestone is today kept
in the Walvis Bay Museum.;
Climo, Noah
Noah Climo was a chief managing miner at the Matchless Mine in 1857.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Cloete, Anna
Anna Cloete was the daughter of Daniel Cloete. She moved to Okombahe with her father, and
played a considerable role in the school there.
Gender: f
Field of activity: EDU
Father: Daniel Cloete (1830-1894)
RAW DATA: Driessler 1932:104;
Cloete, Daniel
* .1830
+ 06.07.1894 at Spitzkoppe
Daniel Cloete was a close associate of Carl Hugo Hahn for more than thirty years. He was
an Evangelist, Bible translator and interpreter. Supported by Hahn, he established and
managed the mission station at Okombahe between 1870 and 1880. In 1883, he left the
Rhenish Missionary Society and preached near Swakopmund until his death. He was married
and had at least five children. He died on 06.07.1894 near the Spitzkoppe and was buried
at Okombahe.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
RAW DATA: Lau 1985:V1250;
Cloete, Petrus
Petrus Cloete was a leading member of Hendrik Witbooi's following. The Cloetes in Namibia
all seem to have descended from Daniel Cloete, who came with missionaries Hahn and
Kleinschmidt from the Cape in 1842, and who later brought his father and brothers.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Olpp 1913; Hahn 1984/85:1250;
Cloete, Willem
Willem Cloete was a church community elder in Otjimbingwe in the 1900s.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Namibia National Archives Database
Cloos, Hans
* .1885
+ .1951
Hans Cloos was a German geologist who researched i.a. in Namibia.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Namibia National Archives Database
Cluitt, John
John Cluitt was a blacksmith. He lived at Omaruru at least between 1874 and 1877.
Gender: m
Profession: Blacksmith
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:25;
Coetzee, Cornelius G.
[Coetzee, Neels - colloquial name]
* 08.07.1931 at Potgietersrust, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1967
Cornelius G. Coetzee was born on 08.07.1931 at Potgietersrust in South Africa. He obtained
his Matrik at Lydenburg Hoër Skool. He received in 1951 his B.Sc. from the University
Pretoria and 1952 a teacher diploma. He was a teacher in South Africa from 1953 to 1957.
From 1958 to 1963 he was a researcher at the Medical Ecology Centre in South Africa. From
1963 to 1967 he was a curator of mammals at the Transvaal Museum. He came to Namibia in
1967 as Director of the State Museum (until 1982). From 1982 to 1989 he was the Deputy
Director at the Department of National Education, then Director, and 1990 Under-secretary
in the Ministry of Education. He retired in 1991 to Swakopmund. He was the President of
the SWA Scientific Society from 1976 to 1979. He also was a Member of the South African
Broederbond. He was married to Marianne Coetzee in 1955.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Zoologist
Functions: President - SWA Scientific Society - 1976-1979
Director - State Museum Windhoek - 1967-1982
Deputy Director of Culture - Dept. of National Education - 1982-1989
Married to: Marianne Coetzee, married 1955-
RAW DATA: Mitt.NWG 43,4-6;
Coetzee, Jacobus
* in South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1760
Last departure from Namibia: 1762
Jacobus Coetzee was baptised at Stellenbosch in South Africa on 08.10.1730. He was the
first documented European to cross the Oranje River into Namibia, in 1760. His report led
to Hop's expedition of 1761-1762. Coetzee accompanied that party as a guide. He was still
alive in 1803. He was married to Maria Coetzee, née Cloete in 1754.
