The proposed new railway line from Tsumeb to Oshikango at the border between Namibia and Angola, via Ondangwa/Oshakati, forms an extension of the existing Namibian railway system which currently ends in Tsumeb. The new line is planned to be eventually linked into the Angolan railway system at a point near Cassinga/Chamutete (Station Entrocamento on the Caminho de Ferro de Moçamedes (CFM))(See Report at the end of this Study) from Namibie to Menongue. Such a connection will promote trade between all the countries within the region but especially between Angola, Namibia and South Africa. It will also enable Angola to export iron ore mined in the vicinity of Cassinga to Namibia, South Africa and via Walvis Bay to countries beyond.
This railway line forms a vital link in the new "Namibe-Lubango-Oshikango Walvis Bay Development Corridor" which has to be regarded as a development chain to promote development, economic growth, eradication of poverty and the creation of employment possibilities in southern Angola and northern/central Namibia. The creation of this important development corridor was formally agreed to by the Republic of Angola and the Republic of Namibia in May 1997 in terms of the Protocol on Transport, Communication and Meteorology in the Southern African Development Community. The project will, therefore, have a tremendous impact on Namibia and on the region as a whole.
With regards to Namibia, the main objective of the project is to stimulate economic growth in the northern regions especially in respect of the agricultural and manufacturing sectors. Better transport links and market chains could facilitate in transforming the agricultural sector which presently is largely communal based into a commercially orientated sector. Agriculture is the main activity of the majority of the people throughout the northern regions and any improvement within the sector will therefore have a major impact.
The northern-central areas of Namibia along the border with Angola are made up of the four most heavily populated regions of the country, accommodating about half of Namibias population of 1,7-1,8 million people. Approximately in the centre of this area are the towns of Oshakati and Ondangwa. This vast area consists predominantly of communal land. It bore the brunt of the conflict for Namibian independence and was previously governed by the South African colonial power as one of the many "homelands" in Namibia. The development of this area is crucial to the well-being of the entire Namibia.
The area is linked to the rest of the country with only one asphalt-surfaced road and one major gravel road in the west. The asphalt road from Oshikango (on the border with Angola) via Ondangwa to Tsumeb and further on to Otavi, Otjiwarongo to Windhoek or via Otjiwarongo, Karibib and Swakopmund to Walvis Bay is the major transport route. Most of the passengers and goods into and out of the area use this route. This road is also the major link with our northern neighbour Angola and is vital to the trade between the two countries and for that matter between Angola and other southern African countries. Presently, all the goods are transported by road to and from the north central regions along this road. A railway line will attract especially the heavy and bulk goods away from the road. This will prolong the life of the road and create a safer road environment since less heavy vehicles will then be used. The road between Tsumeb via Ondangwa to Oshakati is now being rehabilitated for an amount of N$104,5 million partly funded by German development funds. Future road rehabilitation costs will decrease because of the proposed railway line.
The conveyance of people to and from the north-central regions, now being conducted largely by busses, mini-busses and private cars, would be attracted to the trains being more affordable and safer and using higher speeds. The rail mode of passenger transport in Namibia has tremendous potential and is receiving Government's strong attention.
A pre-feasibility of the proposed railway line was prepared by our national transport enterprise, TransNamib Ltd. The pre-feasibility study shows that a railway line connecting Ondangwa or Oshakati to the rail network of Namibia will have a positive major socio-economic impact. The viability of such a project will to a great extent depend on the way in which construction of the line will be executed.
This new railway line will require a big investment in excess of N$ 300 million. Therefore a comprehensive feasibility addressing inter alia the economic potential, environmental issues, gender issues, funding arrangements, the maximum participation of the private sector and addressing the possibility of a build-operate-transfer or similar funding and operations mechanism like railway concessions. This feasibility study is about to start.
The idea is to construct this railway line entirely by labour-based means whereby the many years of research since the Namibian independence and various pilot projects in the northern regions in the field of labour-based road construction undertaken by the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication are of high value. Currently some labour-based road projects are continuing in the north, partly funded by German development funds. These projects do not only create employment and training possibilities but provide also for the training of small, grass-root civil engineering contractors. For the estimated construction period of five years 1 500 to 2 000 additional employment possibilities will be created, especially for Namibian ex-combatants. This labour-based construction approach will also benefit the local population especially along the route and lessen the impact on foreign exchange requirements of the project. This will not only relief the current unemployment problem in Namibia but will also create many technical skills for disadvantaged Namibians. During the life of the project, maintenance operations will ensure permanent employment of people not only providing income but also bring about a transfer of expertise.
One of Namibias major objectives is to develop the countrys transport infrastructure in general and its railway infrastructure in particular, taking into consideration both the internal network and its links with bordering countries.
Namibia is bounded by Angola to the north, Botswana to the east, and South Africa to the south. To the north-east the narrow Caprivi Strip also creates a short boundary with Zambia.
The country covers an area of 824.292 km2 with a population of only 1,7-1,8 million inhabitants, about 70 per cent of which live in the eight northern regions accounting for roughly 45 per cent of the total area.. The feasibility study of the Tsumeb-Ondangwa/Oshakati/Oshikango railway line will - as most important result - determine the funding arrangements of the project. The Government is especially keen to involve the private sector and to took into the possibility of a build-operate-transfer or similar funding and operations mechanism like railway concessions.
Today, Namibia has good road and rail connections with South Africa, but only road links with the other bordering countries like Angola, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
It is important to develop the railway network to connect Namibia and Angola, which will thus enable the exchange of freight and passengers and the development of complementarity between the two economies and their transport networks. In particular, two ports, Walvis Bay in Namibia and Namibe in Angola, and Möwe Bay in the future, could serve as gates not only for these two countries, but also for the other countries of the region.
An initial step towards the development of the Namibian railway network is the extension of the north-south line as far as the Angolan border. The line currently starts at the South African border and ends at Tsumeb.
