in alphabetical order
Copyright © 2003-2004 Dr. Klaus Dierks
Sachs, Oberpostsekretär
+ 16.03.1897 at Windhoek
First entry to Namibia: 04.1895
Oberpostsekretär Sachs was the first postal official sent to German SWA. He arrived in
April 1895 and died already on 16.03.1897 in Windhoek.
Gender: m
Profession: Postal officer
RAW DATA: AHK 1982, p.33;
Sage, Robert Francis
* 31.05.1931 at Umtata, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1955
Robert Francis Sage was born on 31.05.1931 at Umtata in South Africa. He was educated at
the Umtata High School in South Africa, the University of Pretoria and the Wits University
in Johannesburg. He came to Namibia 1955.
Gender: m
Profession: Quantity surveyor
Married to: Angelique Sage, née Schiller, married 1955
Father: William Sage
Sahl, Salomon
[Saal, Salmon]
+ .1905 at Stampriet
Salomon Sahl was a Witbooi soldier. Sahl was allegedly the one who killed Henning von
Burgsdorff on 04.10.1904. According to legend, he was struck and paralysed by lightning
near Stampriet, and in April 1905 died of thirst near Nanibkobis in the Kalahari.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Zondagh 1991:100f.; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Sakalowsky, Reiter
+ 12.04.1893 at Hoornkrans
Sakalowsky, a private ("Reiter") in Curt von Francois' "Schutztruppe",
died in the battle of Hoornkrans on 12.04.1893.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Soldier
RAW DATA: AHK 1982:32;
Salzmann, Erich
* 22.07.1876 in Germany
Erich Salzmann was born on 22.07.1876 in Germany. He was a Schutztruppe officer. He took
part in the German Namibia War of 1903-1908. His book "Im Kampfe gegen die
Herero" is an interesting primary source.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:260;
Samaria, Theresia
Theresia Samaria served as Mayor of Walvis Bay from 2000 (?) to 2003. In 2003, she was
appointed Ambassador to Botswana.
Gender: f
Field of activity: POL
Functions: Mayor - Walvis Bay - 2000-2003
Ambassador to Botswana - Namibia - 2003-
Namibia National Archives Database
Sander, Edgar
* 04.03.1895 at Leipzig, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1923
Edgar Sander was born on 04.03.1895 at Leipzig in Germany. He came to Namibia in 1923. He
was a farmer, exporter of karakul skins, Director of United Building Society for SWA and
Member of the Legislative Assembly (United Party) from 1940-. He was Mayor of Windhoek.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Father: Albert Sander
Sander, Immanuel Friedrich Emil
* 01.12.1797 in Germany
+ 28.04.1859 in Germany
Immanuel Friedrich Emil Sander was born on 01.12.1797 in Germany. He was a founding member
and first president of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft and served on the Board of
Directors from 1828 until 1854.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Namibia National Archives Database
Sander, Karl Ludwig Gotthard, Dr.
* 09.03.1859 at Antonshof, Posen, Germany (now Poland)
First entry to Namibia: 1893
Karl Ludwig Gotthardt Sander was born on 09.03.1859 at Antonshof, Posen in Germany (now
Poland). He was educated at the Gymnasium Lissa. He studied medicine at the universities
of Breslau, Greifswald and Jena. He joined the German Navy in 1882, where he reached the
rank of Stabsarzt. In 1893 he came with Leutwein to Namibia. He was involved in medical
and veterinary research. He took part in the Naukluft campaign against the Witbooi Nama in
1894. From 1896 to 1899 he served as general agent of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft
für Südwestafrika in Namibia. From 1901 to 1902 he was in German East Africa. From 1904
to 1910 he served as Sekretär of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Sander published
extensively on colonial matters and tropical medicine.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL MED
RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon;
Sander, Wilhelm
* 10.12.1860 at Berlin, Germany
+ 22.11.1930 at Lüderitzbucht
First entry to Namibia: 1901
Wilhelm Sander was born on 10.12.1860 in Berlin. He studied at the
"Baugewerbeschule" in Höxter, and worked in Berlin until he moved to Namibia in
1901 under contract with the "Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für
Südwestafrika". He designed many of the landmarks of colonial Namibian architecture,
including the Duwisib Castle, the Orban School, the Gathemann and Erkrath buildings, the
Tintenpalast, the three Windhoek castles and the German Lutheran Church in Keetmanshoop.
He moved to Lüderitz in 1922, where he died on 27.11.1930.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ARC
Profession: Architect
Married to: Paola Sander, née Eck (-1910)
Elsa Sander, née Fröbel, married 1921
RAW DATA: N. Mossolow in AHK 1979, pp.121-129;
+ 02.11.1904 at Ombakaha
Ovaherero noble from Otjenga. He was murdered by German troops on 02.11.1904 near Ombakaha
while negotiating with the Germans.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:188;
Saunders, Christopher, Prof.
Christopher Saunders studied history at the Oxford University (BA and D.Phil.) in the
United Kingdom. He was a Professor of History at the University of Cape Town, with a
special interest in Namibian history.
Gender: m
Field of activity: HIS
Namibia National Archives Database
Savola, Albin
* in Finland
Finnish missionary.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Namibia National Archives Database
* in Germany
+ .1900
Missionary of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Namibia National Archives Database
Schaible, Johannes
* 02.09.1873 in USA
First entry to Namibia: 1903
Last departure from Namibia: 1921
Johannes Schaible was born on 02.09.1873 in the USA. He was a missionary of the Rheinische
Missionsgesellschaft. He was sent to Namibia in 1903 and was stationed in Walvis Bay. He
left the mission in 1921.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Maria Schaible, née Böhm, married 1904-
Namibia National Archives Database
Schantz, Märta von
First entry to Namibia: 195?
Last departure from Namibia: 1983
Finnish mission teacher in Ovamboland 195?-1983.
Gender: f
Field of activity: EDU
Namibia National Archives Database
Schanz, Moritz
* 12.12.1853 at Treuen, Germany
Moritz Schanz was born on 12.12.1853 at Treuen in Germany. From 1875 until 1890 he was a
merchant in Rio de Janeiro. He was subsequently active in various German colonial
organisations, in particular promoting the growing of cotton in German colonies. No visit
to Namibia is on record.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon;
Scharlach, Julius, Dr.
* 14.02.1842 at Bodenwerder, Germany
+ 28.03.1908 at Hamburg, Germany
Julius Scharlach was born on 14.02.1842 at Bodenwerder in Germany. He studied law in
Heidelberg and Göttingen, and served as an advocate in Hamburg. Julius Scharlach was one
of the few German capitalists who took a business interest in the German colonies,
although of a rather speculatory nature. He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
"Hanseatische Land-, Minen- und Handelsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Südwestafrika"
and member of the boards of several other colonial companies, including the "Kaoko-
Land- und Minengesellschaft", the "Otavi Minen- und Eisenbahngesellschaft",
and the "South West Africa Company", as well as a member of the
"Kolonialrat". He was also involved in companies active in Cameroon and China,
and the colonial school (Deutsche Kolonialschule) in Witzenhausen. He apparently never
visited Namibia. He died on 28.03.1908 at Hamburg.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Lawyer Businessman
RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon; Drechsler 1966:13, 64-65, 315, 334-337, 344;
Schatz, Gustav Adolf
Gustav Adolf Schatz was employed by the Tsumeb Mine. He was a collector of various
historic and scientific items. His collections formed the basis for the Tsumeb Museum.
Gender: m
Married to: Ilse Schatz
RAW DATA: SWA Annual 1979:37-39;
Schatz, Wolfgang
* 09.12.1928
+ 16.03.1987
Gender: m
Field of activity: ENG
Namibia National Archives Database
Schaumburg, Ernst
* 13.11.1880
Schutztruppe officer.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:204;
Schauroth, E. von
E. von Schauroth was the Secretary of the "Deutscher Bund" in the 1920s and
Gender: m
1). NAN: A.422 (Documents, donated by W. Bertelsmann)
Scheffer, Coenraad
First entry to Namibia: 1761
Last departure from Namibia: 1762
Coenraad Scheffer was a participant of Hendrik Hop's expedition to Namibia in 1761/62. He
murdered a Nama participant at Ramansdrift in early 1762.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Scheidweiler, P.
P. Scheidweiler was the agent of the German industrialist Hasenclever. He bought the
mining concession of the Hope Mine in 1883.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 1968:37-38, 67, 106, 132, 144;
Schenk, Dr.
Geologist, travelled in Namibia 1884 in the employ of Lüderitz.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Geologist
RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 1968:89-90;
* in Germany
Bezirksamtmann of Swakopmund 1910.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
RAW DATA: Hubatsch;
Scheppmann, Heinrich
* 13.09.1818 at Osterkappeln, Germany
+ 29.08.1847 at Rehoboth
First entry to Namibia: 1844
Heinrich Scheppmann was born on 13.09.1818 at Osterkappeln near Osnabrück in Germany. He
was trained as a carpenter. He joined the Rhenish Missionary Society in 1842. He was sent
in September 1844 to serve as a lay brother in Damaraland. He travelled together with
Johannes Rath to Cape Town where he arrived on 19.11.1844. They arrived at Walvis Bay in
January 1845. The two missionaries were the first to use this route to South West Africa.
From Walvis Bay they reached Otjikango (Gross Barmen), where Scheppmann became an
assistant to Carl Hugo Hahn on 09.04.1845. At Otjikango he was ordained as a missionary by
Hahn. Hahn instructed him to establish a new mission station at the Atlantic coast near
Walvis Bay. Consequently Scheppmann established a station at Rooibank (Keetmansdorf,
baptised to the honour of the Preses of the Rhenish Missionary Society, Keetman) in
December the same year. He did this under great difficulties and against the resistance of
the traders in Walvis Bay. At the beginning of 1847 he travelled to Rehoboth in order to
witness the consecration of the new Rhenish church there. There he got a fever and died on
29.08.1847. The station Rooibank was later renamed Scheppmannsdorf.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
RAW DATA: Lau 1985:V1289; Vergissmeinnicht 1893:25; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003
Scherbening, Walther
* .1860
+ .1914
Served in Namibia as chief of staff in the Schutztruppe.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
1). in private custody (1966)
2). Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv Freiburg (photocopies of (1): correspondence 1893-1914;
diary of his Namibian time; War diary France 1914)
Scherz, Anneliese
[Fuss-Hippel, Anneliese - birth name]
* in Germany
+ at Hildesheim, Germany
Anneliese Scherz was a photographer. She emigrated to Namibia in the 1930s as wife of the
chemist, karakul trader and archaeologist Dr. Ernst Rudolf Scherz. The couple returned to
Germany in 198?, but she died shortly afterwards. She photographed for several
archaeological expeditions, i.a. for the Marshalls. Many of her images gained an iconic
Gender: f
Profession: Photographer
Married to: Ernst Rudolf Scherz (1906-1981), married 1938-
1). Basler Afrika Bibliographien
Scherz, Ernst Rudolf, Dr.
* 20.06.1906 at Frankfurt/Oder, Germany
+ .1981 at Hildesheim, Germany
First entry to Namibia: December 1933
Ernst Rudolf Scherz was born on 20.06.1906 at Frankfurt/Oder in Germany. He was educated
at the Technische Hochschule Berlin (Dr.-Ing. (Chemistry)). He came to Namibia in December
1933 as anti-Nazi immigrant and worked in the karakul trade. He was the Managing Director
of the Karakul Breeders Association from 1946 to 1963. He was active in the SWA Scientific
Society. He accompanied Abbé Breuil at his Brandberg expeditions, and started himself to
document rock paintings and engravings, since 1963 in the employ of the Institut für
Urgeschichte, Köln. He married Anneliese Fuss-Hippel, an excellent photographer, in 1938.
The couple re-emigrated to Germany in the 1980s and settled in Hildesheim, but died soon
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Chemist
Married to: Anneliese Scherz, née Fuss-Hippel, married 1938-1981
Father: Günther Scherz
1). Basler Afrika-Bibliographien
2). NAN: A.397
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959, 1974;
Schick, Adolf
* 24.09.1883 at Bretenholz, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1914
Adolf Schick was born on 24.09.1883 at Bretenholz in Germany. He was a missionary of the
Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. He came to Namibia in 1914 and was stationed at Omaruru.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Eugenie Schick
Namibia National Archives Database
Schimming-Chase, Nora
* 01.12.1940 at Windhoek (Old Location)
Nora Schimming-Chase was born on 01.12.1940 at the Old Location in Windhoek. Her parents
were Otto Ferdinand Schimming and Charlotte Schimming, née Freiser. Despite
the fact that the family was classified "coloured" by the SWA Administration,
they lived amongst those classified as "black". Her home was very multicultural
in that they spoke Otjiherero to one grandmother, Nama/Damara to another and Afrikaans
amongst themselves until they learnt English in the second year of their schooling. The
parents often spoke German between themselves. Nora attended school at the M.H. Greeff
Primary School in Windhoek. Because her classification as "coloured" she was not
able to continue her schooling beyond Standard five (Grade seven) and to visit a high
school in Namibia. Her parents sent her to the Trafalgar School in Cape Town in South
Africa which was one of the most politicised schools in South Africa at the time. She
joined the Cape Peninsula Students' Union in 1955/56 and started her fight against the
oppression of the "coloured" and "black" communities in Namibia and
South Africa. Nora also joined the Society of Young Africans (SOYA) which was the Youth
League of the Non-European Unity Movement in Cape Town. In 1957 she had first contacts
with the Ovamboland People's Congress (OPC). She also belonged to the secret Maoist Yo Chi
Chan movement in Cape Town. Some members of her group were arrested by the South African
authorities and jailed on Robben Island for many years. Nora decided to skip South Africa
and return to Namibia. As from 1959 she was involved with the South West Africa National
Union (SWANU) and OPC's successor party, the Ovamboland People's Organisation (OPO) with
no differentiation between SWANU and OPO. She witnessed the "Old Location
Uprising" of 10.12.1959, the dead and the wounded Namibians during the uprising and
the refusal of the "white" doctors at the hospitals in Windhoek to treat the
wounded and to "go to the United Nations for treatment because these people were
political patients". In 1962 Nora decided to leave Namibia and to go into exile. She
went via South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia to Tanzania. She stayed in Dar-Es-Salaam
and worked at the SWAPO Office for nine months. She obtained a bursary for the Free
University in West-Berlin in Germany. In 1966 she married William Chase (two daughters
were born in West-Berlin). After Chase's work permit was not extended by the German
authorities in 1974, the couple moved to Tanzania where Nora worked in the SWANU Office in
Dar-Es-Salaam. She returned to Namibia in December 1978 under the first Amnesty of the
United Nations and continued to work for SWANU. She was elected the Vice President of
SWANU after her return to Namibia. In 1980, Nora was appointed to the Council of Churches
of Namibia (CCN) as the only female director of Alternative Education. On 24.02.1984 SWANU split into two: SWANU-MPC, with Moses Katjiuongua as leader, and
SWANU-Progressive (SWANU-P), with Vekuii Rukoro as President. SWANU-P emerged as the
"legitimate heir" to the original SWANU constituted in 1959, and adopted an
anti-capitalist position. Its leadership included Nora Schimming-Chase and Gerson Hitjevi
Veii. Due to the fact that SWANU-P worked closely together with SWAPO,
SWANU-P's leadership, including Nora Schimming-Chase,
was arrested under the South African AG (Administrator General) Proclamation No. 28
and branded as "terrorists" under the Anti-Terrorism Act. The implementation of
the UN Security Council Resolution 435 had begun when Nora and her colleges were brought
before a court, but the charges were dropped. During the 1989 elections according to UN SC
Resolution 435 she was called as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs for the Namibia National
Front (NNF) which didn't win a single seat for the Constituent Assembly during the
November 1989 elections. After independence, in 1990, Nora was invited to join the newly
formed Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an Under-Secretary. She opened Namibia's diplomatic
mission in France in 1992 and was called back to Namibia to be assigned to Germany as
Namibia's first Ambassador. She was recalled in 1996 after President Sam Nujoma's State
Visit to Germany and was made Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. In 1998, Nora was seconded as Deputy Commissioner for Namibia to the World EXPO
in Portugal. In 1999 she opted for early retirement and went into politics again, this
time forming the new political party Congress of Democrats (CoD)(March 1999). In the 1999
national elections she was elected into the Third National Assembly and became the Chief
Whip of the CoD.
Gender: f
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: The Namibian Weekender: 26.03.2004; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003
Schinz, Hans, Prof. Dr.
* 06.12.1869 at Zürich, Switzerland
+ .1941 in Switzerland
First entry to Namibia: 1884
Last departure from Namibia: 11.14.1886
Hans Schinz was born on 06.12.1869 at Zürich in Switzerland. He attended school in
Zürich and Ouchy. He studied sciences and attained a Ph.-D. in 1893. He travelled in the
Middle East, studied further in Berlin, from where he got contracted by Lüderitz as a
botanist for Lüderitz' scientific expedition to the recently acquired South West Africa.