Gender: m
Married to: Maria Coetzee, née Cloete, married 1754-
Mother: Elisabeth Paling
Father: Johannes Coetzee
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:26;
Cohen, Israel
* 06.06.1898 at London, England
Israel Cohen was born on 06.06.1898 in London in the United Kingdom. He came to Namibia in
1914. He joined S. Cohen Ltd. in 1935. He was a Director of S.W.A. Commercial Holdings. He
was married to Katie Cohen, née Kuperholz in 1929.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Katie Cohen, née Kuperholz, married 1929-
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959, 1974;
Cohen, Jack Leslie
* 11.03.1921 at Windhoek
Jack Leslie Cohen was born on 11.03.1921 at Windhoek. He was educated at St. George's
School in Windhoek. He visited the Kingswood College in Grahamstown and the University of
Cape Town. He served in World War II in East and North Africa. He was a prisoner-of
war of the Germans from 1942 to 1945. He joined the S. Cohen Company in 1949. He was the
Director of various companies. He was married to Naomi Cohen, née Sussman in 1954.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Naomi Cohen, née Sussman, married 1954
Father: Simon Gerald Cohen
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959, 1974;
Cohen, Simon
[Cohen, Sam]
* 26.07.1890 in Russia
+ 26.10.1977
First entry to Namibia: 1906
Simon Cohen was born on 26.07.1890 in Russia but came to England at the age of nine
months, where he was educated. He came to South Africa in 1903 and to Namibia in 1906,
when he run a general store in Swakopmund with his father. He returned to England in 1912.
He came to Namibia again in 1916 and built one of its largest business empires, mainly in
the motor trade but also with interests in the fishing industry and general trading. His
main firm S. Cohen (Pty) Ltd. was established in 1928, and the holding company SWA
Commercial Holdings in 1946. Cohen also made himself a name with contributing to
charities. The Sam Cohen Library in Swakopmund was built through a donation from him. He
died on 26.10.1977. He was married to Sophia Cohen, née Canter in 1920.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Sophia Cohen, née Canter, married 1920-
Father: Myer Cohen
Children: Jack Leslie Cohen (1921-)
RAW DATA: WWSA 1929/30, 1959, 1974; SWA Annual 1954;
Coillard, François
* .1834 at Asnières-lès-Bourges, France
+ .1904 at Lealui, Zambia
François Coillard was born of a Huguenot peasant family in Asnières-lès-Bourges in
France in 1904. He entered the Paris Evangelical Mission Society School of Missions and
was ordained in 1857. He started mission work in Lesotho. In 1885 he started the Zambezi
mission among the Lozi under King Lewanika, first at Sefula, later at Lealui, a mission
that also had an impact on the Caprivi region of Namibia. He died at Lealui in 1904. He
was married to Christina Coillard, née Mackintosh (1829-1891) in 1861.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Christina Coillard, née Mackintosh (1829-1891), married 1861-
1). Zimbabwe National Archives
2). Archives of the Departement Evangelique Français d'Action Apostolique, Paris
Coleman, William
William Coleman was the brother-in-law and manager of the trader Ricketts at Tsûb|Garis.
He and his wife Annie were godparents of many Witbooi children baptised at Gibeon. He was
married to Annie Coleman, née Ricketts.
Gender: m
Married to: Annie Coleman, née Ricketts
RAW DATA: Quellen 17:11.1.1886;
Collier, Edward
Edward Collier was a miner on the Matchless Mine in 1857.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Collins, Charles
+ in Namibia
Charles Collins was a trader. He was robbed and killed by Nama before 1868.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:26;
Collins, Gerald George
* 01.10.1906 at London, England
First entry to Namibia: 1929
Gerald George Collins was born on 01.10.1906 at London in the United Kingdom. He was
educated at the William Ellis School and the University of London. He joined the Colonial
Bank in London in 1924. He came to Namibia in 1930 in the employ of Barclays Bank. He
became regional manager for SWA in 1956 until his retirement in 1966. After retirement, he
continued to serve on the Bank's Board (as Chairman from 1987-1981). He was the Chairman
of the Chamber of Commerce, 1972-. He was a keen amateur photographer, whose photos were
widely published, and active in a number of clubs, boards and associations, including the
South Africa Foundation, the Arts Association, the Windhoek Photographic Society, the SWA
Jägerverein, the SWA Football Association, the Windhoek Club, the Windhoek Library
Committee, SWAPAC, and the SWA Board of Censors. He was married to Sigrid Sophie Collins,
née Volker in 1933.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Banker
Married to: Sigrid Sophie Collins, née Volker, married 1933
Father: G.W.E. Collins
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959; Namibiana 10;
Conradie, David Gideon
* 24.08.1879
+ 30.09.1966
David Gideon Conradie was born on 24.08.1879. He served as Administrator for South West
Africa from April 1933 to March 1943. He died on 30.09.1966.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
Functions: Administrator for South West Africa - 1933-1943
Namibia National Archives Database
Conradie, Jan
* 22.08.1930 at Kimberley, South Africa
Jan Conradie was born on 22.08.1930 at Kimberley in South Africa. He studied at UNISA
(LL.B. 1974) in South Africa. He was transferred to Namibia in 1975, where he worked as a
state legal advisor.