The new lines would link Tsumeb with the Angolan border at Oshikango, by a railway running parallel to the existing great north-south highway for 246 km as far as Ondangwa. The proposed line then proceeds to the town of Oshakati and on to Oshikango, approximately 329 km from Tsumeb.
The alignment presents no specific civil engineering problems because the terrain is flat. The horizontal radius of curvature is never less than 800 m, and gradients are minimal.
The railway line will be designed for a design speed of 120 km/h, therefore making passenger transport highly attractive due to higher speeds compared to road transport, greater safety and lesser transport costs.
Point switches have a tangent of 0,12, corresponding to a radius of curvature of 120 m.
Stations with passing loops are envisaged at least at every 25 km, and they are approximately one km long.
The design provides for six bridges.
Drainage structures are envisaged as follows:
- box culverts every 2 km
- nominal pipe culverts with a minimum diameter of 1 000 mm, every 0,5 km.
The proposed box culvert dimensions will enable cattle to pass under the railway.
Average embankment height (up to ballast level) is 1,5 m above ground level.
The proposed line starts from the existing line close to Tsumeb station. It then serves the world famous Etosha Park where a new station is envisaged. Other stations will have to be provided at Oshivelo, Omupanda, Onyati, Okatope, Onethindi Ondangwa, Ongwediva and Oshakati. Between Oshakati and Oshikango there will have to be provided stations at Okatana, Endola, Onekwaya and Engela. Where the line ends at Oshikango (Angolan border), full terminal facilities will have to be provided.
The cost estimate is based on the civil engineering unit construction costs presently used in Namibia and must be regarded as a rough engineering guestimate only as long as the comprehensive feasibility study is not completed. The prices of track equipment presently used by TransNamib and obtained by the author from several sources are applied:
- rails (48 kg/m) purchased second-hand from South Africa or from any other suitable source (German second hand rails were also investigated and are another distinct possibility);
- reinforced concrete sleepers to be locally manufactured.
Since there is no suitable ballast material available in the project area, it is necessary to take into account the cost of hauling the material from the Tsumeb (Windhoek) area. Alternative sources can be found in southern Angola.
Based on these very basic assumptions the total costs for this railway line can be estimated at this stage with N$ 400 million.
Dr. Klaus Dierks M.P.
Deputy Minister for Works, Transport and Communication
The new lines would link Tsumeb with the Angolan border at Oshikango, by a railway running parallel to the existing great north-south highway for 248 km as far as Ondangwa via Omuthiya (Phase 1). The original idea to connect the proposed line with the the town of Oshakati and then to proceed via Okatana, Endola and Onekwaya to Oshikango, approximately 329 km from Tsumeb, has been changed. Now, the main line will continue direct to Oshikango (60 km north of Ondangwa), with a branch line to Oshakati via Ongwediva. The reason is to safe costs on structures on the many Oshanas (wide dry riverbeds) of the Cuvelai River System which with the original alignment would have been crossed twice.
In 1999 the construction of the Northern Railway Extension (Tsumeb - Ondangwa) has started with a pilot project. Three kilometres (3,2 km) were built from the branch-off point from the main line to Otavi( the "fork"), two Kilometres south from Tsumeb Railway Station. This section represents a test section for labour-based railway construction. It was built by labour-intensive means by the subsidiary company "Patriot Construction" of the state-owned Development Brigade Corporation which mainly makes use of ex-PLAN (People's Liberation Army of Namibia) fighters. The construction parameters are pictured in table 1:
Distance Completed |
Total |
Percentage Completed |
Km | Km | 100 % |
Roadbed & Fill | 3,20 |
3,20 |
100 % |
B Layer | 3,20 | 3,20 | 100 % |
A Layer | 3,20 | 3,20 | 100 % |
Culverts | 3,20 | 3,20 | 100 % |
Sub-Ballast | 3,20 | 3,20 | 100 % |
Equivalent Distance completed | 3,20 | 3,20 | 100 % |
Northern Extension Railway Line: Pilot Phase: Tsumeb - Ondangwa:
248 km: Pilot Project: 3,2 km from Km 0: Km 0: Southern Leg of Fork-Junction: Joining the
Existing Railway Line: Tsumeb - Otavi through the Bobos Mountains: View to the Southwest:
October 2002
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Northern Extension Railway Line: Pilot Project: Tsumeb -
Ondangwa: 248 km: 3,2 km from Km 0:
Fill Section at Km 1: View to the South: October 2002
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa:
Pilot Project: 248 km: 3,2 km from Km 0: Excavation Section at Km 2: View to the South:
October 2002
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Phase 1 of the Northern Railway Extension Project from Tsumeb to Ondangwa
(Km station 3,2 to Km Station 248) consists of six project segments which all will be
pictured in summarised tables. The overall progress is summarised in table 2:
Start | End | Percentage complete |
Overall Construction Progress | 1585 | 09.08.2001 | 16.12.2005 | 45% |
The ballast tenders consist of three phases which are shown in table 3:
Start | End | Percentage complete |
BALLAST TENDERS | 1572 | 09.08.2001 | 03.12.2005 | 92 % |
PHASE 1 Government financed |
1088 | 09.08.2001 | 06.08.2004 | 69 % |
Contract | 1088 |
09.08.2001 | 06.08.2004 | 69 % |
Crushing of Ballast | 409 |
09.08.2001 |
27.09.2002 |
100 % |
Transport to Site | 180 |
09.02.2004 | 06.08.2004 | 0 % |
PHASE 2 ADB* financed |
1153 | 10.12.2001 | 04.02.2005 | 59 % |
Tender (76 500 m³) | 45 | 10.12.2001 | 23.01.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Evaluation | 15 | 24.01.2002 | 07.02.2002 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 94 | 08.02.2002 | 12.05.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Negotiations | 15 | 13.05.2002 | 27.05.2002 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 15 | 28.05.2002 | 11.06.2002 | 100 % |
Phase 2 Contract | 969 | 12.06.2002 | 04.02.2005 | 60 % |
Crushing of Ballast | 435 | 12.06.2002 | 20.08.2003 | 83 % |
Transport to Site | 180 | 09.08.2004 | 04.02.2005 | 0 % |
PHASE 3 ADB* financed |
1494 | 01.11.2001 | 03.12.2005 | 34 % |
Approval of GPN** by ADB | 30 | 01.11.2001 | 30.11.2001 | 100 % |
Approval of Prequalification Documents by ADB | 44 | 03.12.2001 | 15.01.2002 | 100 % |
Prequalification Process | 45 | 16.01.2002 | 01.03.2002 | 100 % |
Evaluation | 45 | 02.03.2002 | 15.04.2002 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 30 | 16.04.2002 | 15.05.2002 | 100 % |
Spare Time | 123 | 16.05.2002 | 15.09.2002 | 100 % |
Tender (143 000 m³) | 120 | 16.09.2002 | 13.01.2003 | 100 % |
Tender Evaluation | 20 | 14.01.2003 | 02.02.2003 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 77 | 03.02.2003 | 20.04.2003 | 0 % |
Contract | 962 | 23.05.2003 | 03.12.2005 | 0 % |
Crushing of Ballast | 474 | 23.05.2003 | 07.09.2004 | 0 % |
Transport to Site | 300 | 07.02.2005 | 03.12.2005 | 0 % |
* ADB = African Development Bank, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
** GPN = General Procurement Notice
Ballast Contract: The ballast is transported from the Fonolite Quarry at Aris, south of Windhoek and from the Okorusu Mine, north of Otjiwarongo.