The expedition landed in Angra Pequeña in late 1884, but Schinz soon left it to travel on
his own account. He travelled straight to Ovamboland, where he stayed from August 1885 to
March 1886, then to Lake Ngami and back to Okahandja. He undertook another travel to
Grootfontein, and on 14.11.1886 he boarded a ship in Walvis Bay to return to Europe. His
book "Deutsch-Südwestafrika. Forschungsreisen durch die deutschen Schutzgebiete
Gross-Nama- und Hereroland, nach dem Kunene, dem Ngami-See und der Kalahari
1884-1887" (1891) made him famous and is not only a scientific geographical
description of Namibia, but also contains much historical information. It is one of the
few early substantial written sources about Ovamboland. After his habilitation in Zürich
he married, and became professor for botany at Zürich University. In 1893, he also took
over the post of director of the Zürich Botanical Garden and Museum, which rose to
international fame under his guidance. After substantial botanical work on Southern
Africa, he concentrated on the Swiss flora. His "Flora der Schweiz" was
published in several volumes 1900-1923. In 1940 he published his personal memories
("Mein Lebenslauf"). He died in 1941. - Botanical collections from Schinz can be
found in the Botanical Museum (Berlin-Dahlem), while his ethnographical collections are at
the Völkerkundemuseum Zürich.
Gender: m
Field of activity: NAT
Profession: Botanist
1). Botanisches Museum, Berlin-Dahlem (Herbarium material)
2). Völkerkundemuseum, Zürich (Ethnographic collections)
RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 1968:89-90;
Schlengemann, Allister E.
* in South Africa
Afrikaans poet, editor of the newspaper "Suidwes-Afrikaner".
Gender: m
Field of activity: WRI JOU
Profession: Writer Journalist
1). NAN: A.449
Schlettwein, Carl
* .1866 in Germany
+ .1940 in Namibia
First entry to Namibia: 1896
Carl Schlettwein was born in 1866 in Germany. He came to Namibia 1896 in the employ of the
Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika. He was the manager of an experimental
farm near Spitzkoppe. From 1900, he farmed in the Kaokoveld (Warmquelle near Sesfontein).
He was the author of several books and articles. He died in 1940 in Namibia.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR
Profession: Farmer
Married to: , married 1898
1). NAN: A.30 (Correspondence with Kaoko Land- und Minengesellschaft)
2). NAN: A.374
Schluckwerder, G.
* in Germany
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:340;
Schlüter, Ludwig
* in Germany
Private (Reiter) in the Schutztruppe.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Namibia National Archives Database
Schmeisser, Karl
* 16.10.1855 at Siegen, Germany
+ .1924
Karl Schmeisser was born on 16.10.1855 at Siegen in Germany. He travelled to South Africa
in 1893 to study the diamond mining and goldmining in South Africa on behalf of the
Prussian government. In the years 1895/96 he travelled to Australia, Tasmania, New
Zealand and the USA. He was a Member of the Kolonialrat in 1901. Since 1906, he served as
a Berghauptmann and Oberbergamtsdirektor in Breslau. He published several publications on
mining. He died in 1924.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon; DSAB IV;
Schmelen, Elisabeth Maria
[Bam, Elisabeth Maria - birth name]
* 03.1807 at Cape Town, South Africa
+ 14.11.1848 at Komaggas, South Africa
Elisabeth Maria Schmelen, née Bam was born in March 1807 at Cape Town in South Africa.
She was a sister of Jan Bam and the second wife of Johann Heinrich Schmelen. She died on
14.11.1848 at Komaggas in South Africa.
Gender: f
Married to: Johann Heinrich Schmelen
Namibia National Archives Database
Schmelen, Johann Heinrich
* 07.01.1777 at Kassebruch near Bremen, Germany
+ 26.07.1848 at Komaggas, South Africa
Johann Heinrich Schmelen was born on 07.01.1777 at Kassebruch near Bremen in Germany. He
was a missionary of the London Missionary Society in South Africa and Namibia. He left for
South Africa in 1811 and married Anna ? from Kookfontein in 1815 (or 1812). They had three
children. On 27.07.1814 he established a mission station in Bethany
(also called *Ui#gandes or Klipfontein), where the Orlam family Boois (also called Frederiks) has
lived since 1804. Jan Boois (or Jan Frederiks), son of Captain Kobus Boois (or Kobus
Frederiks), later became Schmelens interpreter. Schmelen reported about the
threatening anti-missionary attitude of Titus Afrikaner of the Orlam Afrikaners. The
Bethany Orlams are also called "Bethany Nama" or "!Aman". Amraal
Lambert (or #Gai*nub), a relative of Jonker Afrikaner from the Kai*khauan (later called "Khauas
Nama"), accompanied Schmelen on many of his journeys. Between 1814 and
1828, he worked for long intervals at or near Klipfontein (today Bethany), assisted by his
Nama-speaking wife. Together they translated the four gospels and the catechism and also
published a dictionary. Schmelen established a mission at Steinkopf in 1818. In 1822 Schmelen left Bethany due to Orlam dissatisfaction with missionary work among the
Kai5khaun (also called
"The Red Nation")(after he "almost begged them upon my knees that they
should come to church but they would not"). He travelled to
Walvis Bay and visited Jonker Afrikaner at Tsebris in 1824/25. In 1827 Schmelen visited the Ovaherero-settlement Okahandja. Carl Hugo Hahn named it
later (09.02.1843) "Schmelenshoop" or "Schmelensverwachting".
Schmelen was probably the first "white" to visit Okahandja. After
Anna's death in 1830, he married Elisabeth Maria Bam, sister of Jan Bam, from Cape Town,
in 1834. Schmelen was instrumental in bringing missionaries of the Rhenish Missionary
Society to South Africa and Namibia. He died on 26.07.1848 at Komaggas in South Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: <1>Anna Schmelen (-1830), married 1815-1830
<2>Elisabeth Maria Schmelen, née Bam, married 1834-1848
RAW DATA: Lau 1985:V1290; Vergissmeinnicht 1893:82;
Copyright of Photos Dr. Klaus Dierks (Schmelen's house at Bethany)
Schmerenbeck, Kurt Wilhelm Eduard
* 10.08.1900 at Windhoek
+ .1972 at Windhoek
Kurt Wilhelm Eduard Schmerenbeck was born on 10.08.1900 at Windhoek. He was educated at
Göttingen and Herford in Germany. He was a farmer and businessman and director of various
companies. He was a Member of the Karakul Industry Advisory Board and a board member of
Karakul Breeders Association. He was a keen amateur rider. He died in 1972 in Windhoek.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR BUS
Married to: Anna Maria Schmerenbeck, née Bach, married 1928-
Father: August Schmerenbeck
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959; Yearbook KBSSA 15:15;
Schmerenbeck, August
August Schmerenbeck was a trader in Windhoek. In 1893 he purchased the first private
property in Windhoek from the German administration, and had a house built on it.
Gender: m
Field of activity: TRA
Profession: Trader
Namibia National Archives Database
Schmidt, Arthur
* .1888
+ .1972
Arthur Schmidt was born in 1888. He joined the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika in
1912 as lieutenant. After World War One he served in the Freikorps Eulenburg in Lithuania
and Upper Silesia. From 1920 he served in the Bavarian Police. He was rejoined the
German Army in the 1930s. He was a Lieutenant General in World War Two. He was a Bavarian
Landtag deputy for the right-wing NPD after World War Two. He died in 1972.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
Namibia National Archives Database
Schmidt, Karl
* .1885 in Germany
Missionary of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Namibia National Archives Database
Schmidt, Karl
* in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 11.06.1904
Last departure from Namibia: 1908
Karl Schmidt was born in Sachsen-Anhalt in Germany. He was an officer in the Prussian
Army. He came to Namibia on 11.06.1904 in the rank of Lieutenant, with the same military
transport as General von Trotha. He fought in several battles in the Namibian-German War
and became district commander of Sesfontein on 01.06.1905, a post which he held until 1908
when a malaria infection forced him to return to Germany.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
Married to: Mathilde Schmidt, née Lücke
Children: Tilla Gisela Schmidt (married Sydow)(1914-)
1). National Archives of Namibia: Accession ???
RAW DATA: Lived into the 1950s in Germany. Not to be confounded with another Karl Schmidt
who was "Bezirksamtmann" of Keetmanshoop. His daughter Tilla (married Sydow)
emigrated to Namibia in 1951.;
Schmidt, Karl Friedrich Alexander
* 01.05.1862 at Westernkotten near Lippstadt, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 04.09.1895
Karl Friedrich Alexander Schmidt was born on 01.05.1862 at Westernkotten near Lippstadt in
Germany. He came to Namibia on 04.09.1895 as customs and excise officer. He was steadily
promoted, until he became Bezirksamtmann in Keetmanshoop in 1904. He left the colonial
service in 1911.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
RAW DATA: NAN ZBU B.VI.a.3; Hubatsch; Drechsler 1966L203-204, 315, 356-357, 159;
Schmidt, Max
* in Germany
Lutheran military curate (Divisionspfarrer)in the 1904 German-Namibian War.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Clergy
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:315, 351, 358;
Schmidt, Rudolf
* in Germany
Pastor, tenth mission director of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Clergy
Namibia National Archives Database
Schmidt, Sigrid
* .1930 at Berlin, Germany
Sigrid Schmidt was born 1930 in Berlin. She studied English and German literature in
Berlin and the USA. She lived in Namibia from 1959 to 1962, with frequent visits to
Namibia thereafter. She collected oral literature in central and southern Namibia. She is
an author of many books and articles on the subject of Khoisan oral literature, religion
and culture.
Gender: f
Field of activity: WRI
Profession: Ethnologist
Namibia National Archives Database
Schmitz, Carl
* 01.11.1875 in Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1906
Carl Schmitz was born on 01.11.1875 in Germany. He was a missionary of the Rheinische
Missionsgesellschaft. He came to Namibia 1906. He was stationed at Karibib.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Selma Schmidt, née Stock, married 1908-
Namibia National Archives Database
Schnee, Heinrich
* 04.02.1871 at Neuhaldensleben, Germany
+ .1949
Heinrich Schnee was born on 04.02.1871 at Neuhaldensleben in Germany. He was the Governor
of German East Africa from 1912 to 1918. After World War One, he was a prominent
protagonist of German colonial ambitions, author and editor of books advocating colonial
revisionism. He was a Member of the German Reichstag for the Deutsche Volkspartei, from
1924 until 1933, thereafter for the NSDAP (Nazi Party). He was the President of the
Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft from 1931 to 1933, the President of the Koloniale
Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft, the President of Deutsche Weltwirtschaftliche Gesellschaft from
1931 to 1942 and the President of Bund der Auslands-Deutschen from 1926 until 1933. Has
never been to Namibia.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
1). Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Diary, manuscripts, reports,
RAW DATA: Mommsen 1,I;
Schoedder, Edda
+ 07.04.1989 at Windhoek
First entry to Namibia: 1958
Edda Schoedder emigrated to Namibia in 1958. She became known for her comprehensive survey
of historical buildings in Namibia. The survey is available at the National Archives of
Namibia. She died on 07.04.1989 at Windhoek.
Gender: f
Profession: Architect
Namibia National Archives Database
Schoeman, Amy
* in England
Amy Schoeman studied at Stellenbosch. She came to Namibia in 1974. She is one of Namibia's
top photographers, specialising in desert landscapes and close-ups.
Gender: f
Profession: Photographer
Namibia National Archives Database
Schoeman, Hendrik Petrus
* 26.07.1919 at Oudtshoorn, South Africa
Hendrik Petrus Schoeman was born on 26.07.1919 at Oudtshoorn in South Africa. He was
educated in Oudtshoorn, Swakopmund and Stellenbosch. He came to Namibia 1939. He had a
Diploma in radio engineering. He was Director of Schoemans Office Equipment Service and
various other companies. He was a council member of SA Red Cross, SWA Region. He was the
Vice Chairperson of the Windhoek Publicity Association. He was a Windhoek Town Councillor
from 1957 to 1960.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ENG BUS
Profession: Engineer
Married to: Johanna Carolina Fransina Schoeman, née Erasmus, married 1943-
Father: U. Schoeman
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959, 1974;
Schoeman, Johanna Carolina Fransina
[Erasmus, Johanna Carolina Fransina]
* 15.10.19?? at Windhoek
Johanna Carolina Fransina Schoeman was educated at Windhoek and Otjiwarongo. She was a
Director of Schoemans Office Equipment Service (Pty) Ltd. and various other companies. She
was a founder president of the SWA Federation of Business Professional Women. She was a
trustee of the South Africa Foundation and University of South Africa (UNISA). She also
served as a board member of the Windhoek Afrikaanse Sakekamer, the SA Association of Arts
(SWA), the Afrikaans Dramatic Society, the Road Safety Council and the Orban School
Gender: f
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businesswoman
Married to: Hendrik Petrus Schoeman (1919-), married 1943-
Father: Abel Jacobus Erasmus
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959, 1974;
Schoeman, Johannes Cornelius
* 26.09.1924 at Somerset East, South Africa
Johannes Cornelius Schoeman was born on 26.09.1924 at Somerset East in South Africa. He
was educated at the University of Pretoria. He was the Chief Medical Officer at the Tsumeb
Corporation Limited (TCL) at Tsumeb.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MED
Profession: Medical practitioner
Married to: Valerie Agnes Margaret Schoeman, née Reid, married 1952-
Father: C.A. Schoeman
Schoeman, Johannes Louw
* 08.02.1936 at East London, South Africa
Johannes Louw Schoeman was born on 08.02.1936 at East London in South Africa. He was
educated at the Stellenbosch University as a Lawyer. He came to Namibia in 1958. He was a
Director of the Sarusas Ontwikkelingskorporasie Bpk.
Gender: m
Field of activity: LAW
Profession: Lawyer
Married to: Maureen Cecile Schoeman, née Corrigan, married 1957-
Father: J.P. Schoeman
Schöne, Hans
* .1920 at Dortmund, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 24.01.1954
Han Schöne was born in 1920 at Dortmund in Germany. He was an officer in the German Air
Force in World War Two. He came to Namibia in 1954. He was a hairdresser and established
the "Atlantis Sportclub" in Walvis Bay in 1957.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SPO
Profession: Hairdresser
Married to: Gisela Schöne, née Jacobi
RAW DATA: Plus 5.4.2002;
Schöneberg, Heinrich
* 17.03.1822 at Marienberg, Germany
Heinrich Schöneberg was born on 17.03.1822 at Marienberg in Germany. He was a missionary
of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft at Otjikango between 19.01.1851
and 21.11.1853, until he was expelled by Jonker Afrikaner. He moved to the
mission station at Rooibank near Walvis Bay and remained there until 04.06.1855, when he
left the country for Ebenezer in the Cape Colony in South Africa. From 1858 onwards, he
was a preacher in North America. He married Johanne Berner on 01.01.1852. They had at
least two children.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Johanne Schöneberg, née Berner (1823-), married 1852-
RAW DATA: Lau 1985:V1290; Vergissmeinnicht 1893:30; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003
Schöneberg, Johanne
[Berner, Johanne - birth name]
* .1823 at Wittstock, Germany
Wife of Heinrich Schöneberg.
Gender: f
Married to: Heinrich Schöneberg (1822-), married 1852-
RAW DATA: Lau 1985:V1290; Vergissmeinnicht 1893:30;
Schöneburg, Karl Ernst von
* 08.06.1836 at Waldenburg, Germany
+ 01.12.1908 in Germany
Karl Ernst von Schöneburg was born on 08.06.1836 at Waldenburg in Germany. He was a
Prince and a member of the circle who made possible the foundation of the Augustineum,
then known as the National-Prediger-und Katecheten-Institut im Hererolande, with an
initial donation of 2 500 Thaler in 1862, and the promise of a further 1 000 Thaler per
year for the following 10 years. He died on 01.12.1908 in Germany.
Gender: m
Married to: Helene zu Stolberg-Wernigerode
Namibia National Archives Database
Schreiber, August W.
* 08.11.1839 at Bielefeld, Germany
+ 22.03.1903
August W. Schreiber was born on 08.11.1839 at Bielefeld in Germany. He was a teacher at
the Rhenish Mission House from 1865 until 1866, during which period he was also trained as
missionary. He was stationed in Sumatra from 1867 to 1873, when he returned to Germany on
account of his wife's poor health and again took office in the Mission House. He became
Second Inspector of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in 1884, and was appointed First
Inspector on 27.07.1889 until 1903. He was married twice: to Anna Möller (24.05.1866 to
02.08.1891), with five children, and to Elisabeth Freiin von der Reck (on 17.11.1892). He
died on 22.03.1903.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Functions: Missionsinspektor - Rheinische Mission - 1889-1903
Married to: <1>Anna Schreiber, née Möller, married 1866-1891
<2>Elisabeth Schreiber, née Reck, married 1892-
RAW DATA: Kriele 1928:245,280,285; Vergissmeinnicht 1893:45-46;
Schreve, K.W.
K.W. Schreve entered the SWA Government Service in 1926. From 1928 to 1934 he was the
Assistant Clerk and from 1937 to 1948 he was the Clerk of the SWA Legislative Assembly.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
1). NAN: A.22 (Personal papers and documents in connection with Legislative Assembly)
* in Germany
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:148;
* in Germany
Missionary of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:143;
Schröder, Emma Dorothea
* 31.09.1870 at Keetmanshoop
Emma Dorothea Schröder was born on 31.09.1870 at Keetmanshoop. She was the fourth child
of Johann Georg Schröder (Jnr.) and his wife Sophie.