Gender: m
Field of activity: LAW
Namibia National Archives Database
Conradie, Pieter Jacobus
* 16.03.1923 at Britstown, C.P., South Africa
Pieter Jacobus Conradie was born on 16.03.1923 at Britstown in South Africa. He came to
Namibia at an unknown date, but after 1949. He served in 1959 as Windhoek Town Clerk. He
was a Member of the SWA Sports Control Body. He was married to Christina Conradie, née
Serfontein in 1949.
Gender: m
Married to: Christina Conradie, née Serfontein, married 1949-
Father: J.L.J. Conradie
Conradt, Ludwig
[Konraat, L.]
* 26.02.1853 at Köslin, Pomerania, Germany (now Poland)
+ 31.08.1920 at Windhoek
Ludwig Conradt was born on 26.02.1853 at Köslin in Germany. He was a trader, farmer and
writer. He came to Namibia with the Lüderitz enterprise and made himself independent in
the late 1880s. He traded regularly with Hendrik Witbooi, supplying him with ammunition as
late as 1891. He was one of the very few German settlers who were protected by the
Ovaherero in 1904. A study of his record of nine court sentences, mostly for
"insults", between 1890 and 1908, suggests that his "crime" was
speaking out against colonial officials' practices. Although Conradt came to own four
farms, developed properties in Rehoboth and Gibeon, and authored various publications, he
spent his last years in a shed on a farm no longer his own, with only the most rudimentary
furniture and equipment. He appears as a creditor in Hendrik Witbooi's "Debt
Book". He died on 31.08.1920 at Windhoek.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS WRI
Conrath, C.
C. Conrath was a trader from London. He came to Namibia some time after 1864 to manage the
business of the mission trading company (Rheinische Missions-Handelsgesellschaft). There
was considerable conflict with the Rhenish Missionary Carl Hugo Hahn, whose authority he
refused to accept. Conrath represented the traders in September 1870 at Okahandja at the
meeting between the Nama and the Ovaherero chiefs that ended the first Nama - Herero war.
He also witnessed the Peace Treaty. As he proved incompetent, he was dismissed in 1877.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Tabler 1972:26; Metzkes 1962:74+79; v.Schumann; Faulenbach;
First entry to Namibia: 1909
Conze was a Ministerialdirektor (in the German Colonial Office). He travelled to Namibia
in 1909.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:291, 366;
Cooke, Cranmer Kenrick
* .1906 at Somerset, England
+ 03.96.1992 at Howick, Natal, South Africa
Cranmer Kenrick Cooke was born in 1906 at Somerset in England. He was an archaeologist who
also researched on Namibia. He died on 03.96.1992 at Howick, Natal in South Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Archaeologist
RAW DATA: Obituary: SA Archaeological Bulletin vol.47 (1992) p.127;
Cook, Edward Boyer
* 04.11.1806 at Long Whatton, Leicestershire, England
+ 09.03.1843 at the Oranje River
Edward Boyer Cook was born on 04.11.1806 at Long Whatton in the United Kingdom. He was a
Wesleyan missionary who arrived in the Cape Colony in 1832 and settled at Warmbad in May
1834, after funds donated by Josiah Nisbett facilitated the re-establishment of a mission
station there. During his sojourn in the country, he travelled extensively and visited
several prominent leaders in Namibia at the time, including Amraal Lamberts and Jonker
Afrikaner. He married Frances Thornhill in January 1834. They had five children. He died
on 09.03.1843 at the Oranje River.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Frances Cook, née Thornhill, married 1834-
RAW DATA: Lau: Hahn; DSAB III; Tabler 1973:26-27; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Cooper, Allan D.