The Sleeper Contract (Joint Venture: Grinaker/LTA and TransNamib Holdings Limited Sleepers (Concrete Sleepers: 65 MPa; 200 kg mass; approx. US$ 38,- per sleeper)) started with a Pilot-Project for the Northern Railway Extension for 20 000 reinforced concrete sleepers. The remaining ballast tenders are divided into two phases (Phase 1 financed by the African Development Bank (ADB) and Phase 2 by the Kuwait Fund). The sleeper tenders are shown in Table 4:
Start | End | Percentage complete |
SLEEPER TENDERS | 1094 | 01.11.2001 | 29.10.2004 | 46 % |
PHASE 1 ADB financed |
965 | 01.11.2001 | 22.06.2004 | 47 % |
Approval of GPN by ADB | 30 |
01.11.2001 | 30.11.2001 | 100 % |
Approval of Prequalification Documents by ADB | 44 |
03.12.2001 |
15.01.2002 |
100 % |
Prequalification Process | 45 |
16.01.2002 | 01.03.2002 | 100 % |
Evaluation | 45 | 02.03.2002 | 15.04.2002 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 30 | 16.04.2002 | 15.05.2002 | 100 % |
Spare Time | 123 | 16.05.2002 | 15.09.2002 | 100 % |
Tender (130 000 Sleepers) | 120 | 16.09.2002 | 13.01.2003 | 100 % |
Tender Evaluation | 20 | 14.01.2003 | 02.02.2003 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 77 | 03.02.2003 | 20.04.2003 | 0 % |
Tender Negotiations | 15 | 21.04.2003 | 05.05.2003 | 0 % |
ADB-Approval | 17 | 06.05.2003 | 22.05.2003 | 0 % |
Contract (Grinaker/LTA-TransNamib Holdings Limited) |
397 | 23.05.2003 | 22.06.2004 | 0 % |
PHASE 2 Kuwait Fund financed |
943 | 01.04.2002 | 29.10.2004 | 46 % |
Approval of Tender Documents | 30 | 01.04.2002 | 30.04.2002 | 100 % |
Spare Time | 138 | 01.05.2002 | 15.09.2002 | 100 % |
Tender (210 000 Sleepers) | 61 | 16.09.2002 | 15.11.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Evaluation | 11 | 16.11.2002 | 26.11.2002 | 100 % |
Kuwait Fund Approval | 32 | 27.11.2002 | 28.12.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Negotiations | 15 | 29.12.2002 | 12.01.2003 | 100 % |
Kuwait Fund Approval | 15 | 13.01.2003 | 27.01.2003 | 100 % |
Contract (Grinaker/LTA-TransNamib Holdings Limited) |
641 | 28.01.2003 | 29.10.2004 | 17 % |
Further sleeper contracts which are currently worked on, are 8 000 sleepers for TransNamib Holdings Limited: maintenance; 17 000 sleepers for TransNamib Holdings Limited for the rehabilitation of the Karibib to Omaruru Railway Line and 30 000 sleepers for the Aus to Lüderitz-Project.
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Manufacturing of Concrete Sleepers: Tsumeb: With "Green Hill at Background:
Grinaker-LTA/TransNamib Holdings Ltd. Joint Venture: October 2002
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Manufacturing of Concrete Sleepers: Tsumeb: Grinaker-LTA/TransNamib Holdings
Ltd. Joint Venture: October 2002
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks
3.1.3 CONSTRUCTION TENDER: EQUIPMENT BASED: Km 3,2 to Km 91,68 First Section: Grinaker/LTA: Km 3,2 to Km 48
The Equipment-Based Civil Engineering Contract: Grinaker/LTA Namibia Ltd. contains all the earthworks to the level of the Sub-Ballast Layer (Roadbed Preparation: Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Formation: CBR = 3, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Two A-Layers: 150 mm each, CBR = 25, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Sub-Ballast Layer: CBR = 30, Mod. ASHHTO: 95%). This contract was awarded for a period 8 months, for approx. N$ 600000/km for 45 km from Km 3.2 to Km 48. The contract is well on schedule. The progress is pictured in Table 5 (together with the second section of Brandberg Construction Namibia Ltd.).