Gender: f
Mother: Sophie Schröder, née Teuffel
Father: Johann Georg (Jr.) Schröder (1833-)
RAW DATA: Vergissmeinnicht 1893:40;
Schröder, Frieda Henriette
* 28.01.1869 at Keetmanshoop
Frieda Henriette Schröder was born on 28.01.1869 at Keetmanshoop. She was the third child
of Johann Georg Schröder (Jr.) and his wife Sophie.
Gender: f
Mother: Sophie Schröder, née Teuffel
Father: Johann Georg jr. Schröder (1833-)
RAW DATA: Vergissmeinnicht 1893:40;
Schröder, Gustav
* 26.01.1867 at Keetmanshoop
Gustav Schröder was born on 26.01.1867 at Keetmanshoop. He was the second child of Johann
Georg Schröder (Jnr.) and his wife Sophie.
Gender: f
Mother: Sophie Schröder, née Teuffel
Father: Johann Georg jr. Schröder (1833-)
RAW DATA: Vergissmeinnicht 1893:40;
Schröder, Hans-Peter
Hans=Peter Schröder was a medical practitioner in Namibia during the 1930s, who delivered
emergency services by aeroplane.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MED
Profession: Medical practitioner
Namibia National Archives Database
Schröder, Johann Georg (Snr.)
* 03.11.1803 at Haarhausen near Hilchenbach, Germany
+ 25.12.1868 at Pella, South Africa
Johann Georg Schröder (Snr.) was born on 03.11.1803 at Haarhausen near Hilchenbach in
Germany. He was a Rhenish mission colonist at Wuppertal (Cape Colony) and Saron between
1833 and 1849 and a catechist in Pella (Cape Colony) from 1849 to 1868. He was married to
Wilhelmine Rüdiger (+ 23.08.1845) on 21.07.1832 and from 19.10.1847 to Sophia Margaretha
Combrink from Worcester. He died on 25.12.1868 at Pella in South Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: <1>Wilhelmine Schröder, née Rüdiger (-1845), married 1832-1845
<2>Sophia Margaretha Schröder, née Combrink, married 1847-
Children: Johann Georg (Jnr.) Schröder (1833-)
RAW DATA: Lau 1985:V1290; Vergissmeinnicht 1893:14; Faulenbach;
Schröder, Johann Georg (Jnr.)
* 15.04.1833 at Saron, South Africa
Johann Georg (Jnr.) Schröder was born on 15.04.1833 at Saron in South Africa as son of
the Rhenish Missionary Johann Georg Schröder (Snr.) and his wife Wilhelmine. He was
stationed at Berseba from 1863 to 1866. On 14.04.1866 the Rhenish
Missionary Society established a mission station at Keetmanshoop. The station was
financially supported by Johann Keetman, a wealthy German businessman. Johann Georg
Schröder was the first missionary (until 1871). His post at Keetmanshoop was taken over
by Balthasar Dubiel (22.01.1872 to May 1872). From 27.03.1871 Schröder worked among the Nama of Klein Windhoek (until 28.08.1880). On
06.01.1879 the Orlam Afrikaner Jan Jonker Afrikaner sent a petition
(with the assistance of missionary Schröder) to the British Government seeking to protect
the areas of the Orlam Afrikaners. In 1880 Schröder reported that the Ovaherero had moved
so far to the south that Windhoek had become an "island". He worked from 1881
until 1883 in Warmbad and at Komaggas (Cape Colony) from 1883 onwards. In
1895, he left the Rhenish Missionary Society. He married to Sophie Teuffel from Zeitlofs
in Bavaria on 15.03.1864. They had eight children.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Sophie Schröder, née Teuffel, married 1864
Mother: Wilhelmine Schröder, née Rüdiger (-1845)
Father: Johann Georg Schröder (1803-1868)
RAW DATA: Vergissmeinnicht 1893:40; Faulenbach; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003
Schröder, Ludwig
* 29.09.1897 at Wiesbaden, Germany
Ludwig Schröder was born on 29.09.1897 at Wiesbaden in Germany. He was an auditor and
director of companies. He served as Mayor of Swakopmund and vice-chairperson of the
Chamber of Commerce Swakopmund.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Married to: Erika Schröder, née Brauns
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959, 1974;
Schröder, Luise
* 20.03.1872 at Windhoek
Luise Schröder was born on 20.03.1872 at Windhoek. She was the fifth child of Johann
Georg Schröder (Jnr.) and his wife Sophie.
Gender: f
Mother: Sophie Schröder, née Teuffel
Father: Johann Georg (Jnr.) Schröder (1833-)
RAW DATA: Vergissmeinnicht 1893:40;
Schröder, Otto Edward Henry
* 12.02.1913 at London, England
Otto Edward Henry Schröder was born on 12.02.1913 at London in England. He was educated
at Köln and Hamburg in Germany. He was trained at the Landeskunstschule in Hamburg. He
emigrated to South Africa, later to Namibia, in 1939. He was a much acclaimed Namibian
Gender: m
Field of activity: ART
Profession: Artist
Married to: Lucie Johanne Schröder, née Schroeder, married 1947
Father: E.F.H. Schröder
Schröder, Sophie
[Teuffel, Sophie - birth name]
Sophie Schröder was a young woman who came to the Cape from Zeitlofs in Bavaria, on board
of the ship Emma in December 1863. On 15.03.1864, she married Johann Georg Schröder
Gender: f
Married to: Johann Georg (Jnr.) Schröder (1833-)
Children: Sophie (Jnr.) Schröder (1865-)
Gustav Schröder (1867-)
Frieda Henriette Schröder (1869-)
Emma Dorothea Schröder (1870-)
Luise Schröder (1872-)
RAW DATA: Vergissmeinnicht 1893:40;
Schröder, Sophie, (Jnr.)
* 30.01.1865 at Berseba
Sophie Schröder was born on 30.01.1865 at Berseba. she was the eldest child of Johann
Georg Schröder (Jnr.) and his wife Sophie.
Gender: f
Mother: Sophie Schröder, née Teuffel
Father: Johann Georg (Jnr.) Schröder (1833-)
RAW DATA: Vergissmeinnicht 1893:40;
Schröder-Stranz, Herbert
* 09.06.1884 at Stranz, Westpreussen, Germany (now Poland)
+ .1912 at Spitzbergen, Norway
First entry to Namibia: April 1904
Last departure from Namibia: 1905
Herbert Schröder-Stranz was born on 09.07.1884 at Stranz (Westpreussen) in Germany (now
Poland), as the son of wealthy landowners. He entered the Prussian military in 1903 and
volunteered in 1904 for service in the German-Namibian War. He took part in a number of
battles against Ovaherero forces, including the Battle of Ohamakari (Hamakari)(Waterberg)
in August 1904. In 1905, he returned to Germany and wrote a book on his war experiences:
"Süd-West-Kriegs- und Jagdfahrten", published in Berlin, 1910. After extensive
sea travels to northern Europe and the Americas, he led an ill-prepared Arctic expedition
and perished in 1912 on the Norwegian island of Spitzbergen.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Soldier
Namibia National Archives Database
Schröer, Hermann
* 22.01.1879 at Bentheim, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1907
Hermann Schröer was born on 22.01.1879 at Bentheim in Germany. He was a missionary of the
Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. He came to Namibia in 1907. He was stationed at Windhoek.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Ida Schröer, née Kirsch, married 1910-
Namibia National Archives Database
* in Germany
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:148;
Schulte, Hanna
[Römer, Hanna]
+ 03.10.1986 at Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Last departure from Namibia: 1959
Hanna Schulte was the daughter of the Rhenish Missionary Ernst Römer. She married
missionary Paul Schulte, who worked among the contract workers at Walvis Bay. The family
returned to Germany in 1959, where they lived in Gelsenkirchen where she died on
Gender: f
Married to: Paul Schulte (-1979), married 1949
Father: Ernst Römer
RAW DATA: Obituary: In die Welt - für die Welt 3/87;
Schulte, Heinrich, Pater
* .1921 at Gelsenkirchen, Germany
+ 18.12.1988 at Oshikuku
First entry to Namibia: 1952
Heinrich Schulte was born in 1921 at Gelsenkirchen in Germany. He joined the Roman
Catholic OMI order in 1945, and was ordained as a Catholic priest in 1951. In December
1952, he was sent to Namibia, where he worked in Oshikuku until his death on 18.12.1988.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
RAW DATA: Obituary: Der Weinberg 3/89;
Schulte, Paul
* .1905 in Germany
Missionary of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Namibia National Archives Database
Schultheiss, Robert Georg
* 13.03.1910 at Windhoek
Robert Georg Schultheiss was born on 13.03.1910 at Windhoek. He was educated in Germany
and Switzerland. He was an engineer and architect. He was Director of Kock Schultheiss
(Pty) Ltd., SWA Theaters (Pty) Ltd. and the SWA Tannery (Pty) Ltd.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ENG
Profession: Engineer
Schultz-Ewerth, Erich, Dr.
* 08.03.1879 in Germany
Erich Schultz-Ewerth was born on 08.03.1879 in Germany. In 1898 he served as District
Judge in German East Africa, from 1901 to 1911 he was Chief Judge in Samoa and from 1912
until 1914 he was the Governor of Samoa. He has never been to Namibia.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
Namibia National Archives Database
Schultze, Leonhard, Prof. Dr.
[Schultze-Jena, Leonhard]
* 28.05.1872 at Jena, Germany
+ .1955 at Marburg, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1903
Last departure from Namibia: 1905
Leonhard Schultze was born on 28.05.1872 at Jena in Germany. He was a geographer,
zoologist, botanist and ethnographer. He was sent to Namibia in 1903 by the German Foreign
Office with a brief to study the fisheries sector. He travelled in southern Africa,
particularly Namibia, during 1903 and 1905, at times attached to the headquarters of
General v. Trotha. His main work on Namibia, "Aus Namaland und Kalahari" (1907),
is a scientific monograph with very little information about current affairs or the German
Namibian War. 1911 he became a Professor in Kiel, since 1913 at the University of Marburg.
He died at Marburg in 1955.
Gender: m
Field of activity: NAT
Profession: Zoologist, geographer
RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon; W. Tabel: Erlebnisberichte von Forschern und Jägern aus der
Kolonialzeit Südwestafrikas, in: Afrikanischer Heimatkalender 1976, pp.85-120; DSAB IV;
Schultze-Jena, Hans, Dr.
* 12.12.1874
+ 19.10.1914 at Naulila, Angola
Hans Schultze-Jena was born on 12.12.1874. He was a Schutztruppe reserve officer. He was
the Bezirksamtmann of Outjo from 1911 until 1914. He was killed by Portuguese forces
during World War One at Naulila on 19.10.1914.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
Functions: Bezirksamtmann - Outjo - 1911-1914
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:110, 113-114; Hubatsch; DKZtg.1919:124-127;
Schutz, Casparus Gerhardus
* 15.12.1891 at Somerset East, South Africa
Casparus Gerhardus Schutz was born on 15.12.1891 at Somerset East in South Africa. He was
educated at Uitenhage. He was the Chief Agent in the Standard Bank SWA, later Import
Controller for SWA.
Gender: m
Married to: Marie Magdalene Schutz, née Blomfield, married 1929-
Father: J.P. Schutz
Schütze, Wilhelm
* .1881 in Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1910
Wilhelm Schütze was born in 1881 in Germany. He emigrated to Namibia in 1910. He
purchased the farm Onduruquea (Omaruru District) in 1911.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR
Profession: Farmer
1). NAN (Letter copy book 1915-1919)
Schuyling van Doorn, Herman Paul Kruger
* 16.05.1900 at Boksburg, South Africa
Herman Paul Kruger Schuyling van Doorn was born on 16.05.1900 at Boksburg in South Africa.
He came to Namibia in 1955 (?). He was General Manager of the South West Breweries.
Gender: m
Father: Herman Jan Schuyling van Doorn
Schwabe, Kurd
* 14.11.1866 at Münster, Germany
+ 09.1920 at Berlin, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1893
Last departure from Namibia: 1910
Kurd Schwabe was born on 14.11.1866 at Münster in Germany. He was a military officer and
author. He joined the Prussian Army in 1886. He came to Namibia in 1893, as a lieutenant,
to assist von François against Hendrik Witbooi. Subsequently he seems to have played a
role in all campaigns against Witbooi, as well as in the War against the Ovambanderu in
1896. Schwabe left the country in 1897, fought in China during 1900 and 1901 to suppress
the Yihotuan rising ("Boxer rebellion"), and was back in Namibia to fight the
Ovaherero in 1904. He then joined the General Staff in Berlin as an expert on colonial
warfare, resigned in 1908 and began to publish books dealing with his various assignments.
He was very active in colonial organisations, i.a. as a founding member of the
"Kolonialkriegerdank" support organisation for former colonial soldiers. In the
course of an extended Africa trip in 1910 he briefly visited Namibia again. He took up
active service once more during World War One and led a German military mission to
Germany's ally Turkey in the Middle East, where he contracted a hepatitis which led to his
early death in September 1920 in Berlin.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military Officer
Married to: Editha Schwabe, née Fritsch (-1944), married 1902-
RAW DATA: Lau 1995:247; DSAB IV:550; Tabler, in AHK 1975, pp.82-84; Drechsler 1966:17,
316, 325-326, 344, 357, 359, 362; Dt. Koloniallexikon;
Schwandner, Wilhelm
* 03.10.1877
Schutztruppe officer.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:205;
Schwarz, Bernhard, Dr.
* 12.08.1844 at Reinsdorf, Germany
+ 04.02.1901 at Wiesbaden, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1888
Bernhard Schwarz was born on 12.08.1844 at Reinsdorf in Germany. He was a theologian and
explorer. In 1885 he led an expedition in Cameroon, in 1888 he led a gold-seeking
expedition to Namibia, where he also visited Hendrik Witbooi at Hoornkrans. After his
return to Germany he took over a parish in Gefrees (1900) but died soon thereafter on
04.02.1901 at Wiesbaden.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon; Drechsler 1966:57, 316;
Schwerdtfeger, Heinz
* 26.03.1922 at Schüttorf, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1951
Heinz Schwerdtfeger wa born on 26.03.1922 at Schüttorf in Germany. He came to Namibia in
1951. He was the Marketing Director of Thos. Barlow and Son (SWA), then the General
Manager and Director of Barlows SWA Tractor Co. from 1964 to 1972. He served as
Vice-Chairperson of the SA Institute of Mechanical Engineers SWA Branch and the President
of the Windhoek City Soccer Club from 1969 to 1972.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Elisabeth Charlotte Schwerdtfeger, née Offermann, married 1944-
Father: Johannes Schwerdtfeger
Schwind, Herwarth von
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe 10,no.9/10,p.1;
Sckär, Karl
* 09.04.1873 at Oberreidenbach, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1901
Karl Sckär was born on 09.04.1873 at Oberreidenbach in Germany. He was a missionary of
the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. He came to Namibia in 1901 and first was stationed in
Ovamboland (Omupanda), later serving migrant workers in Lüderitzbucht.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Wilhelmine Sckär, née Kremer, married 1910-
Namibia National Archives Database
Scotland, Alexander Paterson
Alexander Paterson Scotland worked as an undercover agent for Britain in German South West
Africa. Later he made an intelligence service career and was prominently involved in
preparing the prosecution of Nazi criminals.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Scott, Michael
* in England
Michael Scott was an Anglican priest who came to South Africa for health reasons, and got
strongly involved in anti-apartheid struggles and social issues. He travelled to Namibia
to collect evidence, and petitioned the UN on behalf of Namibians.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Clergy
Namibia National Archives Database
Scott, Michael James
* 08.09.1940 at Edinburgh, Scotland
Michael James Scott was born on 08.09.1940 at Edinburgh in Scotland. He came to southern
Africa in 1948. He was educated at Lusaka in Zambia and the University of Cape Town in
South Africa (B.Sc. (Hons.)). He was a Senior Geologist and a Prospector in Rhodesia (now:
Zimbabwe) from 1971 to 1972. He was the Exploration Manager of B. and O. Exploration Co.
(Pty) Ltd.
Gender: m
Profession: Geologist
Married to: Patricia Helen Somerset Scott, née Southey, married 1966-
Father: John Jacks Scott
Sebitwane, Kololo King
+ 07.07.1851
The Kololo community, a sub-group of the South African Sotho people, attacked under the
leadership of King Sebitwane (?-1851) the areas around the present-day Caprivi Strip in
Namibia. They subjugated the communities of the Fwe (Mafwe) and the Yeyi (Mayeyi) and
destroyed their political and social systems. King Sebitwane established his capital in
Linyanti. From Linyanti they conquered Barotseland in present-day Zambia. Sebitwane who
died on 07.07.1851, shortly after he had met David Livingstone, was followed by his son
Sekeletu (1851-1863).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
A Witbooi war leader, surrendered to the Germans by the end of 1905.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:222;
Seely, Mary Kathryn, Dr.
[Jensen, Mary Kathryn - birth name]
* in USA
First entry to Namibia: 1967
Mary Kathryn Seely, née Jensen, is an American zoologist. She came to Namibia in 1967
with a small group of zoologists of the University of California, and started to work at
the Namib Desert Research Station in Gobabeb in 1968, where she became the Director from
1970 until 1990 and then of the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia thereafter. She was
involved into extensive research and published widely on desert ecology, and general
environmental problems of Namibia.