Allan D. Cooper was an Associate Professor of Political Science at St. Augustine's
College, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. He has published and edited numerous articles and
books on Namibia. He has been involved in anti-apartheid work since 1974 and is the author
of the first divestment bill passed in the U.S.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Namibia National Archives Database
Cooper, Charles
Charles Cooper was a British businessman who was backing the "Groll Syndicate"
which acquired shares in German colonial undertakings.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:68;
Cope, Rupert Stephen
* 29.05.1875 at Bredasdorp, South Africa
Rupert Stephen Cope was born on 29.05.1875 at Bredasdorp in South Africa. He served as a
captain in the South African Army between in 1914 and 1919, including the South West
Africa campaign. Later he was a civil servant in the Department of Native Affairs and was
stationed at Okamwandi in Ovamboland. He was married to Lorna Mary Cope, née Fogarty in
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL ADM
Married to: Lorna Mary Cope, née Fogarty, married 1922-
Father: Edwin Thomas Cope
RAW DATA: WWSA 1929/30;
Corbett, D.
D. Corbett was a wagon repairer, worked for the Walvis Bay Mining Company in 1857.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Corbett, James
James Corbett was a "very able workman" employed by the Walvis Bay Mining
Company in 1857.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Corbitt was a trader who was at Otjimbingwe in February 1861.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:28;
Cordes, Max Emil Robert
* 15.02.1875 at Leipzig, Germany
+ 05.11.1943 in Namibia
First entry to Namibia: 189905
Max Emil Robert Cordes was born on 15.02.1875 and educated in Leipzig in Germany. He was
trained as watchmaker. He joined the German army in 1897, and the Schutztruppe in 1899. He
served as personal secretary of Governor Theodor Leutwein from 1901, and followed Leutwein
after the latter's retirement to Germany to assist him in the writing of his memoirs
"Elf Jahre Gouverneur in Deutsch-Südwestafrika". After his return to Namibia,
he was stationed at Otavi from 1906 to 1907. He retired from military service and worked
for the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft in Swakopmund. He was the first town clerk of
Swakopmund, from 1910 until his death in November 1943, only interrupted by military
service in 1914/15 during World War One. He was married to Franziska Cordes, née Mayer in
Gender: m
Married to: Franziska Cordes, née Mayer, married 1907-
Children: Ruthilde Hillig (married Cordes)
1). NAN: A.331 (biographical details)
Cosmus, Ludwig
* 08.02.1884 at Nordstrand, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1911
Last departure from Namibia: 1922
Ludwig Cosmus was born on 08.02.1884 at Nordstrand in Germany. He was a mission farmer of
the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft at Gaub. He was sent out to Namibia 1911 and returned
to Germany in 1922.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR REL
Namibia National Archives Database
Courtney-Clarke, Cecil Stanhope
* 13.11.1916 at Pretoria, South Africa
Cecil Stanhope Courtney-Clarke was born on 13.11.1916 at Pretoria in South Africa. He was
the son of Francis Priestley Courtney-Clarke, Secretary for South West Africa 19??-19??.
He was educated at St. John's College, Johannesburg. He came to Namibia in 1921. He served
with the Royal Air Force from 1939 to 1946. He was a businessman and director of various
companies. He was married to Constance Margaret Courtney-Clarke, née Tew in 1947.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Constance Margaret Courtney-Clarke, née Tew, married 1947-
Father: Francis Priestley Courtney-Clarke
Courtney-Clarke, Francis Priestley
Francis Priestley Courtney-Clarke was the Chief Native Commissioner. Secretary for South
West Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
1). NAN: A.161
2). NAN: A.313
Cowley, Clive
* 03.05.1937 at Oudtshoorn, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1969
Clive Cowley was born on 03.05.1937 at Oudtshoorn in South Africa. He was educated in Port
Elizabeth. He worked as journalist for various newspapers. He came to Namibia in 1969 as
editor of the Windhoek Advertiser (1969-1971). Then he was correspondent for "The
Star". He was the editor of various tourism publications. He was married to Dorothea
(Doris) Cowley, née Knapp in 1971.