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Equipment-Based Contract 1: from Km 3,2 to Km 48: Fill Section at Km 5: Second A Layer
under Construction: View to the North: October 2002
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Equipment-Based Contract 1: from Km 3,2 to Km 48: Fill Section at Km 25: Second A
Layer under Construction: View to the North: October 2002
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Equipment-Based Contract 1: from Km 3,2 to Km 48: Fill Section at Km 25: Second A
Layer under Construction: The Chief Executive Officer: TransNamib Holdings Ltd., John
Shaetonhodi, October 2002
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks Second Section: Brandberg Construction Namibia Ltd.: Km 48 to Km 91,68
The Equipment-Based Civil Engineering Contract: Brandberg Construction Namibia Ltd. contains all the earthworks to the level of the Sub-Ballast Layer (Roadbed Preparation: Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Formation: CBR = 3, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Two A-Layers: 150 mm each, CBR = 25, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Sub-Ballast Layer: CBR = 30, Mod. ASHHTO: 95%). This contract was awarded for a period 8 months, for approx. N$ 600000/km for 40,68 km from Km 48 to Km 91,68 (Oshivelo). The contract is slightly behind programme. The progress is pictured in Table 5 (together with the first section of Grinaker/LTA Ltd.).
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Equipment-Based Contract 2: from Km 48 to Km 91,68: Fill Section at Km 99: Formation
Layer under Construction: View to the South: October 2002
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Equipment-Based Contract 2: from Km 48 to Km 91,68: Bridge Excavation at Km 99: Bridge
over Omuramba Ovambo, South of Oshivelo: View to the North: October 2002
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
TABLE 5: CONSTRUCTION: NORTHERN EXTENSION RAILWAY: TSUMEB - ONDANGWA: Km 3,2 to Km 91,68 (Tsumeb - Oshivelo): 05.04.2003
Start | End | Percentage complete |
Tsumeb to Oshivelo: Km 3,2 to Km 91,68 ADB financed |
507 | 10.12.2001 | 30.04.2003 | 96 % |
Tender | 45 | 10.12.2001 | 23.01.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Evaluation | 15 | 24.01.2002 | 07.02.2002 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 94 | 08.02.2002 | 12.05.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Negotiations | 15 | 13.05.2002 | 27.05.2002 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 15 | 28.05.2002 | 11.06.2002 | 100 % |
Mechanical Base (Km 3,2 to Km 40) (Grinaker/LTA) | 323 | 12.06.2002 | 30.04.2003 | 95 % |
Mechanical Base (Km 40 to Km 91,68) (Brandberg Construction) | 323 | 12.06.2002 | 30.04.2003 | 71 % | Third Section: Pilot Project: Labour Based Means: Patriot Construction: Km 91,68 to Km 109,84 (1999/2000)
The Labour-Based Civil Engineering Contract was built by labour-intensive means by the subsidiary company "Patriot Construction" of the state-owned Development Brigade Corporation which mainly makes use of ex-PLAN (People's Liberation Army of Namibia) fighters. This Pilot Project was completed in 1999/2000. This contract contains all the earthworks to the level of the Sub-Ballast Layer (Roadbed Preparation: Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Formation: CBR = 3, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Two A-Layers: 150 mm each, CBR = 25, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Sub-Ballast Layer: CBR = 30, Mod. ASHHTO: 95%). This Contract went from Km 91,68 to Km 109,84 (north of Oshivelo). Fourth Section: Labour Based Means: Roads Contractor Company: Km 109,84 to Km 131
The Labour-Based Civil Engineering Contract: Namibia Roads Contractor Company Ltd. (RCC) contains all the earthworks to the level of the Sub-Ballast Layer (Roadbed Preparation: Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Formation: CBR = 3, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Two A-Layers: 150 mm each, CBR = 25, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Sub-Ballast Layer: CBR = 30, Mod. ASHHTO: 95%). This contract was awarded for a period 13 months, for approx. N$ 800000/km for 20 km from Km 109, 84 to Km 131. The contract is slightly behind programme. The progress is pictured in Table 6.
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 1: from Km 109,84 to Km 131: Construction of Formation
Layer: Approx. Km 115: View to the South: October 2002
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 1: from Km 109,84 to Km 131: Labour-Based Activities are
based on Day-Tasks: 4 cub.metres per Task: N$ 21,90/Task (approx. US$ 2,10): Working
Hours: 05h00 to 14h00 due to the Great Heat during the Summer Time: Up to four Tasks can
be executed: October 2002
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 1: from Km 109,84 to Km 131: Construction of Labour-Based
Concrete Culvert (Pipe Culvert): Km 125: October 2002
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 1: from Km 109,84 to Km 131: Approx. Km 125: Construction
of First A- Layer by Labour-Based Means: View to the South: October 2002
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 1: from Km 109,84 to Km 131: Construction of Formation
Layer: Approx. Km 128: View to the South: October 2002
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 1: Roads Contractor Company (RCC): from Km 109,84 to Km
131: Labour-Based Activities are based on Day-Tasks: 4 cub.metres per Task: N$
21,90/Task (approx. US$ 2,10): Construction of Formation: September 2002
Copyright of Photos: Wolfgang Hundemer
TABLE 6: CONSTRUCTION: NORTHERN EXTENSION RAILWAY: TSUMEB - ONDANGWA: Km 109,84 to Km 131 (North of Oshivelo): 05.04.2003
Start | End | Percentage complete |
North of Oshivelo: Km 109,89 to Km 131 Government financed |
538 | 05.11.2001 | 26.04.2003 | 90 % | Fifth Section: Labour Based Means: Roadhart: Km 131 to Km 149
The Labour-Based Civil Engineering Contract: Roadhart contains all the earthworks to the level of the Sub-Ballast Layer (Roadbed Preparation: Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Formation: CBR = 3, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Two A-Layers: 150 mm each, CBR = 25, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Sub-Ballast Layer: CBR = 30, Mod. ASHHTO: 95%). This contract was awarded for a period 13 months, for approx. N$ 800000/km for 18 km from Km 131 to Km 149. The contract is slightly behind programme. The progress is pictured in Table 7 (together with the next two sections "Storbou Construction": Km 149 to Km 167 (Omuthiya) and Roadhart: Km 167 (Omuthiya) to Km 182).