Gender: f
Field of activity: SCI
Namibia National Archives Database
Sefeni shaMukuyu, Ovamboland (Uukwanyama) King
+ .1862
The tenth Uukwanyama King was King Sefeni shaMukuyu. He followed
King Haikukutu yaShinangola (1858-1859). He ruled from 1859 until 1862. In 1859 the sixth
Ondonga King Shipanga shAmukwiita was overthrown by his nephew Shikongo sha Kalulu
(1859-1874), with military assistance from Jonker Afrikaner. Shikongo became the new
Ondonga King and Shipanga had to seek refuge with Uukwanyama King Sefeni shaMukuyu. King
Sefeni died in 1859. His successor was the eleventh Uukwanyama King Mweshipandeka sha
Shaningika (1862-1882).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Seidenfaden, Johannes
* 27.02.1782 at Witzenhausen, Germany
+ 08.05.1863 at Honingklip, Swellendam, South Africa
Johannes Seidenfaden was born on 27.02.1782 at Witzenhausen in Germany. He was trained at
Berlin in Germany by Pastor Johannes Jänicke. He was a missionary of the London
Missionary Society. In the company of the brothers Abraham and Christian Albrecht he
arrived in South Africa in January 1805, and the three missionaries left the Cape Colony
en route for Great Namaqualand on 23.05.1805. After spending a short time with Cornelius
Kok at the Kamiesberg they continued their journey. The Albrecht brothers started a
mission station at Warmbad while Seidenfaden worked among the Nama community at
Heirachabis from 1806 to 1808. He returned to the Kamiesberg in 1808 whence he went to
Pella in 1809. Here again he experienced difficulties as the Pella mission station was
destroyed in 1811 by the Orlam Afrikaners under the command of Jager Afrikaner (due to the
usury of European traders, in which Seidenfaden allegedly was involved). In the mean time
the London Missionary Society had decided to establish a new mission station at Suurbraak
(Caledon Institute) to which Seidenfaden was appointed in 1812. The superintendent of the
Society in South Africa, Dr. John Philip, however, was not satisfied with Seidenfaden and
laid a serious charge against him in 1821., but he was finally dismissed only in 1825 and
ordered to leave the station. He was married three times: Maria Elizabeth Schonken
(26.03.1809), Catharina Wilhelmina Richter (01.12.1827 at Swellendam and Susanna F.M. le
Roux (12.12.1829 at Caledon). Seidenfaden had no children. He died on 08.05.1863 at
Honingklip, Swellendam in South Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married: <1>Maria Elizabeth Schonken (26.03.1809)
<2>Catharina Wilhelmina Richter (01.12.1827)
<3>Susanna F.M. le Roux (12.12.1829)
Seiner, Franz
* 18.03.1874 at Feldbach, Austria
+ .1929
First entry to Namibia: 1903
Last departure from Namibia: 1912 (?)
Franz Seiner was born on 18.03.1874 at Feldbach in Austria. He was a journalist and
geographer. He participated in the South African War as a volunteer on the side of the
Boers, 1900. He returned to his hometown Graz (Austria) and came to Namibia in 1903 to
cure his tuberculosis. Seiner travelled widely in Central Namibia in 1903 and wrote a
journalistic travelogue about his trip after his return to Graz (Bergtouren und
Steppenfahrten im Hererolande, 1904), which is an interesting source on social conditions
just before the 1904 war, although strongly coloured by Pan-Germanic chauvinism. Another
travel to Namibia was allegedly induced by an imminent arrest because of involvement in
nationalist riots in his hometown. From 1905-1906 (before an effective German
administrative presence was established in the area) Seiner travelled extensively through
the Caprivi Strip and adjacent trans-border areas, in 1907 in the Kalahari in Botswana and
Namibia and between 1910 and 1912 in the Omaheke and the Kavango. About these travels he
wrote extensive scientific reports which were published in colonial journals, and
contributed very much to the early cartographic description of the areas in question. He
also had a special interest in anthropological "Bushman" research. In 1912 or
1913 he returned to Europe, was allegedly involved in the short-lived reign of Fürst
Wilhelm zu Wied in Albania (1914), and possibly in the military administration of Albania
under Austria in the First World War. He died in 1929.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Journalist Geographer
1). NAN: ZBU 1012: J.XIII.b.12 Forschungsreisen Seiners
2). NAN: A.295 (Secondary material: Notes and photocopies of documents used by J.H. Mienie
in writing a biographic article on Seiner in Dictionary of South African Biography)
RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon; DSAB IV; Drechsler 1966:291, 316;
Seitz, Theodor, Dr.
* 12.09.1863 at Seckenheim, Germany
+ 28.03.1949 at Baden-Baden, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1910
Theodor Seitz was born on 12.09.1863 at Seckenheim in Germany. He entered the government
service in Baden in 1889 as an Assessor, later as Amtsmann. He joined the Colonial
Department of the German Foreign Office (Kolonialabteilung des Auswärtigen Amtes) in
1894. He worked in the colonial administration of Cameroon between 1895 and 1899
(Regierungsrat 1896). Seitz returned to the colonial central administration in 1899 (1900
Legationsrat, 1902 Vortragender Rat, 1905 Geheimer Legationsrat). He was Governor of
Cameroon between 1907 and 1910 and Governor of German SWA between 1910 and 1915. He
became the successor of the Governor for German SWA, Bruno Helmut von Schuckmann on
30.08.1910. On the outbreak of World War One, on 08.08.1914, Seitz
ordered the mobilisation of the Schutztruppe (1 870 men and 3 000 reservists). On the
South African side 60 000 soldiers were mobilised. On 01.05.1915 he shifted the capital of
German South West Africa from Windhoek to Grootfontein. Between 20.05. and 22.05.1915
negotiations for an armistice between SA Prime Minister Botha and Governor Seitz took
place at the farm Giftkuppe near Omaruru. The negotiations failed. On 09.07., after the
surrender of the Germans to the South Africans, Seitz was allowed to stay at Grootfontein
and moved later, until the end of World War One, to a farm in the Khomas Hochland. He
became President of Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft from 1920 until 1930. He died on
28.03.1949 at Baden-Baden in Germany.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
Functions: Gouverneur - Kamerun - 1907-1910
Gouverneur - Deutsch-Südwestafrika - 1910-1915
Präsident - Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft - 1920-1930
1). Apparently lost (Main part of personal papers)
2). Bundesarchiv Koblenz: NL 175 (Diaries 1907-1908 and 1935-1936)
3). Stadtarchiv Mannheim (Personal papers including his work in Africa, 1877-1949)
RAW DATA: Mommsen 1.I; Dt.Koloniallexikon; Gann: Rulers; Hubatsch; E.G. Jacob:
Dt.Kolonialpolitik in Dokumenten (Leipzig 1938); Drechsler 1966:17, 316, 325, 366-367;
Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Sekeletu, Kololo King
+ .1863
After the death of Kololo King Sebitwane in July 1851, his son Sekeletu followed him on
the throne. After Sekeletu died in Malengalenga in 1863, he was followed by his son
Mbololo (1863-1864). During the reign of Sekeletu the Tawana group of the Tswana people
was subjugated by the Kololo and the Ndebele peoples. Simultaneously some Ovaherero who
were in conflict with the Orlam Afrikaners escaped from Namibia to Bechuanaland and took
up friendly relations with the Kololo.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Sekgoma, Lethsolathebe, Tswana King
+ .1890
In 1885 a conflict between Lozi King Lewanika and Tswana King Moremi II (1876-1890) was
caused about the control over the Mbukushu community in the eastern Kavango. These
conflicts were further expanded to the Gciriku and Shambyu communities in the Kavango
under Moremi's successor, Tswana King Sekgoma Lethsolathebe (1891-1906). Both kingdoms
fought for influence in present-day Caprivi Strip.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Selbourne, Lord
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:239-2411, 246, 259, 362-363;
Semler, Johannes, Dr.
* 05.10.1858 at Hamburg, Germany
Johannes Semler was born on 05.10.1858 at Hamburg in Germany. He studied law in Tübingen,
Strasbourg, Berlin and Paris. He was a lawyer in Hamburg. Since 1888 he was a member of
the Hamburg Parliament (Bürgerschaft), since 1900 member of the Reichstag
(Nationalliberale Partei). As a parliamentarian, he took a special interest in colonial
matters and travelled to several colonial, including German South-West Africa. About the
latter trip, he wrote a published report (Meine Beobachtungen in Südwestafrika, 1906).
Gender: m
Field of activity: LAW POL
Profession: Lawyer Politician
RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon;
Semper, Erwin
* 29.01.1872
+ 03.01.1906 at Gross-Nabas
Erwin Semper was born on 29.01.1872. He was a Schutztruppe reserve officer. He died in
action on 03.01.1905 against the Witbooi Nama in the battle of Gross-Nabas.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:198;
Pastor of the AMEC in Windhoek 1954.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Clergy
RAW DATA: Schlosser 1958:115;
Seydel, Ernst
* .1872 in Germany
Distriktchef of Maltahöhe 1909-1914. Published about his Namib expeditions.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
Functions: Distriktchef - Maltahöhe - 1909-1914
RAW DATA: Hubatsch;
Shampapi, Gciriku King
[Hompa traditional title]
+ .1944
Gciriku King Shampapi (1924-1944) succeeded King Nyangana in 1924. He was the third in the
recorded genealogy of the Gciriku kings. Shampapi died 1944 and was succeeded by Hompa
Shashipapo (1944-1985).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shaningwa, Ndjaula
Believed to have been sentenced to life imprisonment in Robben Island in 1968.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Namibia National Archives Database
Shar, Ben Nathan
* 29.10.1911 at Swakopmund
Ben Nathan Shar was born on 29.10.1911 at Swakopmund. He was a businessman, Managing
Director of Windhoek Universal Motors (Pty) Ltd. and Director of Shar Bros. (Pty) Ltd. He
was also farmer in Keetmanshoop and Karasburg districts, and karakul exporter. He served
as the President of SWA Motor Traders' Association.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Lily Shar, née Shulman, married 1936-
Father: Chaim Shar
Shashipapo, Gciriku King
[Hompa traditional title]
+ .1985
Gciriku King Shashipapo (1944-1985) succeeded King Shampapi in 1944. He was the fourth in
the recorded genealogy of the Gciriku kings. Shashipapo died 1985 and was succeeded by Hompa
Sebastian Kamwanga (1985-1999).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shaw, Barnabas
* 12.04.1788 at Elloughton, England
+ 21.06.1857 at Mowbray, South Africa
Barnabas Shaw was born on 12.04.1788 at Elloughton, Yorkshire in England. He was a
Wesleyan Methodist Missionary, founder of Methodism and of its first mission stations in
southern Africa. He was the son of a small farmer, Thomas Shaw, and his wife, Elizabeth
Best. Shaw joined the Methodist Society and began to preach in 1808. After the customary
probationary period he was ordained a minister in 1814. Offering his services for the
foreign mission field, he was directed to work in Cape Town. Before setting out for South
Africa in December 1815, he took lessons in Dutch in London. Shaw and his wife arrived at
the Cape on 13.04.1816. He was refused permission to preach in Cape Town by the then
Governor, Lord Charles Somerset, and when he met Johann Heinrich Schmelen of the London
Missionary Society in early 1816, he decided to travel with him to identify a suitable
site for mission work, which he founded at Lilyfontein near the Kamiesberg in the northern
Cape Colony as the first Wesleyan mission station. Notable early baptised Christians were
Jacob Links (+ August 1825) and Johannes Jager. Links had become a probationary minister
and, in 1822, an ordained minister of the church. During his stay at Lilyfontein, he both
made and initiated several trips into Bushmanland with a view to establish stations there.
In July 1819 the Rev. J. Archbell joined the mission staff as Shaw's assistant.
Accompanied by the Rev. J.J. Kicherer, Shaw visited in 1820 the London Missionary Schmelen
at Bethany in Great Namaqualand. Together they explored the Fish River area in search for
a site for another mission station. The Kai||khaun (Red Nation) Chief Tsawúb Gamab
(1814-1824) welcomed the idea. In furtherance of the idea Shaw, sent Archbell and Links to
consult Tsawúb Gamab and establish a mission station. Bosfontein (to-day Grootfontein
South) was identified as a site, but for many years not realised. In 1825 he agreed to
allow Links, Jager and the Rev. William Threlfall, missionary in
Lily Fountain, to again explore the possibility of opening a mission station
in the Fish River area. Not long after they had left (probably August 1825) they were all
murdered by the San Naughaap north-west of Warmbad,
for the sake of their possessions. Following the killing of
Threlfall and his party, Europeans avoided to travel to Great Namaqualand until the
mid-1830s. In 1826 Shaw left Lilyfontein permanently and settled at Cape
Town in order to start a Methodist missionary service there until 1837. A donation in 1832
by Josiah Nisbett of the Madras Civil Service, made the establishment of a mission station
at Warmbad in Great Namaqualand possible, permanently to head the Methodist mission at the
town. Shaw recommended to the missionary committee in England that the Rev. Edward Boyer
Cook, his assistant, be sent to found the station. The Wesleyan
Missionary Society took over all missionary activities from the London Missionary Society
(until 1840). Consequently on 16.07.1834 Cook (until
09.03.1843) revived the missionary work in Warmbad which was dormant since 1811, the days
of the London Missionary Society and after the Warmbad mission station was destroyed by
the Orlam Afrikaners under Jager and Titus Afrikaner. Cook called Warmbad "Nisbett
Bath" in honour of Josiah Nisbett. He worked there with Peter Links (until 1839). The
Wesleyan Missionary Society called the missionary work in Great Namaqualand which later
expanded to the north (Naosanabis (Leonardville)(1843), Windhoek (1844) and Gobabis
(1845)) the "Damara Mission". In 1838 5Hawoben (Veldskoendragers) began to settle at 5Khauxa!nas. The Wesleyan missionaries Joseph Tindall,
Benjamin Ridsdale and John A. Bailie worked among the 5Hawoben. In 1839 Wesleyan missionary Joseph Tindall (until
April 1842) worked with missionary Cook at Warmbad. Tindall was followed by Benjamin
Ridsdale (01.02.1844-1847) who meticulously described 5Khauxa!nas (or Schans Vlakte which was re-discovered by
Klaus Dierks in 1986). He was followed by missionaries Macleod (from 01.02.1844), John A.
Bailie (1848-1850), Richard Ridgill (1855-1858), John Thomas (1857-1859), J. Priestley
(1859-1864) and Timotheus Sneeue (1863-1864), as well as M. Godman (1864-1866), the last
of the Wesleyan missionaries. Due to financial constraints the Wesleyan Missionary Society
transferred the business of the Damara Mission to the Rhenish Missionary Society in 1866. With
the exception of a six year stay in England from 1837 until 1843, Shaw remained at the
Cape until he died on 21.06.1857 at Mowbray. He was married to Jane Butler in 1814. They
had one son, Rev. Barnabas J. Shaw.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Jane Shaw, née Butler, married 1814
RAW DATA: DSAB I:709-711; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Sheehama, David
+ 14.03.1980
David Sheehama, a businessman owning several shops in northern Namibia, and father of
reggae singer Ras Sheehama, who was also a philanthropist contributing financially to
church-based community activities. He was murdered at his home in Onakayale, presumably by
Koevoet, on 14.03.1980. In 2000, the former Ombalantu Secondary School was named after
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Jacobina Sheehama
Children: Ras Sheehama
RAW DATA: The article is unclear about his SWAPO connection. Find out (from Amutenya?);
Shejavali, Abisai, Dr.
* in Namibia
Abisai Shejavali was ordained as a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran
Ovambo-Kavango-Church in 1962. He studied in Finland, from 196? until 1966. He was a
lecturer at the Paulinum from 1966 to 1967. He studied in the USA from 1971 to 1978
(doctorate in philosophy and theology, Thomas-Aquinas Institute 1978). He was the
Chairperson of the Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN) from 1983 until 1991.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Clergy
Functions: Chairman - Council of Churches in Namibia - 1983-1991
Married to: Selma Shejavali
RAW DATA: Berichte aus Namibia 13 (Feb.1983);
Sherman, James
James Sherman was an American sailor who deserted from a French ship. He worked with
trader Stewardson in the 1840s. In November 1849, he was employed by Carl Hugo Hahn at
Otjikango, where he assisted in the building work.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Sheya shaAmukwa, Ovamboland (Ongandjera) King
+ .1936
The twenty-first Ongandjera King was Sheya shaAmukwa (1930-1936).
He followed King Tshaanika Tsha Natshilongo (1887-1930). King Sheya shaAmukwa died in
1936. His successor was the 22nd Ongandjera King Tshaanika shIipinge (1936-1948).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shifidi, Immanuel
* 16.09.1929
+ 30.11.1986 at Windhoek
Immanuel Shifidi was born on 16.09.1929. In March 1966, in
Ontamanzi the first SWAPO military training centre named "Ondaadhi
(reconnaissance)" was established. The first trainees were: Immanuel Shifidi, Eliazer
Tuhadeleni (Kaxumba kaNdola), Festus Heita, Johannes Musheko, Paulus Shikolalje, Simeon
Namunganga Hamulemo, Henok Jacob (Malila), Festus Nanjolo, Kornelius Shelungu, Thomas
Haimbodi, Isak Shoome and Festus Muaala. In order to escape discovery by the South
Africans, NAPLA shifted its training camp from Ondaadhi to Uuvudhija in the border area
between the Uukwambi and the Ongandjera areas. The camp was named "Oondjokwe".