Gender: m
Field of activity: WRI
Profession: Journalist
Married to: Dorothea (Doris) Cowley, née Knapp, married 1971-
Father: Thomas Niel Archibald Cowley
Namibia National Archives Database
Crailsheim, Kurt von, Freiherr
* 04.12.1878
Kurt von Crailsheim was born on 04.12.1878. He was a Schutztruppe officer.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:91;
Cramer, Ludwig
* in Germany
+ .1917 in Namibia
First entry to Namibia: 1906
Ludwig Cramer was a German coffee merchant from Hamburg. He came to Namibia in 1906 after
a business failure, and farmed on the farm Otjisororindi at the Black Nossob River. He was
convicted in August 1912 of violent abuse and killing of his farmworkers, including women.
His wife Ada, who had assisted her husband in the floggings, later published a book trying
to justify the crimes. Cramer died in 1917 by a blasting accident while digging a well on
his farm.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR
Profession: Farmer
Married to: Adelheid (Ada) Cramer, née Cramer (1874-1962), married 1891-1917
Children: Ernst Ludwig Cramer (1895-1957)
Hildegard Ritter (married Cramer)
Friedrich Cramer
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:266-267, 366; AHK 1975:101-103;
Cramer, Adelheid
[Cramer, Ada - short name form]
* .1874 at Brieg/Schlesien, Germany (today Poland)
+ .1962 at Aerzen, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1906
Last departure from Namibia: 1919
Adelheid Cramer was born in 1874 at Brieg/Schlesien in Germany (today Poland). She was the
wife of the German farmer Ludwig Cramer. She immigrated with him to Namibia in 1906. The
couple farmed on the farm Otjisororindi at the Black Nossob. Her husband was convicted in
1912 of violent abuse and killing of his farmworkers. Ada, who had assisted her husband in
the floggings, later published a book "Weiss oder Schwarz" trying to justify the
crimes, which is a telling and instructive testimony of the social conditions and paranoid
state of mind of parts of the German settler community during the German Namibian War from
1903 to 1913. Ludwig Cramer died in 1917 in a blasting accident, and Ada Cramer was
deported back to Germany in 1919, taught in a household school, and died in 1962 at Aerzen
in Germany. Three of their children stayed in Namibia, i.a. the later popular writer Ernst
Ludwig Cramer.
Gender: f
Field of activity: AGR WRI
Married to: Ludwig Cramer (-1917), married 1891-1913
Children: Ernst Ludwig Cramer (1895-1957)
Hildegard Ritter (married Cramer)
Friedrich Cramer
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:366; AHK 1975:101-104;
Crohn, Erhard Manfred
* 16.06.1912 at Berlin, Germany
Erhard Manfred Crohn was born on 16.06.1912 and educated in Berlin. He came to Namibia in
1930. He was a cattle and karakul breeder. He was married to Elly Crohn, née Degenhardt
in 1937.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Married to: Elly Crohn, née Degenhardt, married 1937-
Father: Siegfried Crohn
Cronje, Gabriel Jacobus
* 11.10.1891 at Rietkolk, Transvaal, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 06.01.1916
Gabriel Jacobus Cronje was born on 11.10.1891 at Rietkolk, Transvaal in South Africa. He
came to Namibia on 06.01.1916. He was a Head Warder at Lüderitzbucht.
Gender: m
Father: Johannes Hendrick Cronje
RAW DATA: WWSA 1929/30;
Cronjé, Isak Adolph
* 13.04.1894 at Senekal, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 01.1928
Isak Adolph Cronjé was born on 13.04.1894 and educated at Senekal in the Orange Free
State in South Africa. He came to Namibia in 1928. He was a farmer and politician. He was
the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Otjiwarongo, 1940-1945, and served in various
functions. He was married to Irene Christophine Cronjé, née Helm in 1919.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR
Profession: Farmer
Functions: Member - Legislative Assembly - 1940-1945
Chair - Otjiwarongo Coop. Society - 1938-1947
Chair - SWA Agricultural Union - 1950-1956
President - Otjiwarongo Agricultural Industrial Soc. - 1953-1954
Married to: Irene Christophine Cronjé, née Helm, married 1919
Father: Cornelis Coenraad Cronjé
Curris, Lieutenant
Curris was a lieutenant of the Cape Police detachment who negotiated with Jakob Marengo on
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:236;