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 2: Roadhart: from Km 131 to Km 149: Labour-Based
Activities are based on Day-Tasks: 4 cub.metres per Task: N$ 21,90/Task (approx. US$
2,10): Excavation and Construction of Formation: October 2002
Copyright of Photos: Wolfgang Hundemer Sixth Section: Labour Based Means: Storbou Construction: Km 149 to Km 167 (Omuthiya)
The Labour-Based Civil Engineering Contract "Storbou Construction" contains all the earthworks to the level of the Sub-Ballast Layer (Roadbed Preparation: Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Formation: CBR = 3, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Two A-Layers: 150 mm each, CBR = 25, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Sub-Ballast Layer: CBR = 30, Mod. ASHHTO: 95%). This contract was awarded for a period 13 months, for approx. N$ 800000/km for 18 km from Km 149 to Km 167 (Omuthiya). The contract is slightly behind programme The progress is pictured in Table 7 (together with the two sections "Roadhart": Km 131 to Km 149 and "Roadhart" Km 167 (Omuthiya) to Km 182).
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 3: Storbou Construction: from Km 149 to Km 167 (Omuthiya):
Labour-Based Activities are based on Day-Tasks: 4 cub.metres per Task: N$ 21,90/Task
(approx. US$ 2,10): Hand-Imported Construction of Formation: September 2002
Copyright of Photo: Wolfgang Hundemer
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 3: Storbou Construction: from Km 149 to Km 167 (Omuthiya):
Labour-Based Activities are based on Day-Tasks: 4 cub.metres per Task: N$ 21,90/Task
(approx. US$ 2,10): Labour-Based Construction of Formation: September 2002
Copyright of Photos: Wolfgang Hundemer
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 3: Storbou Construction: from Km 149 to Km 167 (Omuthiya):
Labour-Based Activities are based on Day-Tasks: 4 cub.metres per Task: N$ 21,90/Task
(approx. US$ 2,10): Labour-Based Removal of an Ant Hill: September 2002
Copyright of Photos: Wolfgang Hundemer
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 3: Storbou Construction: from Km 149 to Km 167 (Omuthiya):
Labour-Based Activities are based on Day-Tasks: 4 cub.metres per Task: N$ 21,90/Task
(approx. US$ 2,10): Hand-Imported Formation Material: October 2002
Copyright of Photos: Wolfgang Hundemer Seventh Section: Labour Based Means: Roadhart: Km 167 (Omuthiya) to Km 182
The Labour-Based Civil Engineering Contract "Road Hart" contains all the earthworks to the level of the Sub-Ballast Layer (Roadbed Preparation: Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Formation: CBR = 3, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Two A-Layers: 150 mm each, CBR = 25, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Sub-Ballast Layer: CBR = 30, Mod. ASHHTO: 95%). This contract was awarded for a period 13 months, for approx. N$ 800000/km for 18 km from Km 167 (Omuthiya) to Km 185. The contract is slightly behind programme. The progress is pictured in Table 7 (together with the two sections "Roadhart": Km 131 to Km 149 and "Storbou Construction" Km 149 to Km 167 (Omuthiya)).
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 4: Roadhart: from Km 167 (Omuthiya) to Km 182: Roadbed
Preparation and Compaction: September 2002
Copyright of Photos: Wolfgang Hundemer
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 4: Roadhart: from Km 167 (Omuthiya) to Km 182: Labour-Based
Activities are based on Day-Tasks: 4 cub.metres per Task: N$ 21,90/Task (approx. US$
2,10): Construction of Formation: September 2002
Copyright of Photo: Wolfgang Hundemer
Northern Extension Railway Line: Phase 1: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: 248
km: Labour-Based Contract 4: Roadhart: from Km 167 (Omuthiya) to Km 182: Compaction
of Formation Layer: September 2002
Copyright of Photo: Wolfgang Hundemer
TABLE 7: CONSTRUCTION: NORTHERN EXTENSION RAILWAY: TSUMEB - ONDANGWA: Km 131 to Km 182 (North of Oshivelo): 05.04.2003
Start | End | Percentage complete |
Overall Progress from Oshivelo: Km 109,89 to Km 182 Government (Km 109,89 to Km 131) and ADB (Km 131 to Km 182) financed |
614 | 05.11.2001 | 11.07.2003 | 68 % |
Tender | 45 | 10.12.2001 | 23.01.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Evaluation | 15 | 24.01.2002 | 07.02.2002 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 94 | 08.02.2002 | 12.05.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Negotiations | 15 | 13.05.2002 | 27.05.2002 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 15 | 28.05.2002 | 11.06.2002 | 100 % |
Labour-based: Km 131 to Km 149 | 395 | 12.06.2002 | 11.07.2003 | 40 % |
Labour-based: Km 149 to Km 167 | 395 | 12.06.2002 | 11.07.2003 | 70 % |
Labour-based: Km 167 to Km 182 | 395 | 12.06.2002 | 11.07.2003 | 55 % | Eighth Section: Labour Based Means: From Km 182 to Km 248
The execution of the section Km 182 to Km 248 is summarised in table 8.
The Labour-Based Civil Engineering Contract: Namibia Roads Contractor Company (RCC) in combination with the Namibia Youth Service is executing a contract on this section which contains all the earthworks to the level of the Sub-Ballast Layer (Roadbed Preparation: Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Formation: CBR = 3, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Two A-Layers: 150 mm each, CBR = 25, Mod. AASHTO: 93%; Sub-Ballast Layer: CBR = 30, Mod. ASHHTO: 95%). This contract was awarded for a period 13 months, for approx. N$ 800000/km for 5 km from Km 237 to Km 242 (around Onandjokwe). The contract has just begun with the establishment of camp (November 2002).