After the battle of Omugulu-gOmbashe (Otjiherero: Leg of a giraffe) on 26.08.1966 against
the South African Army, Shifidi was tried with other Namibians in the
Pretoria Terrorism Trial from September 1967 to February 1968. He was sentenced to life
imprisonment on Robben Island. He was released in 1986. Shortly after this, on 30.11.1986 a SWAPO meeting in Katutura led to clashes with the South African Police.
Immanuel Shifidi was stabbed and subsequently died. The alleged killers from the South
African 101 Battalion (Johannes Hendrik Vorster, Willem Hendrik Welgemoed, Antoinie
Johannes Botes, Nicolaas Jacobus Prinsloo, Eusebias Christiaan Kashimbi and Steven Festus)
were brought to trial, but on direct intervention from the South African Prime Minister,
P.W. Botha, were released. It must be noted that this crime was allegedly planned at the
South African Defence Headquarter and that senior "white" officers were
Gender: m
Field of activity: PO
1). NAN: PRI 3/10 (Prison file)
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shihungileni, Simeon K.
[Shihungeleni, Simeon K. - alternative spelling]
Simeon K. Shihungileni was charged in mid-1967 under the Terrorism Act, after the battle of Omugulu-gOmbashe on 26.08.1966 against the South African Army.
He was tried with other Namibians in the Pretoria Terrorism Trial between September 1967
and February 1968. He was sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
1). NAN: PRI 3/26 (Prison file)
Shikomba, David
David Shikomba was the Secretary of the SWAPO Youth League. He was found guilty in March
1974 of contravening the Sabotage Act during a SWAPO meeting in Windhoek, inciting people
to violence. He was sentenced to six years of imprisonment on Robben Island.
Gender: m
Field of activity: PO
Functions: Secretary - SWAPO Youth League
Namibia National Archives Database
Shikomba, Gaus
Gaus Shikomba was found guilty in April 1969 of conspiring to overthrow the SWA
Administration. He was sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
1). NAN: PRI 3/8 (Prison file)
Shikongo, Michael
Michael Shikongo was charged in February 1977 under the Terrorism Act in the Windhoek
Supreme Court with participating in terrorist activities. He was sentenced in July 1977 to
five years' imprisonment on Robben Island.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Namibia National Archives Database
Shikongo shIipinge, Ovamboland (Uukwaluudhi) King
+ .1902
The eight Uukwaluudhi King on record was King Shikongo shIipinge.
He followed Uushona uEndjila. He ruled from ca. 1850 until 1902. Against his enemies from
other Ovambo kingdoms he built a thorn fence (three to four metres high and two to three
metres wide) about a 100 km long from Iikokola at the Ongandjera border to the Ombalantu
border. But this fence did not protect the Uukwaluudhi people because it was burnt down by
Ongandjera warriors. On 19.02.1866 the Anglo-Canadian hunter and trader Green reached the
Kunene River from the south after having visited the Uukwaluudhi King Shikongo shIipinge.
The Uukwaluudhi King Shikongo shIipinge died in 1902. His successor was the ninth
Uukwaluudhi King Niilenga yAmukwa (1902-1908).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shikongo sha Kalulu, Ovamboland (Ondonga) King
* in Namibia
+ 07.11.1874 in Namibia
Shikongo sha Kalulu (1859-1874) was the seventh King of Ondonga, son of Nangolo's sister
Nashikoto Shaamutenya. He was a contender to the throne after Nangolo's death in 1857, he
was , however, exiled by the new king, Shipanga. Shikongo, however, went to Windhoek,
enlisted Jonker Afrikaner with the promise of a large booty (he also met Carl Hugo Hahn
then), returned to Ondonga with Afrikaner and a large, well-armed Afrikaner commando, and
drove Shipanga out of Ondonga. Shikongo became the new
Ondonga King (until his death in 1874) and Shipanga
had to seek refuge with Uukwanyama King Sefeni shaMukuyu. Shikongos royal court was
at Omandongo (south of Onayena) in the Ondonga area. He later invited Hahn
to visit Ondonga, and established one of the first Finnish mission stations, Oniipa. King Shikongo sha Kalulu died on 07.11.1874. His successor was his nephew, the
eighth Ondonga King Kambonde kaNankwaya (1874-1883).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: King - Ondonga - 1859-1874
Mother: Nashikoto Shaamutenya
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shikwa shAmupindi (Kayambu), Ovamboland (Uukwaluudhi) King
The fifth Uukwaluudhi King on record was King Shikwa shAmupindi
(Kayambu). He followed King Natshilongo shIikombo. He ruled before 1850. The first seven
Uukwaluudhi kings cannot be dated. His successor was the sixth Uukwaluudhi King Niilenge
ya Shipula.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shilongo, Julius Israel
Julius Israel Shilongo was charged in mid-1967 under the Terrorism Act, after the battle of Omugulu-gOmbashe on 26.08.1966 against the South African Army.
He was tried with other Namibians in the Pretoria Terrorism Trial from September 1967
until February 1968. He was sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
1). NAN: PRI 3/13 (Prison file)
Shimbilinga shaNailambi, Ovamboland (Uukwanyama) King
The fifth Uukwanyama King on record was King Shimbilinga
shaNailambi. He followed King Hautolonde uaNdja. He ruled before 1800. The first seven
Uukwanyama kings cannot be precisely dated. His successor was the sixth Uukwanyama King
Haihambo yaMukwanuli (before 1807).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shimbuli, Emma
[Shimbuli-Mujoro, Emma - married name]
+ 18.03.1995 in Namibia
Emma Shimbuli was the first woman who graduated as a theologian in the ELCRN. She was
elected as Mayor of Karibib in 1992 (?) and died on 18.03.1995. She married theologian
Zedekia Mujoro in 19??.
Gender: f
Field of activity: POL REL
Profession: Theologian
Functions: Mayor - Karibib
Married to: Zedekia Mujoro
Namibia National Archives Database
Shimuefeleni, David Hamuneme
David Hamuneme Shimuefeleni was arrested in early 1967, after the
battle of Omugulu-gOmbashe on 26.08.1966 against the South African Army. He
was tried with other Namibians in the Pretoria Terrorism Trial from September 1967
to February 1968. He was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment on Robben Island.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
1). NAN: PRI 3/4 (Prison file)
Shimuefeleni, Jonas Shishveni
Jonas Shishveni Shimuefeleni was arrested in March 1966. He was detained in the Pretoria
Central Prison until charged in Windhoek under the Terrorism Act in February 1969. He was
sentenced in August 1969 to 18 years' imprisonment on Robben Island.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Namibia National Archives Database
Shindongo shaNamutenya gwa Nguti, Ovamboland (Ondonga) King
After the fall of the first Ondonga King Nembulungo lyNgwedha (ca.
1650-1690), his successor is the second Ondonga King Shindongo shaNamutenya gwa Nguti. He
ruled from 1690 until 1700.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shipanga, Andreas Zack
* 26.10.1931 at Ondangwa
Andreas Zack Shipanga was born on 26.10.1931 at Ondangwa. He was trained as a teacher,
worked as migrant labourer in the mining, fishing, and gastronomic sectors. He was a
founding member of the Ovamboland People's Congress (OPC), Ovamboland Peoples Organisation
(OPO), and SWAPO. He went into exile in 1963. He was the SWAPO representative in Kinshasa,
then in Cairo (1964-1969). He was married to an Egyptian (divorced in ??). He was the
SWAPO Secretary for Information and Publicity from 1970 until 1976. After involvement in a
power struggle (so-called Shipanga Rebellion, 1976), he was imprisoned in Zambia and
Tanzania between 1976 and 1978. He was released in March 1978 after foreign intervention.
He returned to Namibia and founded the party "SWAPO-Democrats (SWAPO-D), which
participated in various South African-inspired attempts for an "internal
solution" of the Namibia case. After his crushing defeat in the 1989 elections, and
with failing health, he retired from politics.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Politician
Functions: Secretary for Information and Publicity - SWAPO - 1970-1976
President - SWAPO-D - 19??-
Married to: Esmé Shipanga
Namibia National Archives Database
Shipanga shAmukwiita, Ovamboland (Ondonga) King
Shipanga shAmukwiita, the sixth Ondonga king (1857-1859), was the brother of the fifth
Ondonga king, Nangolo dAmutenya. He succeeded him to the throne after the latter's death
in 1857. He was, however, dethroned and driven away from Ondonga after two years by his
nephew Shikongo sha Kalulu, whom he had exiled, but who managed to enlist the help of
Jonker Afrikaner and Uukwanyama King Mweshipandeka sha Shaningika to help him to the
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: King - Ondonga - 1857-1859
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shiponeni, Johannes Samuel
Johannes Samuel Shiponeni was charged in mid-1967 under the Terrorism Act, after the battle of Omugulu-gOmbashe on 26.08.1966 against the South African Army.
He was tried with other Namibians in the Pretoria Terrorism Trial, from September 1967 to
February 1968. He was sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island. He was wounded at
the time of his capture, he received inadequate medical attention. His leg was
subsequently amputated without his prior consent or knowledge.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Namibia National Archives Database
Shitilifa, Philemon
Philemon Shitilifa was arrested in 1966. He was tried with other Namibians in the Pretoria
Terrorism Trial, from September 1967 to February 1968, after the
battle of Omugulu-gOmbashe on 26.08.1966 against the South African Army. He
was sentenced to life imprisonment, reduced to 20 years on appeal, on Robben Island.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
1). NAN: PRI 3/22 (Prison file)
Shityuwete, Joseph Helao
[Shityuvete, Joseph Helao - alternative spelling]
Joseph Helao Shityuwete was arrested in 1966 and detained without trial for nearly ten
months, after the battle of Omugulu-gOmbashe on 26.08.1966 against
the South African Army. He was charged in mid-1967 under the Terrorism Act.
He was tried with other Namibians in the Pretoria Terrorism Trial from September 1967 to
February 1968. He was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment on Robben Island. He wrote an
autobiographic book about his experience.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Namibia National Archives Database
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Shiyagaya, Toivo
* in Namibia
+ 02.1978 in Namibia
Toivo Shiyagaya was the health minister of the Ovamboland Bantustan government. He was
assassinated in February 1978.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Namibia National Archives Database
Shiyambi, Kassian, Gciriku King
[Hompa, traditional title]
Gciriku King Kassian Shiyambi succeeded Hompa Kamwanga in 1999. He is the sixth
in the recorded genealogy of the Gciriku kings.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: Hompa - Gciriku Community - 1999-
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shooya, David, Ovamboland (Uukolonkhadi) King
[Shikati, traditional title]
David Shooya is the current Uukolonkhadi
King, since 1985.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Shufu, Boniface Lutibezi, Yeyi (Mayeyi) Chief
[Shikati, traditional title]
+ .
Shikati Boniface Lutibezi Shufu is the current Mayeyi Chief, since
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Sichel, Josef
* 01.10.1856 at Kassel, Germany
+ 15.08.1921 on a vessel off Walvis Bay
First entry to Namibia: 1884
Josef Sichel was born on 01.10.1856 at Kassel in Germany. He was a merchant who came to
Walvis Bay in 1884. In 1899 he and three others established the large German colonial
merchant house of Mertens and Sichel. He was listed in Witbooi's "Debt Book" as
a creditor, 1888. He died on 15.08.1921 on a vessel off Walvis Bay.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: NAN HRS AB 8; NAN EST 420,170; NAN ADM 297 868/406; Lau 1995:247; Lenssen
Sidon was a Undercaptain of the Orlams Afrikaners in the 1890s.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Siebe, Heinrich
* in Germany
Heinrich Siebe was a missionary of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Hereroland from
1895 to 1899.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Namibia National Archives Database
* in Germany
Sieber was a veterinarian and bacteriologist at the Gammams Bacteriological Institute in
Gender: m
Field of activity: VET
Namibia National Archives Database
Siebert, Hauptmann
* in Germany
Siebert was a Schutztruppe officer
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:228;
Siebold, Hans
* in Germany
Hans Siebold was a pastor (for the "white" German Lutheran congregation) in
Keetmanshoop until 1914.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Clergy
Namibia National Archives Database
Siekmann, Friedrich
* 30.09.1879 at Bielefeld, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1907
Last departure from Namibia: 1920
Friedrich Siekmann was born on 30.09.1879 at Bielefeld in Germany. He was a missionary of
the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. He came to Namibia in 1907, was stationed in
Okahandja and left the mission in 1920.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Marta Siekmann, née Garbers, married 1915-
Namibia National Archives Database
* in Germany
Siemsen was a trader.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Trader
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:148;
Sihurera, Mbukushu King
+ before 1850
In the Kavango, one of the earliest known Mbukushu Kings was Sihurera. He was the third in
the recorded genealogy of the Mbukushu kings. He succeeded King Dinyando. No life dates
could be traced so far. Successor was King Kasimana (before 1850).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Sikongo, Uukwangali King
[Hompa, traditional title]
+ .1870
In the Kavango, Uukwangali King Sikongo succeeded King Mpepo who was killed in 1833. He
was the seventh in the recorded genealogy of the Uukwangali kings. Sikongo ruled until his
death in 1870. His reign brought peace and stability to the Uukwangali area. Sikongo was
followed by King Mpasi who ruled until 1880.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Silber, Jock
Jock Silber was a trader in Gobabis
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Trader
Namibia National Archives Database
Simasiku, George, Fwe (Mafwe) King
[Mamili, traditional title]
After the secessionist coup d'etat against the Republic of Namibia in 1998/99, in order to
create an independent state of Caprivi, the Fwe (Mafwe) King Bebi Boniface fled to
Botswana and later to Denmark, where political asylum was granted to him. Bebi was
followed by Mamili George Simasiku (1999-). He is the seventh in the recorded
genealogy of the Mafwe kings.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Simata, Kabenda, Fwe (Mafwe) King
[Mamili, traditional title]
+ .1914
Lozi King Lewanika appointed the Fwe (Mafwe) Chief Simata Kabende (1864-1914) to
administer the western areas of to-day's Caprivi Strip. He was the first in the recorded
genealogy of the Mafwe kings. Simata got the honourary Lozi title Mamili. Mamili
Simata Kabende ruled the Caprivi Strip with inclusion of the Mafwe, Mayuni, Mayeyi, Totela
and Mbukushu communities under Lozi (also called Luyi people in the Luyana Kingdom)
control, with the capital Linyanti. Since Lewanika's time the Lozi language is spoken in
many parts of the Caprivi Strip, northern Botswana and western Zambia. Mamili
supported German endeavours to incorporate the Caprivi Strip into German SWA, thus
terminating the Lozi rule. In 1902 he assisted the German trader August Geik who reached
the Caprivi Strip from Grootfontein. In May 1909 Simata supported Kurt Streitwolf in order
to create administrative structures in the Caprivi Strip. Simata died in 1914 and was
followed by Mamili Lifasi Simata (1914-1931) who originated from Makalani.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Simata, Lifasi, Fwe (Mafwe) King
[Mamili, traditional title]
* at Makalani
+ .1944
After the death of Fwe (Mafwe) King Simata Lifasi in 1931, he was succeeded by Mamili Simata
Lifasi (1931-1944) who originated from Makalani. He was the third in the recorded
genealogy of the Mafwe kings. Simata was followed by Mamili Simasiku Simata
(1944-1971), originating from Chinchimani.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Simata, Simasiku, Fwe (Mafwe) King
[Mamili, traditional title]
* at Chinchimani
+ .1971
After the death of Fwe (Mafwe) King Lifasi Simata in 1944, he was succeeded by Mamili Simata
Simasiku (1944-1971) who originated from Chinchimani. He was the fourth in the recorded
genealogy of the Mafwe kings. Simata was followed by Mamili Richard Muhinda
(1971-1987), also originating from Chinchimani.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Simbara, Uukwangali Queen
[Hompa, traditional title]
+ 1800
In the Kavango, one of the earlier recorded Uukwangali Queens was Simbara (1785-1800). She
was the third in the recorded genealogy of the Uukwangali kings and queens. The successor
of Queen Simbara was Queen Mate II (between 1800 and 1818).
Gender: f
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Simbwaye, Brendan Kongongolu
+ at unknown (possibly Opuwo)
Brendan Kongongolu Simbwaye was a founder member of the Caprivi African National Union
(CANU) in 1963. He negotiated the merger of CANU with SWAPO. He was an elected
Vice-President of SWAPO in 1964. He was arrested in 1964 after organising a SWAPO meeting.
He was banned first to Warmbad, then to Khorixas. It is reported that he has been charged
with terrorist activities in a secret trial in Pretoria in 1970. He was allowed to return
to Caprivi and disappeared there under unclear circumstances in 1972 at the time of the
visit of UN representative Escher. Allegedly he was killed by the South African security
forces at Opuwo.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Politician
Functions: President - CANU
Vice-President - SWAPO
1). NAN: BAC ...... (Bantu Affairs file on his banning)
RAW DATA: Prisoners of apartheid 1978;
Simmonds, Reginald Bertram
* 11.02.1922 at South Coast, Natal, South Africa
Reginald Bertram Simmonds wa born on 11.02.1922 at the south coast, Natal in South Africa.
He was educated at the Glenwood High School and the Technical College in Durban. He was in
the shipping business since 1937. He underwent military service in World War Two. He came
to Namibia in 1951. He was the branch manager and partner in United Shipping Co. of SWA
(Pty) Ltd. He was married to Irmgard Simmonds, née Hansen in 1951.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Irmgard Simmonds, née Hansen, married 1951-
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959, 1974;
Simon, David
* .1957 at Cape Town, South Africa
David Simon was born in 1957 in Cape Town. He studied in Cape Town, Reading, and Oxford
(Ph.-D. Oxford). Since 1987, he teaches geography at the University of London. He
researched and published extensively on Namibia, in particular on urbanisation and
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Geographer
Namibia National Archives Database
Simon, Jean-Marie
* .1858
+ .1932
Jean-Marie Simon was born in 1858. He was the Roman-Catholic Bishop of (Pella/ Keimoes?)
who was responsible for the beginning of Roman Catholic mission work in southern Namibia.
He died in 1932.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Clergy
Functions: Bishop
Simon, Otto
* 09.03.1870 at Posen, Germany (now Poland)
First entry to Namibia: 1898
Otto Simon was born on 09.03.1870 at Posen in Germany (now Poland). He was a missionary of
the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. He was sent to Namibia in 1898 and was
stationed in Gibeon. He resigned from the mission after serious disagreements in 1903. He
was married to Elisabeth Simon, née Rappard in 1900.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Elisabeth Simon, née Rappard, married 1900-
Namibia National Archives Database
Simpson was the Magistrate of Walvis Bay in ca.1884.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Sinclair, Benjamin
Benjamin Sinclair closed a mining prospecting agreement with Bethany Captain David
Christian Frederiks (||Naixab) in 1863. In ca. 1868 he was the mine manager at the
Roensberg mine, whose usurpation of judicial functions prompted diplomatic protests of the
Nama captains to the Cape government.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Esterhuyze 1968:15; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Singham, A.W.
A.W. Singham was a professor of political science at the City University of New York. He
had a special interest in the Non-Aligned Movement and published about Namibia.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Sinyungu, Mbukushu King
+ before 1850
In the Kavango, the earliest known Mbukushu King was Sinyungu. He was the first in the
recorded genealogy of the Mbukushu kings. No life dates could be traced so far. Successor
was King Dinyando (before 1850).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Sirelius, K.J.G
K.J.G. Sirelius was a Protestant pastor from Helsingfors in Finland. He later became
director of the Finnish Missionary Society and was instrumental in sending the first
Finnish missionaries to Ovamboland.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Functions: Director - Suomen Lähetysseura
Namibia National Archives Database
Siremo, Uukwangali King
[Hompa, traditional title]
+ .1822
In the Kavango, Uukwangali King Siremo was the successor of Queen Mate II in 1818.
He was the fifth in the recorded genealogy of the Uukwangali kings. He ruled from 1818
until 1822 when he was killed by his brother Mpepo who attacked the Uukwangali area with
assistance of the Uukwanyama community in Ovamboland. He was followed by King Mpepo
(between 1822 and 1833).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Sivertsen, Norman Erik
* 19.09.1907 at Cape Town, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1936
Norman Erik Sivertsen was born on 19.09.1907 at Cape Town in South Africa. He was educated
at the Rondebosch Boys High School. He came to Namibia in 1936. He underwent military
service in World War Two. He was the chairperson and director of Cloete Kruger (Pty) Ltd.
and partner in Norman Sivertsen Co. He was the Charter President of the Rotary Club SWA
from 1952 to 1954. He was married to Ivy Victoria Sivertsen, née Simpson from 1930 to
1954 and to
Anna Sivertsen, née Marschner in 1956.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: <1>Ivy Victoria Sivertsen, née Simpson (-1954), married 1930-1954
<2>Anna Sivertsen, née Marschner, married 1956-
Father: S.C. Sivertsen
Sivute, Uukwangali King
[Hompa, traditional title]
+ .1958
In the Kavango, Uukwangali Queen Kanuni was deposed by the South African Native
Commissioner, Harold Eedes and sent into exile to Angola in 1941. Eedes appointed Hompa
Sivute to rule the Uukwangali area until his death in 1958. He was the fourteenth in the
recorded genealogy of the Uukwangali kings. 1958 Queen Kanuni returned to Namibia and
ruled until her death in 1971.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Slingen, Paul
Paul Slingen was a member of the Kai||khaun or Red Nation. He was a member of the Gibeon
congregation by the 1880s.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Smit, Hendrik Jakobus Daniel
* 30.11.1860
+ 10.10.1904 at Swartmodder
Hendrik Jakobus Daniel Smit was born on 30.11.1860. He was a Boer who trekked with a small
group of followers in the 1890s from Piketberg, South Africa, to Namibia. He bought the
farm Horanaub (later called Swartmodder) from Hendrik Witbooi on 27.11.1899. He had a high
standing in the local Boer community and was also apparently on a good footing with
Hendrik Witbooi, who allegedly warned him of the Nama uprising in 1904. Nevertheless Smit
was killed with several other Boers at Swartmodder by Witbooi-Nama on 10.10.1904.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR
Profession: Farmer
Married to: Hannie Smit, née van der Westhuizen (-1951)
Children: Dirk Smit (1902-)
RAW DATA: Zondagh 1991:91,111ff.;
Smuts, David
* 17.11.1954 in South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1972
David Smuts was born on 17.11.1954 in South Africa. He came to Namibia in 1972 with his
parents. He received his schooling in Pretoria and thereafter studied law in Stellenbosch
in South Africa and Harvard in the United States. He underwent military service in
1978/79. He is a director of the Namibia Legal Assistance Centre from 198? to 199?.
Gender: m
Field of activity: LAW
Profession: Lawyer
Namibia National Archives Database
Smuts, J.J.L.
J.J.L. Smuts worked for the Walvisch Bay Mining Company in the 1850s and later became a
close associate of Charles John Andersson. The latter equipped Smuts for an expedition
which he undertook to Kaokoland in 1864 with Robert Lewis and James Todd. During this
expedition they were attacked by a group headed by Samuel Afrikaner, apparently after
themselves having attacked a kraal and shot the headman. They were captured and robbed of
virtually everything.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Namibia National Archives Database
Sneeue, Timotheus
* .1801 at Warmbad
+ 09.10.1899 at Warmbad
Timotheus Sneeue was born in 1801 at Warmbad. He was the son of a black man who came to
Warmbad in 1793 and a !Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) woman. Sneeue was schooled at Lilyfontein
in the Cape Colony. He worked for the Wesleyan Missionary Society and the Rhenish
Missionary Society in Namaland as an interpreter, evangelist, and schoolteacher. It is
said that he had served as secretary to the Conference of Hoachanas 1858. In 1867 he was
elected as Deputy Captain at Warmbad, an office from which he resigned only in 1898. He
conducted a regular diplomatic correspondence with the authorities in the South African
Cape Colony. Apart from securing salaries and pensions from the Cape Colony and, later,
the German Government, he was also granted ownership of a farm by !Gami-#nun Captain
Willem Christian (#Nao Xab -||ômab) for his services in the Korana war, 1879, where he
led the Bondelswart forces.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: NAN ZBU U.V.1.1; Hahn 1984/85:1292; Strauss: War along the Orange, p.102;
Esterhuyse 1968:71, 79, 83; Lau 1995:247;
Snyman, Jacobus van Deventer
[Snyman, Jaap - colloquial name]
* 07.02.1919 at Zeerust, South Africa
Jacobus van Deventer Snyman was born on 07.02.1919 at Zeerust in South Africa. He was
educated at the Windhoek High School and the Pretoria University. He was a businessman,
Managing Director of Edelwyne (SWA) Ltd. and Snymans Bottle Store (Pty) Ltd. He was a
local politician and was elected to the Windhoek Town Council in 1954. He served as Deputy
Mayor from 1955 to 1957 and as Mayor from 1957 to 1961. He was a member of the SWA Road
Transportation Board, the SWA Sakekamer (Vice-Chair), the Publicity Society of SWA
(executive member), the SWA Municipal Association (President), and on many sporting
bodies. Snyman gained notoriety by his involvement in the 1959 Old Location shooting,
where his car was set alight by Kakurukaze Mungunda. He was married to Martha Jacoba
Snyman, née van der Westhuyzen in 1943.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman Local politician
Functions: Mayor - Windhoek - 1957-1961
Married to: Martha Jacoba Snyman, née van der Westhuyzen, married 1943-
Father: Petrus Christoffel Snyman
Solf, Wilhelm, Dr.
* 05.10.1862 at Berlin, Germany
+ 06.02.1936 at Berlin, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1912
Last departure from Namibia: 1912
Wilhelm Solf was born on 05.10.1862 at Berlin in Germany. He studied oriental languages,
in particular Sanskrit, in Berlin, London and Calcutta (now Kolkata)(doctorate 1885). He
joined the consular service and served i.a. in Calcutta. In 1890, he withdrew from
consular service to study law. In 1896 he was a Gerichtsassessor. He joined the
Kolonialabteilung des Auswärtigen Amtes and in 1898 was district judge in Dar-es-Salaam.
In 1899 he served as council chairman in Apia, Samoa. From 1900 to 1911 he was the
Governor of German Samoa. On 20.12.1911 he became the Secretary of the German Colonial
Office until 1918. He travelled to Namibia and German East Africa in 1912, to Cameroon and
Togo in 1913. From October to December 1918 he served as the Secretary of the German
Foreign Office. He was the Vice President of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. From 1920
to 1928 he was the Ambassador to Japan. He was the Chairperson of the Board of the
Deutsches Auslands-Institut. Politically favouring centrist politics, he joined the
Deutsche Demokratische Partei. He was married to Hanna Solf-Dotti. He died on 06.02.1936
at Berlin.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
Profession: Civil servant
Functions: Gouverneur - Samoa - 1900-1911
Staatssekretär - Reichskolonialamt - 1911-1918
Married to: Hanna Solf-Dotti
1). Bundesarchiv Koblenz (Personal papers, including some material on his African travels)
2). Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes (Files from Apia Municipality 1899-1900)
3 (Substantial parts of the personal papers lost during World War II)
RAW DATA: Mommsen 1,I and 1,II; ann, Rulers; Dt.Koloniallexikon; Hubatsch;
Solioz was Chief Engineer of the Otavi Railway Line.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ENG
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:168, 352;
Solms-Wildenfels, Otto zu, Graf
* 23.05.1866
Otto zu Solms-Wildenfels was born on 23.05.1866. He was a Schutztruppe officer.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:82;
Sonnenberg, Else
* at Wendeburg/Braunschweig, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 03.1903
Last departure from Namibia: 04.1904
Else Sonnenberg married 1903 the trader Gustav Sonnenberg, who established a store at the
Waterberg, where they were caught in the German-Ovaherero War in 1904. Her husband was
killed, and she trekked with other settler women and Rhenish Missionary Wilhelm Eich
several weeks in the trail of the Waterberg Ovaherero to Oviumbo, where they were released
to the Germans. After her return to Germany in April, she found employment in Bad Harzburg
and wrote a book "Wie es am Waterberg zuging" about her experiences.
Gender: f
Field of activity: WRI
Married to: Gustav Sonnenberg (-1904), married 1903-1904
RAW DATA: AHK 1975:94-95;
Spangenberg, Willem Hendrik Hermanus
* 07.06.1836 at Malmesbury, Cape, South Africa
+ .1934
Willem Hendrik Hermanus Spangenberg was born on 07.06.1836 at Malmesbury in Cape, South
Africa. He was a trader and farmer. He first appears in missionary records as a leader of
a group of 100 Boer families intending to settle in Gibeon. Moses Witbooi actually sold
him Goamus, but nothing came of the scheme as Moses had sold Goamus to two other
applicants as well. In 1887 he acted as "sole agent and attorney" of ||Hawoben
leader #Arisemab, negotiating mining concessions between the Captain and the Great Oasis
Syndicate in Kimberley. By 1891 he owned a sizeable establishment at Klipdrift near
Hasuur. In 1894 he was arrested, and expelled from the territory shortly afterwards on
suspicion of gun-running for Hendrik Witbooi. He returned in 1902 and, after a short court
hearing, was allowed to remain in German South West Africa. However, by 1906 he had left
again, and by 1911 he was sought for "murder and assistance to rebellious
natives". He died in 1934.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: NAN NLA 120; NAN ZBU R.VII.c.20; NAN ZBU G.II.i.3; NAN GKE 354, court minutes
2.7.1902; Quellen 6:30.6.1891, 17:12.5.1886; Lenssen 1994:290;
Spellmeyer, Christian
* 06.10.1870 at Levern/Westfalen, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1899
Christian Spellmeyer was born on 06.10.1870 at Levern/Westfalen in Germany. He was a
missionary of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. He came to Namibia in 1899, to be
stationed at Gibeon and Gochas. He was married to Elisabeth Spellmeyer, née Lange in
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Elisabeth Spellmeyer, née Lange, married 1901-
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:212, 358;
Spengler, H.
* in Germany
H. Spengler was a German mining engineer. He did prospecting near Rehoboth in 1884.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ENG
Namibia National Archives Database
Spiecker, F.A.
* in Germany
F.A. Spiecker was a Director of the Missions-Handels-Aktiengesellschaft from 1879.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Namibia National Archives Database
Spiecker, Johannes
* in Germany
Johannes Spiecker was the seventh inspector of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft from
1908 to 1918.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Functions: Direktor - Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft - 1908-1918
Namibia National Archives Database
Spies, Stefanus Johannes
* 16.06.1922 at Oudtshoorn, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1945
Stefanus Johannes Spies was born on 16.06.1922 at Oudtshoorn in South Africa. He was
educated at the Oudtshoorn High School and the Stellenbosch University. He came to Namibia
in 1945. He was a businessman, Director of Trust Estate Co. (Pty) Ltd., Protea Holdings
(SWA) (Pty) Ltd., Consortium Visserye (Pty) Ltd. and Ohlthaver & List. Mayor of
Windhoek from 1961 to 1963. He was a Committee Member of the SWA Publicity Association, a
Member of the Road Transportation Board and a N.G. Kerk Council Member. He was
married to Zanobia Spies, née Terblanche in 1951.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman Local politician
Functions: Mayor - Windhoek - 1961-19963
Married to: Zanobia Spies, née Terblanche, married 1951-
Father: H.S. Spies
Spiess, Fritz
* .1881
+ .1959
Fritz Spiess was born in 1881. He was a German navy officer in the rank of Konteradmiral.
He served as President of the Deutsche Seewarte. He was the commander of the research and
surveying ship Meteor which did a detailed survey of the southern Atlantic in the 1930s.
Spiess and his Meteor crew paid an extensive highly-publicised visit to Namibia in 193?,
which was also seen as a political demonstration on continued German interest in the
territory. He died in 1959.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Navy officer
1). Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv Freiburg (Personal papers 1907-1952, i.a. about the Meteor
RAW DATA: Mommsen 1,I;
Sprengel, Carl Manfred
* 10.04.1932 at Kreis Wehlau, Ostpreussen, Germany (now: Poland)
First entry to Namibia: 1961
Carl Manfred Sprengel was born on 10.04.1932 at Kreis Wehlau, Ostpreussen in Germany (now:
Poland). He came to Namibia in 1961. He was a Director of C.M. Sprengel Building
Contractors in Windhoek.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Hannelore Sprengel, née Peglow, married 1960-
Father: Carl Sprengel
Sprigade, Paul
* 09.11.1863 at Militsch, Germany (now: Poland)
Paul Sprigade was born on 09.11.1863 at Militsch in Germany (now: Poland). He joined the
cartographic institute of D. Reimer publishing house, Berlin, in 1883. In 1899, the
Institute for Colonial Cartography was established under the joint management of Sprigade
and Moisel to compile maps of the German colonies for the German Colonial Office. In 1907,
Sprigade did a study trip to Togo, but he never visited Namibia. However, many Namibian
maps were drawn under his direction. He also trained many civil and military colonial
officers in cartography.
Gender: m
Profession: Cartographer
RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon;
Springer, Dieter
* 24.04.1933 at Stuttgart, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1952
Dieter Springer was born on 24.04.1933 in Stuttgart in Germany. He received his schooling
in Esslingen. He underwent vocational training as a confectioner. He came to Namibia in
1952 and worked first for various restaurants and hotels. In 1958 he established a
confectionery production in Windhoek, which he led until his retirement in 1994. He was or
is active in sport (board of Marlin Schwimm Club), on the board of the Deutsche
Pfadfinder, and the Deutscher Schulverein Windhoek (1982-1990). Since 1990 he chairs the
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Schulvereine. He is active in the "Fördergesellschaft
Deutscher Schulvereine", the "Deutscher Kulturrat", the German Namibian
Development Corporation and the Lions Club, and since 1997 on the board of the Namibia
Scientific Society.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Functions: Chairman - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Schulvereine
Married to: ??, married 1963
Namibia National Archives Database
Stage, Paul
* 31.07.1873
Paul Stage was born on 31.07.1873. He was a lieutenant of the Schutztruppe. He led the
German detachment in the skirmish at Vaalgras where Hendrik Witbooi was fatally wounded on
29.10.1905. No further details traced.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
RAW DATA: Lau 1995:245; Fischer 1935:272;
Stahl, Friedrich
* .1865
+ .1936
Friedrich Stahl was born in 1865. He was a German officer. He served with the rank of
Captain (Hauptmann) in the Schutztruppe für Südwestafrika, first as commander of the 5th
Battery, than as commander of the Swakopmund base and commissary for buying horses in the
Cape Colony. He was discharged for health reasons by the end of 1905 and returned to
Germany, where he rejoined the Bavarian Army. He died in 1936.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
1). Stadtarchiv Nürnberg (Photo album, including photos from Swakopmund and Herero
RAW DATA: J. Zeller: Wie Vieh wurden hunderte zu Tode getrieben und wie Vieh begraben.