Start | End | Percentage complete |
Overall Progress from Km 182 to Km 248 (Ondangwa) ADB financed |
1116 | 01.11.2001 | 20.11.2004 | 18 % |
Approval of GPN by ADB | 30 | 01.11.2001 | 30.11.2001 | 100 % |
Approval of Prequalification Documents by ADB | 44 | 03.12.2001 | 15.01.2002 | 100 % |
Prequalification Process | 45 | 16.01.2002 | 01.03.2002 | 100 % |
Evaluation | 45 | 02.03.2002 | 15.04.2002 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 30 | 16.04.2002 | 15.05.2002 | 100 % |
Spare Time | 123 | 16.05.2002 | 15.09.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Process | 121 | 16.09.2002 | 13.01.2003 | 100 % |
Tender Evaluation | 20 | 14.01.2003 | 02.02.2003 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 77 | 03.02.2003 | 20.04.2003 | 0 % |
Tender Negotiations | 15 | 21.04.2003 | 05.05.2003 | 0 % |
ADB-Approval | 17 | 06.05.2003 | 22.05.2003 | 0 % |
Labour-based: Km 182 to Km 200 Not awarded yet |
395 | 07.04.2003 | 05.05.2004 | 0 % |
Labour-based: Km 200 to Km 218 Not awarded yet |
395 | 07.04.2003 | 05.05.2004 | 0 % |
Labour-based: Km 218 to Km 236 Not awarded yet |
395 | 07.04.2003 | 05.05.2004 | 0 % |
Labour-based: Km 236 to Km 248 Not awarded yet |
395 | 07.04.2003 | 05.05.2004 | 0 % |
Negotiations | 42 | 21.04.2003 | 01.06.2003 | 0 % |
Bridges (the tender was withdrawn due to too high tender prices) | 385
0 %
3.1.4 CONSRUCTION OF PERMANENT WAY: PHASE 1: Km 0 to Km 157 AND PHASE 2: Km 157 to Km 248 (Ondangwa)
The construction of the permanent way for phase 1 between Km 0 and Km 157 and phase 2 between Km 157 and Km 248 is summarised in table 9:
Start | End | Percentage complete |
Overall Progress from Km 0 to Km 248 (Ondangwa) | 1153 | 21.10.2002 | 16.12.2005 | 16 % |
Phase 1: Permanent Way Construction: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: Km 0 to Km 157: financed by Kuwait Fund | 880 | 21.10.2002 | 18.03.2005 | 10 % |
Approval of Tender Documents | 42 | 21.10.2002 | 01.12.2002 | 100 % |
Spare Time | 227 | 02.12.2002 | 16.07.2003 | 55 % |
Tender Process | 93 | 17.07.2003 | 17.10.2003 | 0 % |
Tender Evaluation | 30 | 18.10.2003 | 16.11.2003 | 0 % |
Kuwait Fund Approval | 32 | 17.11.2003 | 18.12.2003 | 0 % |
Tender Negotiations | 15 | 19.12.2003 | 02.01.2004 | 0 % |
Kuwait Fund Approval | 16 | 03.01.2003 | 18.01.2003 | 0 % |
Contract | 425 | 19.01.2004 | 18.03.2005 | 0 % |
Phase 2: Permanent Way Construction: Tsumeb - Ondangwa: Km 157 to Km 248 (Ondangwa: financed by BADEA | 628 | 29.03.2004 | 16.12.2005 | 26 % |
Approval of Tender Documents by BADEA | 163 | 29.03.2004 | 07.09.2004 | 100 % |
Tender Process | 90 | 08.09.2004 | 06.12.2004 | 0 % |
Tender Evaluation | 30 | 07.04.2004 | 05.01.2005 | 0 % |
BADEA-Approval | 30 | 06.01.2005 | 04.02.2005 | 0 % |
Tender Negotiations | 31 | 05.02.2005 | 07.03.2005 | 0 % |
BADEA-Approval | 14 | 08.03.2005 | 21.03.2005 | 0 % |
Contract | 270 | 22.03.2005 | 16.12.2005 | 0 % |
* The contract for the permanent way will go on tender in September 2003.
TABLE 10: NAMIBIA NORTHERN RAIL EXTENSION: CONSTRUCTION OF STATIONS: TSUMEB - ONDANGWA: (Oshivelo, Omathiya and Ondanwa): Km 0 to Km 248: 05.04.2003 | ||||
Start | End | Percentage complete |
Overall Progress from Km 0 to Km 248 (Ondangwa) financed by ADB |
1262 | 01.11.2001 | 15.04.2005 | 36 % |
Approval of GPN by ADB | 30 | 01.11.2001 | 30.11.2001 | 100 % |
Approval of Prequalification Documents by ADB | 44 | 03.12.2001 | 15.01.2002 | 100 % |
Prequalification Process | 45 | 16.01.2002 | 01.03.2002 | 100 % |
Evaluation | 45 | 02.03.2002 | 15.04.2002 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 30 | 16.04.2002 | 15.05.2002 | 100 % |
Spare Time | 123 | 16.05.2002 | 15.09.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Process | 120 | 16.09.2002 | 13.01.2003 | 100 % |
Tender Evaluation | 20 | 14.01.2003 | 02.02.2003 | 100 % |
ADB-Approval | 77 | 03.02.2003 | 20.04.2003 | 0 % |
Tender Negotiations | 15 | 21.04.2003 | 05.05.2003 | 0 % |
ADB-Approval | 17 | 06.05.2003 | 22.05.2003 | 0 % |
Station Oshivelo* | 179 | 23.05.2003 | 17.11.2003 | 0 % |
Station Omuthiya* | 179 | 18.11.2003 | 14.05.2004 | 0 % |
Station Ondangwa* | 336 | 15.05.2004 | 15.04.2005 | 0 % |
* The three railway stations are supposed to be awarded in June 2003.