Stahlhut, Lina
[Rohde, Lina - birth name]
* 21.10.1873 at Sachsenhausen, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1895
Lina Stahlhut was born on 21.10.1873 at Sachsenhausen in Germany. She was a sister of the
Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. She came to Namibia in 1895, and was stationed at Ondjiva
and Karibib.
Gender: f
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Namibia National Archives Database
Stals, Ernest Lodevicus Paul
* 19.09.1937 at Pofadder, South Africa
Ernest Lodevicus Paul Stals was born on 19.09.1937 at Pofadder in South Africa. He was a
lecturer in history at the Stellenbosch University in South Africa (1962-1969) and the
Randse Afrikaanse University (1969-). He was the head of Social Science Department at the
Windhoek Teacher Training College, then back at the Randse Afrikaanse University,
thereafter Professor at the Academy in Windhoek. He was a Member of the Broederbond. Lives
in retirement in Windhoek.
Gender: m
Field of activity: HIS
Profession: Historian
RAW DATA: Namibiana 10;
Stapff, Dr.
* in Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1885
Last departure from Namibia: 1886
Stapff was a mining engineer. He was the leader of an expedition of the Deutsche
Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika to Namibia from 1885 to 1886 to explore mineral
exploitation, in particular the Hope Mine.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ENG
RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 1968:121-122; Drechsler 1966:45;
Stauch, August
* .1878 in Germany
+ .1947 in Germany
August Stauch was born in 1878. He worked as "Bahnmeister" at the
Lüderitzbucht-Aus railway line when one of his workers, Zacharias Lewala, brought him a
diamond. Stauch realised the potential, registered claims, and subsequently made a huge
fortune in diamonds, most of which he lost again through various misfortunes. While Stauch
died in Germany, his family stayed farming in Namibia. He died in 1947 in Germany.
Gender: m
Stead got a mining concession in the Red Nation and Swartbooi territory around 1855, and
opened a mine near Rehoboth which was abandoned in 1858.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 1968:10;
Stein, Franz
* 13.10.1896
First entry to Namibia: 1913
Franz Stein was born on 13.10.1896. He was a farmer and director of companies.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR
Profession: Farmer Businessman
Steinhardt, Julius
* .1880 at Naumburg/Saale, Germany
+ 11.1955 at Baden-Baden, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1909
Last departure from Namibia: 1919
Julius Steinhardt was born in 1880 at Naumburg/Saale in Germany, in a military officer's
family. He lived from 1909 to 1919 in Namibia in various occupations, mostly as a farmer
and hunter. After his return to Germany, he started a career as a prolific writer of
adventure novels of doubtful literary value, mainly drawing on his hunting experiences in
Namibia. He died in November 1955 at Baden-Baden in Germany.
Gender: m
Field of activity: WRI
Profession: Writer
Namibia National Archives Database
Stengel, Heinz Walter
* in Germany
+ .1979
First entry to Namibia: 1929
Heinz Walter Stengel was a hydraulic engineer. He came to Namibia in 1929. Since 1947 he
worked for the Department of Water Affairs in the SWA Administration, where he was
involved in preparatory work for the storage dams of Hardap, Naute and the Swakop River
dams. In 1954 he was tasked with water development in Ovamboland. He has written numerous
scientific publications. He died in 1979.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ENG
Profession: Engineer
1). Sam Cohen Library: Stengel Collection (Scientific papers)
RAW DATA: Afrika Post Juli 1979 (Obituary); Mitteilungen SWAWG 199 (12979), No.12:5-6;
Stercken, Hans
* 02.09.1923 at Aachen, Germany
Hans Stercken was born on 02.09.1923 at Aachen in Germany. He was a German politician
(CDU) and Member of the Bundestag. He took part in the pro-Apartheid South Africa
"South West Africa lobby" in the West German parliament. He was strongly
involved with the Interessengemeinschaft Deutschsprachiger Südwester (IG).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Politician
RAW DATA: Kürschners Deutscher Bundestag 10 (1983);
Stern, Heinz
* 10.04.1922 in Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1936
Heinz Stern was born on 10.04.1922 in Germany. He was educated in Frankfurt/M. He came to
Namibia in 1936. He was a businessman in the fur trade, Director of International Karakul
Exporters (Pty) Ltd., Sterns Stock (Pty) Ltd. and Stern Bros. (Pty) Ltd.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959, 1974;
Stern, Walter
* 09.01.1915 in Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1936
Walter Stern was born on 09.01.1915 in Germany. He was educated in Frankfurt/M. He came to
Namibia in 1936. He was a businessman in the fur trade, Director of International Karakul
Exporters (Pty) Ltd., Sterns Stock (Pty) Ltd., Stern Bros. (Pty) Ltd. and a committee
member of the SWA Karakul Exporters Association.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959, 1974;
Sterrenberg, Luise
[Hechel, Luise - birth name]
Luise Sterrenberg, née Hechel, was the wife of the Rhenish Missionary Peter Sterrenberg.
Gender: f
Married to: Petter Sterrenberg (1831-1892), married 1862-
Namibia National Archives Database
Sterrenberg, Peter
* 17.03.1831 at Oldendorp, Germany
+ 14.06.1892 at Schietfontein, South Africa
Peter Sterrenberg was born on 17.03.1831 at Oldendorp in Germany. He was a missionary of
the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft at Wuppertal in South Africa (1859-1861), where he was
responsible for educational work at Amandelboom (1861-1862), De Tuyn (1863-1865) and
Schietfontein (1865-1892). He was married to Luise Hechel on 13.05.1862. They had eight
children. He died on 14.06.1892 at Schietfontein in South Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Luise Sterrenberg, née Hechel, married 1862
Namibia National Archives Database
Stevenson was a trader in Omaruru in 1891.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Bülow 1896:31;
Steyn, Hermanus Johannes
* .1890 at Ermelo, South Africa
Hermanus Johannes Steyn was born in 1890 at Ermelo in South Africa. He was educated at
Pretoria, Paarl, and the University of Amsterdam. He was a medical practitioner and eye
specialist. He was the Chairperson of the Suidwes Drukkery and Mayor of Windhoek from 1956
to 1957. He was a Member of the Immigration Council of SWA. He was the Leader of the
National Party SWA and Member of the Diamond Board.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MED
Profession: Medical practitioner
Steyn, Marthinus
[Steyn, Tienie - colloquial name]
* .1920
+ 14.04.1998 at Onze Rust near Bloemfontein, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1977
Marthinus Steyn was the first Administrator-General for South West Africa from 1977 to
1979. Gerrit N. Viljoen, Chancellor of the Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit and Leader of
the South African Broederbond became his successor on 07.08.1979.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Lawyer
Functions: Administrator-General - 1977-
RAW DATA: South African digest 16.9.1977:8; Times of Namibia 3(1977):7; Chronology of
Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Stich, Ferdinand
* 14.04.1892 at Frankfurt/M, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1911
Ferdinand Stich was born on 14.04.1892 at Frankfurt/M in Germany. He was educated at
Berlin and Mannheim. He came to Namibia in 1911. He was a bookseller and stationer and
owner of Swakopmunder Buchhandlung. He was a Swakopmund town councillor, Chairperson of
the Season Committee Swakopmund and Chairperson of the Swakopmund Branch of the Arts
Association. He was married to Alice Stich, née Willasch in 1933.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Married to: Alice Stich, née Willasch, married 1933-
Father: Andreas Stich
1). Sam Cohen Library (Africana book collection and newspaper collection)
Stöck, Heinz
* 15.01.1935 at Windhoek
Heinz Stöck was born on 15.01.1935 at Windhoek. He went to school in Windhoek and
Swakopmund. He received agricultural training at Neudamm. He was a cattle breeder on farm
Frauenstein. He had an interest in ornithology, was active in the SWA Scientific Society,
which he served as President from 1979 to 1981.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR
Profession: Farmer
Functions: President - SWA Scientific Society - 1979-1981
RAW DATA: Mitt.SWAWG 43,4-6;
Stoffel, Petrus
+ .1903
Petrus Stoffel was a church elder in Bethany.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: JBRMG 1903:15;
Stolberg, Auguste Amalie Ida
* 21.07.1824
Auguste Amalie Ida Stolberg was born on 21.07.1824. She was a countess and member of an
aristocratic family that supported Carl Hugo Hahn and his mission for several years and
belonged to a circle that made the foundation of the Augustineum possible. She was a
daughter of Count Georg Friedrich Heinrich zu Waldeck und Pyrmont.
Gender: f
Father: Georg Friedrich Graf zu Waldeck-Pyrmont
Namibia National Archives Database
* in Germany
Stoll was a Schutztruppe non-commissioned officer.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:154;
Strassen, Helmut zur
[Zur Strassen, Helmut - ]
* .1929 at Frankfurt/M, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1953
Helmut zur Strassen was born in 1929 in Frankfurt/M. He underwent from 1943 to 1945
military service in the German Army. After World War Two he received agricultural
training. He emigrated to Namibia in 1953 to work as a farm manager, and later as a cattle
agent. Since 1964 he was in the tourism business as a tour guide and tour operator.
Gender: m
Field of activity: Tourism
Profession: Tour operator: retired
Namibia National Archives Database
Strauss, Frederik Johannes
* 11.02.1948 at Gobabis
Johannes Frederik Strauss was born on 11.02.1948 at Gobabis. He studied at the University
of Pretoria (MA in Ethnology, 1973). He worked for the South African Human Sciences
Research Council, then studied for B.Compt. degree at the University of South Africa
(UNISA). He worked for the Bible Society, then as a free-lance business consultant. Since
April 1981, he edited the far right-wing Afrikaans magazine "Die Stryder". He
also wrote a pamphlet "SWA vir die wolve?"
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Politician
Namibia National Archives Database
Streccius, Alfred
* 03.06.1874
Alfred Streccius was born on 03.06.1874. He was a Schutztruppe officer.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:260-261;
Streitwolf, Kurt
* 03.07.1871 at Heide, Germany
+ 30.08.1954 at Stade, Germany
Last departure from Namibia: 1914
Kurt Streitwolf was born on 03.o7.1871 in Heide in Germany. He came to Namibia as an
officer in 1896 and served as a district commissioner in Okahandja (1899-) and Gobabis
(1904-1909) before he set out in 1909 to establish a German administration in the Caprivi
Strip, which until then was only nominally under German colonial rule. He was the Resident
Administrator in the Caprivi Strip from 1909 to 1912. He then served as a Native
Commissioner in Windhoek, until his return to Germany in 1914. Streitwolf continued to
serve in the German Army during the 1st and 2nd World Wars and died at the age of 83 in
Stade in Germany on 30.08.1954. He was married to Gertrud Streitwolf, née von
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL ADM
Profession: Military officer
Functions: Distriktsamtmann - Okahandja - 1899-
Distriktsamtmann - Gobabis - 1904-1909
Resident - Caprivizipfel - 1909-1910
Referent für Eingeborenenfragen - Kaiserl. Gouvernement Windhoek - 191?-1914
Married to: Gertrud Streitwolf, née von Bennigsen-Förder
1). Streitwolf family archives, Brunsbüttel
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:149, 192, 222; Drechsler 1966:246-247, 355-356, 359, 363; DSAB IV;
Stritter, Heinrich
* 08.02.1883 at Biebrich, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1907
Heinrich Stritter was born on 08.02.1883 at Biebrich in Germany. He was a mission farmer
employed by the Rhenish Mission from 1907-1912 at Omburo, and from 1912 at Otjimbingwe. He
was married to Johanna Stritter, née Redecker in 1910.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR REL
Profession: Mission farmer
Married to: Johanna Stritter, née Redecker, married 1910-
Children: Wilhelm Heinrich Georg Stritter (1910-1998)
Namibia National Archives Database
Stritter, Wilhelm Heinrich Georg
* 19.08.1910 at Omburo
+ 21.12.1998 at Windhoek
Wilhelm Heinrich Georg Stritter was born as a son of a Rhenish missionary on 19.08.1910 at
Omburo. He grew up in Omburo and Otjimbingwe. He was educated at Swakopmund, the Windhoek
High School, and the University of Cape Town. He was a teacher as from 1934. He served as
Secretary of the SWA Scientific Society from 1932 to 1947, and was active in community
affairs, i.a. in the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Susanne-Grau Old Age Home.
Gender: m
Field of activity: EDU
Profession: Teacher
Functions: Secretary - SWA Scientific Society - 1932-1947
Mother: Johanna Stritter, née Redecker
Father: Heinrich Stritter (1883-)
RAW DATA: Mitteilungen Nam.Sci.Soc. 43:7-12(2002):37;
Stritter, Johanna
[Redecker, Johanna - birth name]
* at Otjimbingwe
Gender: f
Married to: Heinrich Stritter (1883-), married 1910-
Children: Wilhelm Heinrich Georg Stritter (1910-1998)
Namibia National Archives Database
Strydom, Johan
* .1938 at Otjiwarongo
Johan Strydom was born in Otjiwarongo in 1938 and grew up in Outjo. He graduated in law
from the University of Stellenbosch in 1963 and started practising law as public
prosecutor in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court in 1964. He was appointed as Judge in the
Supreme Court of South West Africa in 1983. At independence he was promoted to Acting
Judge President, with that appointment being made permanent in March 1991. He served as
Chairman of the First Delimitation Commission in 1991, and Chairman of the Electoral
Commission. He was appointed Chief Justice in 1999.
Gender: m
Field of activity: LAW
Profession: Judge
Functions: Judge President - 1991-
Chief Justice - 1999-
Namibia National Archives Database
Stübel, Oberleutnant
* in Germany
Stübel was the Distriktchef of Rehoboth until 1907.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
RAW DATA: Hubatsch;
Stübel, Oscar Wilhelm, Dr.
* 11.08.1846 at Dresden, Germany
+ 15.06.1921
First entry to Namibia: -
Last departure from Namibia: -
Oscar Wilhelm Stübel was born on 11.08.1846 at Dresden in Germany. He participated in the
1870/71 War between Germany and France in the rank of Reserveleutnant. From 1879, he
worked for the German Foreign Office with consular postings at St.Louis, Cincinnati,
Samoa, Copenhagen, Shanghai, and Santiago. He became Director of the Colonial Department
of the Foreign Office in June 1900 and held this post until November 1905. He was
Ambassador to Kristiania (Norway) in 1906 and retired in Jan. 1907.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
Functions: Direktor der Kolonialabteilung - Auswärtiges Amt - Jun.1900-Nov.1905
RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon III:431;
Stuhlmann, Franz
* .1863
+ .1928
Franz Stuhlmann was born in 1863. He was the Head of the Department of Agriculture and
Surveying in the administration of German East Africa, Director of the agricultural
research institute at Arnani. Later he became Director of the Hamburger
Gender: m
1). Bundesarchiv Berlin ?
2). Staatsarchiv Hamburg (i.a. travel diaries)
RAW DATA: Mommsen 1,I;
Stumpfe, Ernst
* 17.01.1873 at Ludwigsdorf, Germany
+ 08.06.1953 in Namibia
First entry to Namibia: 17.07.1894
Ernst Stumpfe was born on 17.01.1873 at Ludwigsdorf in Germany. He came to Namibia with
the July 1894 reinforcements of the Schutztruppe. He took part in the Naukluft battles
against the Witbooi Nama in 1894, and was afterwards stationed at Gibeon. He resigned from
the German military forces in 1899. He went to Germany and married. He returned to Gibeon
in 1900 as a policeman (until 1908). He bought the farm Koichas in the Gibeon district in
1907 from the German Government (12 127 ha, of which 5 000 ha were for free on account of
his Schutztruppe service, and the rest for 4850,80 Mark). The farm was previously
developed with a dam by the Vilanders, Baster clients of Hendrik Witbooi. He farmed on
Koichas. The North-South railway line cut through the farm, and Stumpfe sold land for the
erection of a railway station "Marienthal", which soon developed into a trade
centre. In 1912, he erected the first private building near the station, the hotel
"Zur Erholung", and in 1914 he applied for the establishment of a village, which
was finally granted by the South African Administration in 1920. Stumpfe has therefore
been dubbed "founder of Mariental". He died on 08.06.1953.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL AGR
Profession: Soldier Farmer
Married to: <1>Bertha Stumpfe (1880?-1910), married 1899-1910
<2>Martha Stumpfe (1883-1960)
Children: Waldemar Stumpfe (1910-)
RAW DATA: Autobiographical report in VEM: RMG 1.341a = A/w 8c, fol.2-5; Zondagh
Stürmann, Cornelius
Cornelius Stürmann was a !Gami-#nun (Bondelswart) leader who surrendered to the Germans
(Captain Siebert) in Lifdood on 05.11.1906.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:227-228, 361; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Stürmann, Skipper
[Stürmann, Skipper - alternative spelling]
[Stuurmann, Sheppert - alternative spelling]
[Sturmann, Sheppard - alternative spelling]
[Sturmann, Sheperd - alternative spelling]
+ 04.1907 at the Cape Colony, South Africa
Skipper Stürmann was a follower of the Ethiopian Movement, a rapidly-growing movement of
African Christians based in South Africa with the aim of establishing an independent
African church. Stürmann, originally from Port Elizabeth, called himself a
"prophet". He arrived in Namibia in January 1904 and, with 30 "warriors of
God", joined Hendrik Witbooi's and Marengo's guerrilla war against German colonialism
between October 1904 and late May 1905. He left Namibia in about June 1905. He was
sentenced to death and hanged by Cape authorities in April 1907 as a religious agitator
allegedly responsible for the killing of a farmer. Modern historians as well as Hendrik
Witbooi's contemporaries commenting on Hendrik Witbooi's decision to rise in war against
the Germans in 1904, invariably raise the matter of Stürmann's "influence" on
Hendrik Witbooi.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
RAW DATA: Dedering 1984:62-73; Drechsler 1980:183; Drechsler 1966:210;
Surén, Emmy
* in Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1897
Emmy Surén came to Namibia in 1897 as Red Cross nurse and lived in Swakopmund. She
celebrated her 100th birthday on 14.08.1973.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MED
Profession: Nurse
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Surmann, Hans
* 11.08.1878
+ 06.10.1905 at Jerusalem
Hans Surmann was born on 11.08.1878. He was a Schutztruppe officer. He died in action in
the German-Nama War 1903-1913 near Jerusalem, south-east of Warmbad, on 06.10.1905.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:20-22;
Svante, Mr.
* in Sweden
+ 28.04.1866 near Namutoni
Svante was a Swedish servant and collector formerly in the employ of Charles John
Andersson's father. He came to Namibia in the early 1860s, and joined the group of
hunters/traders who worked for Andersson. In 1866 he was sent with Palgrave to the north
of the country by Andersson to collect animal specimens. He died there of tetanus after
the party was attacked at Namutoni by Orlam Afrikaners on 28.04.1866.
Gender: m
Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks)
Svendsen, Kirsten
* in Norway
+ 14.12.2002 at Oslo, Norway
Kirsten Svendsen was a Norwegian solidarity activist. She established the Namas Office
(Namibia Association of Norway) in Windhoek in 1991. At the time of her death on
14.12.2002, she served as Secretary General of Namas.
Gender: f
RAW DATA: Obituary by Bernt Lund, The Namibian 14.01.2003;
Swart, Claas
[Zwarts, Klas - alternative spelling]
[Swarts, Class - alternative spelling]
[Zwart, Nikolas - alternative spelling]
+ .1901 in Namibia
Class Swart was a Captain of the Basters of Grootfontein (South). He signed a treaty with
the Germans in 1896. He was killed in action during the 1901 "Grootfontein South
Bastard Rising against the Germans" (February or March 1901).
Gender: m
Field of activity: TRA
RAW DATA: Leutwein: Elf Jahre, pp.166-169; Drechsler 1966:128, 346;
Swartbooi, Abraham, ||Khau-|gôan Captain (Swartboois)
[Zwartbooi, Abraham - alternative spelling]
[!Âbeb !nagamab !Huisemab - Nama name]
Abraham Swartbooi (!Âbeb !nagamab !Huisemab) was the fifth captain in the genealogy of
the Swartboois in the lower Swakop area and Ameib around 1864 until 1882. He was the son
of Willem Swartbooi and elder brother of Petrus Swartbooi (!Âbeb #khami) and younger
brother of David Swartbooi (!Âbeb gaib). Another son of Willem Swartbooi and Abraham's
brother was Johannes Swartbooi. On 02.12.1880, the Ovaherero from Otjimbingwe and Omaruru
were defeated by Abraham Swartbooi in the Battle of Etusis. Otjimbingwe was plundered by
his brother, Petrus Swartbooi. The Rhenish missionaries under the leadership of Johann
Albrecht Friedrich Böhm were allowed to leave Otjimbingwe unhindered. On 01.04.1881
Abraham Swartbooi again attacked Otjimbingwe, after the ||Khau-gôan even have threatened
Walvis Bay. Cattle owned by European traders such as Johann Wilhelm
Redecker and Johann Carl Eduard Hälbich were taken by the Swartboois. In pursuance of the
Swartboois, the Ovaherero also threatened Walvis Bay. Magistrate Musgrave and most
Europeans consequently escaped to Cape Town. In March 1882 the
special Cape Colony representative and former Rhenish Missionary Carl Hugo Hahn, negotiated
a peace accord between Abraham Swartbooi and the Ovaherero. Consequently the Swartboois
moved to Franzfontein. He was followed by Cornelius Swartbooi (|Hôa-|arab
Gender: m
Married to: |Hôa-|aras
RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 1968:32, 34, 38; Budack 1972:252-253; Chronology of Namibian
History, 2003 (Dierks)
Swartbooi, Booi
+ .?.1910 at Windhoek
Booi Swartbooi was the leader of a group of 18 Orlams who moved from the Richtersveld into
Namibia in 1909. In December 1909, they murdered several Boer farmers, German policemen
and soldiers. They then moved across the eastern border, where they were captured by the
South African Union Police, extradited to German SWA, tried and executed in Windhoek.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Swartbooi, Cornelius, ||Khau-|gôan Captain (Swartboois)
[Zwartbooi, Cornelius]
[|Hôa-|arab !Âbemab - Nama name]
Cornelius Swartbooi (|Hôa-|arab !Âbemab) was the sixth captain in the genealogy of the
Swartbooi Nama. He was the son of Abraham Swartbooi (!Âbeb !nagamab !Huisemab). He lived
in Franzfontein. In 1885, he sold the Kaokoveld coast to Lüderitz, represented by his
agent W. Belck. In 1895, he was followed by David Swartbooi (!Hana-mûb !Âbemab)
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Married to: !Khorebes
1). NAN: A.375
RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 1968:95, 107, 112-113; Drechsler 1966:123; Budack 1972:252-253;
Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks)
Swartbooi, David, ||Khau-|gôan Captain (Swartboois)
[Zwartbooi, David]
[!Hana-mûb !Âbemab - Nama name]
David Swartbooi (!Hana-mûb !Âbemab) was the seventh captain in the genealogy of the
Swartbooi Nama. He was the son of Cornelius Swartbooi. Topnaars and
||Khau-|gõan (Swartboois), together with some
Ovaherero under Chief Kambata, staged uprisings against the Germans in the Franzfontein,
Otjitambi, Kamanjab and Grootberg (Khoekhoegowab: Kai|uis) areas. The Germans were
supported by Hendrik Witbooi. Consequently the Swartbooi Captain, David
Swartbooi, was deposed by German forces under v. Estorff in 1897/98. His successor and
last Swartbooi Captain was Lazarus Swartbooi (!Kharab !Hanamûmab)(1898-1905).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Married to: <1>!Kharas
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:123; Budack 1972:252-253; Chronology of Namibian History,
2003 (Dierks)
Swartbooi, Joel
[Zwartbooi, Joel]
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:123;
Swartbooi, Johannes
[Zwartbooi, Johannes - alternative spelling]
Johannes Swartbooi was the son of Captain Willem Swartbooi.
Gender: m
Father: Willem Swartbooi (1790-1855)
Namibia National Archives Database
Swartbooi, Lazarus, ||Khau-|gôan Captain (Swartboois)
[Zwartbooi, Lazarus - alternative spelling]
[!Kharab !Hanamûmab - Nama name]
+ .1905 in Namibia
Lazarus Swartbooi (!Kharab !Hanamûmab) was the eighth and last captain in the genealogy
of the Swartbooi Nama. He was imposed by the German forces (under von Estorff) upon the
Swartbooi Nama as a captain after deposing David Swartbooi in March 1898. Was detained by
the Germans in 1904 to prevent him from joining Hendrik Witbooi in the German-Nama War
1903-1913, and died in detention in 1905.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: Captain - Zwartbooi - 1898-1905
Married to: <1>Katrinas
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:123, 358; Budack 1972:252-253
Swartbooi, Manasse, ||Khau-|gôan Captain (Swartboois)
[Zwartbooi, Manasse]
[#Haobeb Tsauxamab - Nama name]
Manasse Swartbooi (#Haobeb Tsauxamab) was the third captain in the genealogy of the
Swartbooi Nama. He was the son of Tsauxab gaib. The precise dates could not be traced.
Most probably he lived at a time, when the ||Khau-|gôan were still part of the Kei||khaun
community. But it is more than probable that #Haobeb Tsauxamab was identical with
Tsaugamap, mentioned by Schmelen in 1814, Campbell in 1815 and Kitchingman in 1820. He was
followed by Willem Swartbooi (!Huiseb #Haobemab)(mid 1830s-1864).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Married to: !Huises
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:252-253;
Swartbooi, Petrus
[!Abeb#khami - Nama name]
[Zwartbooi, Petrus - alternative spelling]
* .1847
Petrus Swartbooi was born in 1847. He was the younger brother of Abraham and David
Swartbooi, sons of Willem Swartbooi (!Huiseb #Haobemab). It seems that leadership of the
Swartbooi Nama was shared between Abraham and Petrus.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Father: Willem Swartbooi (!Huiseb#Haobemab)
RAW DATA: Lau 1989:314; Quellen 2; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Swartbooi, Samuel
[Zwartbooi, Samuel - alternative spelling]
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:123;
Swartbooi, Willem, ||Khau-|gôan Captain (Swartboois)
[Zwartbooi, Willem - alternative spelling]
[Swartbooi, Friedrich Wilhelm - Christian name since 13.12.1846]
[!Huiseb #Haobemab - Nama name]
* .1790
+ ca. 1864 in Namibia
Willem Swartbooi's (!Huiseb #Haobemab) birth date is uncertain, ca.1790. His father was
#Haobeb Tsauxamab (Manasse)(before 1830, dates uncertain). Willem Swartbooi, the fourth
recorded Swartbooi Captain, was the Chief of the Swartboois possibly since the mid-1830s.
Initially, he and his people lived along the upper Fish River, Bethany and at Warmbad, but
in 1845 a part of his followers moved with him to Rehoboth, where they settled with
Rhenish Missionary Franz Heinrich Kleinschmidt. Originally they were part of the
Kai||khaun (Red Nation). He was married to !Abes (Anatje), who had been baptised by Johann
Heinrich Schmelen and worked as a sister under Hans-Christian Knudsen. During the
political upheavals in the country during the mid-nineteenth century, the Swartboois were
the only powerful group in the central parts of the country that did not side with the
Orlam Afrikaners, but with the Ovaherero. In February 1850, Kai|khaun Captain ||Oaseb
sought the support of Swartbooi Captain Willem Swartbooi (!Huiseb #Haobemab) against
Jonker Afrikaner, but Swartbooi refused. In 1854 Swartbooi
planned a raid on Jonker but missionary Kleinschmidt advised him not to do so, not for
moral reasons but because of lack of ammunition. This showed the missionary
double-standards: a raid against Jonker, considered as an enemy by the Rhenish Missionary
Society was not immoral, whereas Jonkers raids were denounced as "expressions
of the anti-Christ". The arrival of European miners in the mid-1850s intensified
various conflicts between Jonker Afrikaner and other Namaland chiefs, such as ||Oaseb of
the Kai||khaun and Willem Swartbooi from Rehoboth. Jonker had Hendrik Henricks (or !Nanib
gaib #Arisemab) of the ||Hawoben and Piet Koper !Gamab of the Fransman Nama or
!Khara-khoen as allies. In the end, the Kai||khaun-Swartbooi alliance became the weaker
party. But the dividing lines between Jonker and the other Nama groups were not clear cut.
In March 1855 the first crew of the Walfish Bay Mining Company under the leadership of the
mining prospector Stead landed in Walvis Bay. They first contacted Willem Swartbooi to get
permission to exploit some promising copper deposits at Klein Aub, south-west of Rehoboth.
Also ||Oaseb of the Kai||khaun derived profit from these activities. However, the mine
didn't materialise and the company established itself in 1856 at the Matchless Mine.
Swartbooi was a signatory to the Hoachanas Peace Accord of January 1858. The new political
constellation as it consolidated itself in the late 1850s can be described as follows: The
captains ||Oaseb of the Kai||khaun, Amraal Lambert or #Gai|nub of the Kai|khauan, Piet
Koper !Gamab of the Fransman Nama or !Khara-khoen, Hendrik Henricks or !Nanib #gaib
Arisemab of the ||Hawoben and Jacobus Boois from Bethany supported Jonker Afrikaner, while
Willem Swartbooi or !Huiseb #Haobemab from Rehoboth, the chiefs from Bethany and Berseba
and later Kido Witbooi or #A-||êib from Gibeon, assisted by Chief Tseib from
Keetmanshoop, represented the anti-Jonker coalition. The Rhenish missionaries and European
traders greatly added to these polarisations of different Namibian groups. The intent was
to destroy Jonkers nascent state structures in order to weaken any local political
power that might resist the missionaries objectives and later colonial annexation.
Jonkers slogan: "Africa to Africans, but Namaland and Hereroland to us"
was a challenge which was not acceptable to the missionaries. In March 1864 Anderssons "private army" and the ||Khau-|gõan (or Swartboois),
together with the ||Ô-gain (or "Groot Doden" Chief Jager #Aimab from the
Kuiseb River) under the command of Green, attacked the Orlam Afrikaners in the battle of
Witvley. Carl Hugo Hahn fully supported the Andersson raid to destroy the Orlam Afrikaners
and their allies, and assured Andersson of "my and all the missionaries
fullest support". Andersson and Green made a firm decision that they would now
ally themselves with Maharero and raise a large army against the Nama alliance. The Orlams
made a call on all Namaland chiefs "to come and help them, Andersson and the
missionaries want to take the country away". When Rehoboth was
attacked by an Afrikaner commando in August 1864, Willem Swartbooi left the settlement.
The Swartboois moved first to Otjimbingwe and later to Ameib
(1867), together with Rhenish Missionary Böhm. After initially regrouping
at Ameib, some, including the captain's family, moved to Franzfontein. Willem Swartbooi
died around 1864 and was followed by !Âbeb !nagamab !Huisemab (Abraham Swartbooi)
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Married to: Anatje Swartbooi
Mother: !Huises
Father: #Haobeb Tsauxamab
Children: Abraham, David, Johannes and Petrus Swartbooi
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:252-253; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Sydow, Tilla Gisela
[Schmidt, Tilla Gisela - birth name]
[Schmidt, Tilla Gisela - widowed]
* 11.12.1914 at Berlin-Steglitz, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1951
Tilla Gisela Sydow, née Schmidt, was born on 11.12.1914 at Berlin-Steglitz in Germany.
She was trained as a social worker, later as a teacher. She was married to Wolfgang Sydow
in 1947 and followed him to Namibia in 1951. She worked as teacher in Omaruru (1954) and
at the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule (DHPS) Windhoek from 1955 to 1974.
Gender: f
Field of activity: EDU
Profession: Teacher
Married to: Wolfgang Sydow (1912-1998), married 1947-1998
Children: Helmut Sydow (1948-)
RAW DATA: Namibiana II,1;
Sydow, Wolfgang
* 18.01.1912 at Berlin-Spandau, Germany
+ 17.09.1998 at Windhoek
First entry to Namibia: 1936
Wolfgang Sydow was born on 18.01.1912 at Berlin-Spandau in Germany. He was a farmer. He
came to Namibia in 1936 to work as a farm manager. He underwent war internment in South
Africa during World War Two, from 1940 to 1944. He was repatriated to Germany in 1944. He
returned to Namibia in 1951 to work again as a farm manager, then from 1957 to 1977 for
the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Pretoria/South Africa. He
served as a Secretary of the SWA Scientific Society from 1978 to 1980. As a keen amateur
historian and palaeontologist, Sydow researched about Namibian prehistory and collected a
wealth of documentary material which he made available to the National Archives of
Namibia. He was married to Tilla Gisela Sydow, née Schmidt in 1947.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Functions: Secretary - SWA Scientific Society - 1978-1980
Married to: Tilla Gisela Sydow, née Schmidt (1914-), married 1947-
Children: Helmut Sydow (1948-)
1). NAN: several accessions
2). Namibia Scientific Society
RAW DATA: Mitteilungen Nam.Sci.Soc. 43:7-12 (2002):39-40;
Szkandera, Jerzy, Dr.
* 17.01.1940 at Cieszyn, Poland
+ 30.11.1997 at Windhoek
First entry to Namibia: 1984
Jerzy Szkandera was born on 17.01.1940 at Cieszyn in Poland, where he studied medicine at
Katowice from 1958-1964 and qualified as a medical doctor. He did his M.D. in 1970 and a
second degree in radiology in 1980. He married Dr. Maria Kowalska in 1975. He emigrated to
South Africa in 1981, where he worked at Number One Military Hospital in Pretoria, and
came to Namibia in 1984 to work at the State Hospital. He set up a private radiographic
practice in 1990. On 30.11.1997, he was killed by a car while cycling outside Windhoek.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MED
Profession: Medical doctor
Married to: Szkandera Maria, née Kowalska, married 1975
Children: Bartek Szkandera (1978-)
Kuba Szkandera (1979-)
Namibia National Archives Database
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