3.1.6 RAIL PROCUREMENT (PHASES 1 and 2): Km 0 to Km 248
The rail procurement Km 0 and Km 157 (Phase 1) and Km 157 and Km 248 (Phase 2) is summarised in table 11:
Start | End | Percentage complete |
Overall Progress from Km 0 to Km 248 (Ondangwa) | 816 | 02.04.2002 | 25.06.2004 | 47 % |
PHASE 1 Km 0 to Km 157 financed by Kuwait Fund |
816 | 02.04.2002 | 25.06.2004 | 47 % |
Approval of Documents by Kuwait Fund | 130 | 02.04.2002 | 09.08.2002 | 100 % |
Spare Time | 38 | 10.08.2002 | 16.09.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Process | 119 | 17.09.2002 | 13.01.2003 | 100 % |
Tender Evaluation | 139 | 14.01.2002 | 01.06.2003 | 70 % |
Kuwait Fund Approval | 30 | 02.06.2003 | 01.07.2003 | 0 % |
Tender Negotiations | 18 | 02.07.2003 | 19.07.2003 | 0 % |
Kuwait Fund Approval | 16 | 20.07.2003 | 04.08.2003 | 0 % |
Supply of Rails | 326 | 05.08.2003 | 25.06.2004 | 0 % |
PHASE 2 Km 157 to Km 248 (Ondangwa) financed by BADEA |
816 | 02.04.2002 | 25.06.2004 | 47 % |
Approval of Documents by BADEA | 130 | 02.04.2002 | 09.08.2002 | 100 % |
Spare Time | 38 | 10.08.2002 | 16.09.2002 | 100 % |
Tender Process | 119 | 17.09.2002 | 13.01.2003 | 100 % |
Tender Evaluation | 139 | 14.01.2003 | 01.06.2003 | 70 % |
BADEA-Approval | 30 | 02.06.2003 | 01.07.2003 | 0 % |
Tender Negotiations | 18 | 02.07.2003 | 19.07.2003 | 0 % |
BADEA-Approval | 16 | 20.07.2003 | 04.08.2003 | 0 % |
Supply of Rails | 326 | 05.08.2003 | 25.06.2004 | 0 % |
* The two contracts for the rail procurement will probably awarded in June 2003.
The Caminho de Ferro de Moçamedes (CFM) has a total length of 907 km of which 756 km is the main line between Namibe and Menongue. The main line gauge is 1067 mm (3'6"), changed from 600 mm in 1967. BS 90A (45 kg/m) rails have been provided for 595 km (iron ore mines to Sacomar port) and the balance of 312 km of the railway line are fitted with BS 60A rails. Originally steel sleepers were provided, but during relaying of the main line these have been changed to wooden sleepers. The wooden sleepers have deteriorated with age and, in critical sections, have again been replaced with used steel sleepers. The line is ballasted to varying depths with local granite. All bridges are designed for 20 t axle loads. Bridges on the Namibe- Jamba route are in good condition. Four bridges on the Jamba-Menongue section and one on the Cassinga branch line have been sabotaged.
The CFM has 35 main line and 8 shunting locomotives. Sixteen of the main line locomotives are diesel-electric of the U-20-C type, supplied by General Electric (the same type used mainly by the Namibian Railways TransNamib Limited) and 19 are diesel-hydraulic of the H 1500 type, supplied by Krupp. Out of the GE locomotives, 6 are in service, 6 can be repaired and 4 may have to be scrapped. Seventeen of the Krupp locomotives need to be overhauled. All shunting locomotives are diesel-electric. CFM has a total of 1.416 wagons out of which 949 are special purpose wagons for transporting iron ore. 1.044 wagons, out of 1.416 are in service and others need repair. Out of a total of 33 passenger coaches 29 are in service although the condition of 17 of the coaches is very poor. With the passenger traffic growing, the inadequate availability of coaches is posing serious problems.
The main workshop at Lubango is well equipped. The workshop has good facilities for machining, casting and forging. The workshop can be geared to manufacture for other enterprises. There is an acute shortage of trained staff. The large variety of designs of locomotives used on CFM has added to the problems of maintenance. Exchange of Krupp locomotives with GE locomotives of Caminho de Ferro de Luanda (CFL) may be to the advantage of both the railways. The diesel shed at Namibe is well equipped. CFM has a total working force strength of 1.600.
Overhead open line wire circuit is used for communications. Train control is centralised at the control office at the Lubango station. The posts and line wire on the Sacomar-Lubango-Jamba and Cassinga routes were completely reconstructed in 1966 with a three-pair circuit which is used for block working, train control, inter-station and line-side communications. The circuits are working effectively except on the Carvalhais-Mine section, where the line has been sabotaged. The old open wire circuit on the section from Entrocamento to Menongue is not operational.
CAMINHO DE FERRO DE MOÇAMEDES (STATUS: 2003) I n the year 2002 the situation on the CFM railway line has dramatically worsened in comparison with the year 1990, due to the prolonged war in Angola which only ended in 2002 with the death of UNITA-Leader Jonas Savimbi on 22.02.2002 in the Moxico Province in Southeast Angola. However, for the restructuring of southern Angola the rehabilitation of the CFM line is of great national importance, not only for Angola but also for Namibia. This line is especially important as it is part of the proposed Namibe - Lubango - Walvisbay Corridor link between Angola and Namibia which was formally agreed between the Republic of Angola and the Republic of Namibia on 17th May 1997 (negotiated by the author of this Study). At this very moment only the restructuring of the 425 km section between Namibe-Lubango-Matala is under consideration. In order to comply with the 1997 agreement between the two countries the section from Matala to Menongue (331 km) via Dongo, Entrocamento, Capelongo and Cuchi as well as the line from the Station Entrocamento on the main line to Menongue to Cassinga/Chamuatete has to be completely rebuilt (approximately 85 km). A new line has to be constructed from Chamuatete via Cuvelai, Evale and Ondjiva to St Clara/ Oshikango at the Angola/Namibia border in order to join the Northern Extension Railway Line from Tsumeb to Oshikango (approximately 250 km). The 425 km section from Namibe to Matala will be reconstructed in two phases: Phase 1: Emergency Measures to allow the line to allow the line to operate safely under restricted conditions (General set-up on site, emergency repair of bridges and smaller drainage structures, erosion protection measures, most urgent track repair works, emergency rolling stock maintenance, stocking of emergency spare parts and training on the job for CFM staff). Emergency repair work will only be undertaken to reduce the immediate risk of derailment, to avoid closing sections of the railway line to traffic and to improve temporarily the service of the CFM.The estimated amount for the execution of Phase 1 is US $ 48 777 700. The schedule for Phase 1 is estimated with 24 months. However, no funds are budgetted in the current Angolan Budget for the Financial Year 2002/2003. Phase 1 will be dealt with in some more detail:In order to ensure the required amount of ballast and aggregates for the concrete works mining equipment and a crusher plant will be established and operated at an existing quarry site at Km 285 (250 m³ per day for a total amount of crushed material of 50 000 m³). The emergency works will be carried out in sections: Section 1 from Namibe (Km 0) to Bibala (Km 162), Section 2 from Bibala (Km 162) to Chicungo (Km 327,50) and Section 3 from Chicungo (Km 327,50) to Matala (Km 424,50). It is assumed that during Phase 1, 90 000 sleepers will have to be replaced (it is estimated that 150 sleepers per day can be replaced). |
The structural works to be carried out on the bridges are the following:
![]() | Stabilisation of all piers at the bridge over the Bera River and jacking-up of the superstructure; |
![]() | Stabilisation of all piers at the bridge over the Giraul River, jacking-up of the existing superstructure, removal of two blaster spans and the sunken pier which are then replaced by a steel superstructure; |
![]() | Protection of embankments, bridges and culverts between Km 76,4 and Km 162,20 |
![]() | Protection against sliding slopes at Km 197,20, at Serra Station. |
The drainage situation is summarised in the following table:
Table 1: Drainage Situation on CFM between Namibe and Matala (Km 424,50)
Km 0 - 10,50 | Port of Namibe to Sacomar Iron Ore Port One Bridge: Rio Bera (400 m length) at Km 3,4 Small bridges: 0 Culverts: 2 Due to the flooding and no maintenance the condition of the line is poor. |
Km 10,50 - Km 76,20 | Sacomar to Caraculo One Bridge: Rio Giraul (200 m length) Small bridges: 1 Culverts: 8 |
Km 76,20 - Km 122 | Caraculo to Munhengo One Bridge at Km 109,90 (40 m length) Small bridges: 12 (from 5,00 m to 12,00 m) Culverts: 61 Critical sections can be found where 2001 floods have caused considerable damage to culverts and embankments. |
Km 122 - Km 162,40 | Munhengo to Bibala No Bridges Small bridges: 7 (from 4,00 m to 10,00 m) Culverts: 20 |
Km 162,40 - Km 210 | Bibala to Chela No Bridges Small bridges: 6 (from 3,00 m to 10,00 m) Culverts: 57 Serious erosion downstream of a culvert has occurred at Serra Station (Km 192,20). One or two relief culverts must urgently be placed at alternative locations to protect the badly washed out embankment from total collapse. |
Km 210 - Km 245 | Chela to Lubango No Bridges Small bridges: 4 (from 5,00 m to 15,00 m) Culverts: 25 |
Km 245 - Km 280 | Lubango to Chanja One Bridge at Km 273 (84 m length) Small bridges: 1 (5,00 m) Culverts: 11 |
Km 280 - Km 377 | Chanja to Gungo One Bridge at Km 369,70 (70 m length) Small bridges: 4 (from 4,00 m to 8,00 m length) Culverts: 24 |
Km 377 - Km 424,50 | Gungo to Matala One Bridge at Km 402,80 (77 m length) Small bridges: 0 Culverts: 9 |
SUMMARY: Km 0 - Km 424,50 | Important Bridges: 7 Small Bridges: 35 Culverts: 35 |
The rolling stock is also in a very poor condition. From 43 locomotives in 1990 only seven locomotives are left. One of the seven locomotives is due a lack of spare parts out of circulation for more than a year. The remaining six locomotives are also running with many technical problems and are due for a general overhaul. The technical condition of of the remaining 13 passenger coaches and the remaining 216 freight wagons is neither favourable nor secure for passenger and freight transportation. Most of the vacuum brake coupling equipment is out of order and are a main operation hazard. Some of the old iron wagons are being converted to carry granite blocks, unfortunately the method being used effects the stability of the wagons.
Phase 2 includes the modernisation of the line including the complete rehabilitation of all structures, the purchasing of new rolling stock and the installment of telecommunication and signalling systems. The Phase 2 also includes the rebuilding of stations and halts and the Port of Namibe, the determination of routine and periodic maintenance concepts and a formal training programme.
The latest development (March 2003) just emerges. A Japanese Mining Concern plans to re-open the iron mines of Cassinga/Chamuatete and is currently in negotiations with the Angolan Government. Due to the high initial investments (approx. US$ 4 Billion) they are applying for a 50 year concession, the Angolan Government, however, is presently only prepared to grant a 25 years concession. The Japanese mining concern is not planning to use the CFM railway line to the ports of Namibe/Sacomar but plans instead to build a new railway line from Chamuatete via Cuvelai and Ondjiva to St. Clara/Oshikango (Angola-Namibia border) (approx. 211 km) and to join the new Namibian Northern Extension Railway from Tsumeb to Oshikango via Ondangwa. The export/import port would be Walvis Bay, the most efficient port on the African continent. Namibian consulting engineers have already been approached to execute a pre-planning for the Oshikango-Chamuatete railway line. TransNamib Holdings Limited is also already involved in the scheme.